Circle Of Life

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The Earth is my mother
She provides for us all
Feeds all the hunger
Gives shelter to the small

There are my Mother's sisters
Winter, Summer, and Fall
But Spring is the one
I cherish most of all

But first let me tell you
About the other three
Without knowing them
Spring's wonder you'd never see.

I will start with Summer
Her sun so hot and high
Without my brother Rain
My people would surely die

Autumn is the artist
Reds, oranges, and browns
Painting all the leaves
Before they hit the ground

Winter is the frigid one
So often misunderstood
Most see her faults
Rarely her traits of good

Without Fall and Winter
And the silent death they bring
We'd miss all the wonder
Of their sister Spring

Her love brings rebirth
To a world filled with strife
Bringing a new beginning
In the Circle of Life

Cloud Dancing

Walk in Peace

Continue To Dance With Cloud

Created in Friendship with Durango, a True artist.

Durango's Index

Continue the Journey
Special places by Special People

This site is Anfy Enhanced

November 22, 1999