Hello! 'Tis Aislyn. Welcome to Karina's Friend's page. Her friends mean more to her than anything in the world..... read on and you can learn more about each and every one of them and even see their pictures!
Note: These are listed in alphabetical order by last name, so if you are last it doesn't mean you are unimportant to me!
Angie- or my "Angie Banangie" as I like to call her. Angie and I met in the eighth grade when she moved to the burbs from Chicago. Ever since then, we have been great friends and she knows every thing that there is to know about me. Scarey, huh? She is a sweetie, although really blunt, and she is a great person to confide to. Want to get on her good side? Tell her you're from Poland. If you don't want to lie, at least say Poland rules! Love ya sweetie!
This thing follows me everywhere!!!
Melissa- "MelB". Spice Girls! I just met Melissa this past year in band. I love her to death, except for the fact that she seems to think she will marry Nick Carter (he's mine, dear, sorry). She plays the clarinette and plans to become the first female President of the United States. And I plan on being made her first Musical Therapist, or German Guru or something. :)
Alisa- I met Alisa about five years ago at Girl Scout camp. We were in some acting thing together and, despite the spiders and us getting stuck in two inches of water in the boat house for three hours during a tornado, it was a blast! Oh, by the way, thank you for listining to me obsess over the hot Aussie lifeguard!
Annie- Annie "The Fredinator" Freda has long since been my buddy... all the way back to Susan Rawske Studio of Dance! I should be so lucky... lucky.... lucky...... awwww.... the eighty's. Now we are both on the water polo team and are second alto's in the school choir. Annie always has something nice to say about every one she meets and I don't think I've ever heard any thing dirty (just naughty!) come out of her mouth!
Jon- Well..... hmmm..... what to say about Fesi? Except he tried to get me a job. Too bad I had to get sick. Being able ti see Jon first thing in the morning was last thing in the day (during the school day!!!) was great... also he is a great person to sit around and talk to during gym, while pertending to streach. I ended up getting an A for doing nothing in that class..... I have no clue how..... Anyway Jon, call me sometime.
Megan- I met Megan while on Vikettes. She's awesome, and so modest it's horrible! Megan- you know how good you are! She is currently the co-captain of Varsity. You go, girl! Megan has helped me with lots of things since seventh grade and without her I don't think I would have pushed myself so hard in Vikettes or school. Oh! And she also played French horn with me in fifth and sixth grade! She was awesome, even though she quit!
Catrin- Catrin lives in Sweden, and we have been writing to each other for about seven years. We haven't met each other yet, but some day soon we are going to, if she can leave her boyfriend alone to visit me for a couple of weeks! :) She is a real good friend and speaks awesome English and I am really glad I am able to write with her.... and now since she's online it's even more cool!
Marc- Marc is yet another Polish person. He's my pierogi. Marc is a great guy to cuddle up with and is always ready to give ya a hug if you need one. Marc and I haven't really been talking, but I think that is because he is on vacation. Marc has always been there to listin, and hopefully always will be! Love ya! And I'm sorry for you know what.
Eric- Awwww.... Eric...... ahem. Eric is the nicest guy. Freshman girls love him. But, sadly, he graduated, so maybe Freshman (rather Sophmore) guys will have a chance at them next year! Eric is like Marc.... Polish, always ready with a hug, willing to listin when you need him to. He does have a problem returning phone calls, but hey, we're all human. :) Eric, you are the absolute best. I'm not talking to you until you say something nice..... : P
Robin- Bin is one of the craziest girls I know. Also one of the boy-craziest. I swear her hormones are always in over-drive.... meant in the nicest possible way, of course! She is a crazy girlie... always great to have around when you want to have lots of fun, since she is great at creating it. She loves to play the clarinette and is going to be a music major at Northern (go Huskies!) in the fall. Hey Robin... let's split it!!!!!
KristynJ- Kristyn has known me the longest out of anyone, besides my family. We met when we were four, and have been neighbors ever since. We have both changed a lot since then but somehow made it thorugh junior high and still remain friends, despite our differences! She definately belongs in the looney bin (golf club?!) and if you want someone who is willing to do anything, take her along for the ride!
KristynK- I just met Kristyn this year during our band's bi-yearly trip to Disney World. She is such a sweet heart. This spring I got her a job at Baskin Robbins, so now I get to see her real often, as we work together most of the time. She looks so sexy in that dirty apron and ugly hat! :) I can't wait to see her in choir next year!
Kris Love- I know I haven't been putting last names on here, but you just need to say these two together. Now this gal is one crazy chica. I can't believe it, but once I got to know her she has this whole other altar-ego (actually, three others) and is such a looney! She is a wonderful person, always ready, willing, and able to listin to anything I have to say to her. I love ya, Kris!
