Ok, so it’s pretty obvious *if you know me anyway* that my friends are all really different. They don’t all get along with each other, but I really like them all, and I respect them all for what they are.

My friend Kelly and i, we were really bored,
and i think i'm giving a pepsi plug.
I love pepsi.

*Kelly- Kelly and I have been friends since before we could talk. She’s helped me to be the person that I am today *and vise-versa I think* Anyway, together we have proved that we don’t need boys to be happy all the time, and that we can get along with our lives after fighting over boys. Together we have proved that friendship is thicker than blood. I guess in some cases it’s a true statement. Kelly has the Internet, and ICQ. Her # is a BIG secret, but if you really want it, e*mail me and I’ll consider it. Teehee!

*Danielle- Danielle *along with Kelly, Adam, and a few others that I’ve lost touch with over the years* is a part of the "Kindergarten Group". I’ve known Danielle for 11 years, and I know that I wasn’t always fair with her, and I wasn’t always very nice, but She welcomed me back to the lunch table with out any hassle, which was VERY mature of her. We’ve had a lot of fun between "Chicken Wing Day!" and the list of stuff  that "Cousin" Dave shouldn’t do. I hope she values my friendship as much as I do hers.

*Sarah- I can’t go any further without introducing the genius behind all this web page shit that I don’t understand! Sarah and I met during the production of My Fair Lady. We had a lot of fun teasing Tim about ALICE! And everything else that he needed to be teased about. Another great Sara*h* thing is the EXPLODING SODA CANS! How much fun did we have? And I have to say, Root Beer explodes the best. Thanks for all your help Sarah.(no prob!)

This is Sarah, one of the many Sara*h*'s,
she is the genious behind this web page,
and she deserves all the credit in the world!
Your great Sarah!(Thanks babe!)

*Sarah- *Yes, yet another Sarah!* This girl is also know as Batman in certain circles. With all the fun we had being matching Sara*h*’s , it got really confusing. Never forget: "Do you want her?" "Only as a pupil." And a classic: "All women will have me!" I would also like to show a great amount of gratitude to Batman for not putting me in the "closet" that one very memorable night. Always remember that your stuck with the curse of being a Sara*h*.

*Sarah- (Sick of Sara*h*’s  yet??) Ok, so Sarah Kucel is another member of the Sara*h* family. But she’s one of the original 3. It’s a really long story, and those who need to know, do. But anyway, this is the 3rd play Sarah and I have worked on together, and I had a great time. After coming of age, I was scared of but I guess I overcame it, and now everything is cool. I cant wait till I get the pic. Of the 3 Sara*h*’s back!

*Sarah- This girl is VERY original. Shes really sweet, and I love talking to her. Sarah Snyder used to live right around here, in Johnstown, but now she’s in Florida, and I talk to her all the time on ICQ! She has become my life line of advice. It’s great to have someone totally be honest with what she thinks when she has advice for me.

This is another pic of Jason with our costume lady Deb.
Deb is really awesome! She makes the best dresses!
I want her to make my prom dress.

*Heather- Heather is one of the most original ppl I know, at times she’s DUMB! *About boys* but basically she’s a good kid. I met Heather last Halloween at the Edward’s party. We had a lot of fun that night, and we have had tons of fun since! Love ya’ you hooch!

*Heather- Heather is a great friend considering the shit I’ve put her through his summer. I’m glad it all worked out though, b/c I don;’t know what I’d do w/o her support in drama! *She should have had Glinda in the Wizard of OZ this summer at the Glove too!*

*Laura- Do I have to say anything else with that except don’t be a P*%S! all your life! *You know what that says girl! It was the motto of the summer, Laura, Jessica, along with Jessies boyfriend Shawn and our sidekicks Jonny and Matt had SO many adventures that summer! Love ya’ chick.

