Thank God For Things

Thank God for things small and great;
Things seen, and smelled, and heard.
This is God's creation,
Formed by His spoken word.

A sunset, a sunrise ...
Of orange, and grey, and blue,
A rainbow after a spring rain,
Full of awe-inspiring hue.

The beauty that adorns God's creation,
The radiant glow of morning's first light,
The crimsons and golds of a winter sunrise,
The twinkling stars at night.

The beauty of God's earth fills my eyes,
His creation fills my heart.
As I ponder His wondrous gifts to us,
I think,"My God how great thou art!

The reflections of trees at lake-water's edge,
The peaceful serenity all around,
And more than all of this, I find:
The precious grace of God that doth abound.

God sent His Son, Jesus Christ,
To the cross for you and me,
That we might die to sin and self,
And live with Him eternally.

Jesus shed His precious blood
To cleanse us from our sins.
We are the wild olive branch
He longed to have grafted in.

Copyright 1993, 1999

Ronald E. Guilfoyle

All Rights Reserved

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