MelissaG- oops I forgot to write that one in! Melissa is another one I met in Florida over spring break. She is soooooo smart and I am so jealous of her brains! She was always a great one to copy of off in choir class. That was a joke. Aren't you laughing? Anyay, Melissa is super to talk to, especially if something is killing you and you need to obsess, right, Melis? I'll be seeing you at Northwestern when I get there!
Christine- She has such a pretty name! I want about a million Christine's. She and MelB are going to the same college and are going to be roommates. God help us all. I have known Christine since before I came to high school. We met when my mom made me do concessions for Foreign Exchange club when I was in eighth grade. Is that kinky enough for you, Tine? :)
Katie- I have known Katie since Freshman year when we were stuck with Mr. Thompson in German. Help us. German three was a bit better, but the class was worse. I thank her for helping me with my Fred and Bob problems when I'd come into fifth hour crying at least once a week. Katie is a great student and it is always so much fun to goof off with her in class and never pay attention and still get A's. Katie- I can't wait to continue with the saga of Elke and Xaver!!!!!
Anja and Claudia- I tell everyone that they are my German 'sisters'. Their family had to put up with me for three weeks (horror of horrors!) a couple of summers ago while I was in Berlin. They are the two coolest Germans I know.... and I lovingly call their whole entire family my own. I will never be able to forget the best time I had ever had in Berlin with their help! I miss you guys!
Gina- Also known as Alikah to most people online, I met her through a teen mailing list. She is the biggest sweetheart, and I am really glad I got to know her. She is always there for me when I need to talk to someone, and since she spends almost as much time online as I do, we talk quite frequently! Love ya dear! DNQ!!!!
Scott- hmmmmm.... what can I say? Well, I did decide to save the best for last, I guess. Scott and I have been the best of friends for four years and lovers for almost two of them... on and off, anyway. Right now I am trying to convince him I don't like him. :) Scott is my soulmate, almost everything in the world to me. I love him as if he was my own brother, and hope we never break our friendship. If you want to hear me obsess more feel free to email me.
Richard- (as in Richard's brother) Yes, this is, indeed, the real Richard. I have known Rick since my sophmore year, when he told me he was a freshman and I believed him because of his maturity level. Wasn't sixth hour lunch great?
Beth- Beth is probably one of the sweetest persons I know. She is always ready to listin when I need someone to and is just a really caring, sweet person. She does have an evil twin, Jenni, (smile!) whom I confuse with frequently. But, I finally learned to tell the difference between them last Sunday night at IHOP. It's all in the eyes! Hey Jen (err.... Beth) can I tickle you with Jonny Corkscrew? :)
Eric "yes that is my real name" Richard- OK, when I first met the Marcin brothers, everyone was calling Eric Richard and Richard Rick. So, dummy me thought their parents were on crack when they named them cuz they had basically the same name. Oh did I ever feel dumb to find out Richard was really Eric. God help me. It's all Chrispy's fault.
Chrispy- I can't believe I forgot him the first time. Girls fall all over Chrispy and none of us have any idea why. He never dates any of them either. What is wrong with him? Chrispy is just an all around nice guy. He gives the best hugs. I'll miss him next year when there is no one around to run up to in the band hall and attack.
Barbra and Martha- They are actually Scott's cousins, but I have come to love them as if they were my own sisters of cousins, since all of mine are either in law school, med school, or are juvinile deliquents. I spent a lot of time with them this summer, while Scott was in Poland, and we got pretty close, and now I write to them. Scott and I are going to visit them in Canada sometime. I can't wait.
Elisa- Elisa comes from Finland, and she's really cool. I met her this year because we both have choir together and see each other almost every single passing period. I think we became even better friends when we tried to join this dance team at our school and didn't make it. But wasn't making up the dance fun, Elisa? I also am in love with Elisa.... will you marry me dear? j/k!!! (ooh..... that rump of yours!!!!!) I am so kidding.
Johanna- Johanna is also a foreign exchange student here, but she comes from Germany... YOU GO GIRL!!!!! Johanna and I have decided that we are both the Schlampe of our Freundiskreis. Right, Schatzie? She is a very outgoing and wild person, and she is living in the middle of a forest in a tree house! But I think she was joking when she told me that. I have no clue.
Verena- Verena is such a sweetie pie. We first met at the first meeting of German Club, where I told her to vote me in for President and she did. She is also a foreign exchange student from Germany. Verena always is willing to help me with my German and I would also like to say she is scared of everything. Take her to Great America's Fright Fest and you'll soon see why! The Haunted City of Terror ring a bell to anyone? LOL
If I didn't put your name up on here, please tell me and you'll be on here in a jiffy!