*J.J.- J.J, this makes 2 shows, and no disasters yet. "Why do you build me up, Buttercup baby just to let me down?" Cleaning cups has never been so much fun. Why do you always get the parts that you want? It’s just not fair! You’re always the bitchy one! Teehee! Does that tell you anything????? J/k. J.J. is great! She better call em soon! *hint hint*

*Stephie- Ok, the words "BONDAGE BONDING" come to mind, where the hell did that one come from anyway??? Must have been the day I brought the Volley Ball and we all played soccer, and Eva broke her toes, and…….never mind. That’s sorta a long story, but don’t let Stephie anywhere NEAR a volley ball! Car! GAME ON! Thats just the beginning now! MOP, MOP, MOP! also, odnt let Kyle sweep, he may drag you through the dirt!!! And now the cage at the glove is decorated! I HATE THE SOUND OF MUSIC!!! great escape 2000!

*Stephanie F.-LORD Girl! I already love you! And some day were going to have to meet! Even though i've never met you your one of the only ppl who knows some stuff! Thank you for being there and keep your head up!

*Amy- Girl, all I can say is K.F.C. picnic! That was so much fun! I just hope the pictures I took come out. Amy is AWESOME! She’s the best waitress there ever was. And Mein Herr? MY GOD! What was up with those outfits?!?!? But we survived and maybe I’ll go visit her at Plattsburg this year.

*Jilly- ok, CHurch retreat much?? How much did we cry over that boy??? WASTE OF TIME! So, anyway, now we both have men, so it's cool! She need to call me more so we can drive around in Demetrious Mo-Fo!! Call me JILLY!

*Mark- Mark is my co-star in Caberet. He played Fritz Wendell. He was so great! And I’m glad I got to work with him again, it was a lot of fun. He shares an obsession with me, BUFFY! Thank you Mark for all your help when I got my part about 2 weeks before the play went off! It was quite a show!

*Chris-  Chris is a phenomenal actor with lots of talent, I know he’s gonna go far. As far as a person: suprise suprise! He’s a really great guy as well! Thank you for helping me so much with my part, the staging, and everything else! Last summer Chris was "Henry Higgins", and this year he was just great as Brian Robert’s! When you get to Broadway, just let me tell ppl that I knew you when!

*Jason- Jason Lowenthal is the greatest guy I think I’ve ever met! He’s so sweet! He’s giving, and he’ll do about anything, like streaking with Chuck at FMCC during rehearsal. All I can say for Jason is: "I’ve never seen that position before!", and "3 men!"

*Adam- Adam is a great guy who LOVES chicken wings from Poor Jim’s. He’s totally helpless, but not as bad as Dave. DUN DUN DUN! Hey Adam….FART! I love Adam to death, he needs to call me more.

*Dave- Dave is totally helpless, he even needs me to tie his shoes. Lunch with Dave can never be considered dull, there’s always something going on with him, but only towards the end of the year did I realize that he’s a great guy to talk to if you have a problem.

*Kevin-  J.T.H.????? That was soooooo much fun! I’m glad you talked me into coming. Def. Not the normal activities. Kevin and I were Lord and Lady Boxington last year in MFL, which was a huge success b/c of us. This year in English we caused a lot of trouble, and always got yelled at, oh well...it’s over.

*Matt V.- Congrats on your part in Alice! This kid is AWESOME! **And he's such a cutie!!** Anyway, i dont care what you say, your gonna be the cookie monster instead of being Tigger this year! *I think he has a cat fettish. =0)*

*Adam I.- Adam is the cutest and sweetest kid i've ever met at the Glove! He's a great actor, and singer, and he did a great Joseph at the Follies. Watch out G'ville! Here comes Adam! I can't wait till this kid get's into B's program! I LOVE YOU ADAM!

*Seth F.- Well, what can i say about Finklet?? He's the shit man! Totally awesome! Together we can beat Mario 3!! *Coincidentally, he looked alot like Mario in MFL '98!* Finklet really is cool, and i love him!

*Gabe-Gabe is the coolest shit ever! he's my latin lover, and he's just so so so cute! This boy is also so talented on the bass it's sick! Anyway, i havent hung out with him much since i stopped going to the Joshua Tree, and i totally miss talking to him. He's so cute! *i think him and my little sister should hook up though...=0)*

*Bryan- Bryan is so cool, and he's great to talk to! We've talked about just about everything in the world i think...Anyway, he's such a talented writer! I wish i could do the things that boy can with a pen! I'll give you a sample!
Whispers of night disappear into the fog of a new day
turning over leaves helps discover the dawn of light
as a butterfly flaps its wing a gentle breeze wafts through the air
blowing your perfumed scent toward me
and i am taken into a world
where my senses are my guide toward extasy
and all the world is shown in the reflection in your eyes
all i need to do is take a step toward you
and i am enveloped in this heaven

*Dominic- Dominic is a really great friend, and he really knows what he’s talking about when he try’s to do a good deed. He’s really helped me out this summer, not like last summer! If you don’t know, don’t ask. That simple.

These are my great friends Stephie Warner, and Jason Lowenthal.
They are both really fun to hang out with.
In this shot they are on the *hhhmmmmm...* NO smoking deck at FMCC.

*Amber- This girl is so so so amazing! She's one of the most talented, and greatest ppl ever. Lets face it, Amber IS the best of whats around! Actually, i have to give Amber some snaps for her guts, and doing what was necessary for her to be happy. GO GIRL! Anyway, even if i had some problems, i could always find something to laugh about with her, and hmmmm....i wonder why? Also, i'll never forget Pippin! It was so so so great!

*Matt- You are the "HEALTHY NORMAL AMERICAN BOY"! Your awesome, and i'll never forget about you and your man Carlos Santana! Also, the Santa hat! I'll never forget you trying to help me with my issues, dont worry about what we talked about, i'm really a stupid girl! Thanks again!

*Adam- All i can say for him is girls, watch out! He's so cute! He's practically deadly! So smooth, cute, tall, plus he has nice eyes, he sings and he plays the guitar! Careful Girls! Anyway, Adam's really sweet, and cute, and one of the nicest guys i've ever met! Also, he's a really talented actor, if he could just remember the words to the songs! LOVE YOU SWEETIE!


*Rachel- "you're my favorite hooker!!!" I have to thank this girl so so so much for getting me back to my room a few nights. I had so much fun getting to know you! email me dear!

*Cat- This girl got picked on so so so so so much for being "southern". Dispite all the harassment, she was one of the coolest people on this trip. I'll never forget "Southern Comfort for the southern girl!". Keep in touch sweetie!

*Melanie- Melanie was the original "new friend". She shared my room with me the first hotel and she's as cool as anything. She can really party, thats the only other thing i can think of for her, except the long talk we had on the ship. LOVE YOU!!!

*Will- well, we got half of his life story, right Molly?? I'll have to get the other half. It was pretty intresting. Anyway, Will's a sweetie, and he has alot to say if you get him talking, and he's very very intresting. Keep in touch Will!

*Molly- All i can say for you is *The Tao Of Pooh* and a picnic on the belcony of our hotel in Rome. Good luck with you know who, and have some fun!!! Dont over analyse everything all the time!

*Bobby- well, Mr. Versace can't dance for anything, well, actually, he can dance, but it's so like a white boy! What fun it was teaching him to waltz. He's a sweetie, and all the girls on our tour drooled over him for a long long time. He's also a really really awesome soccer player. Good luck in everything and keep in touch!

*Vinny- He's one of the famous "Versace Brothers" at soccer. As in "Watch out, the Vercase brothers are at it again..." And i still don't believe that he never really played...He's really cool, even if he wont dance, he'll still go to the clubs.

*Stephen- This guy is the GREATEST at drinking games. He knows all of them, and he can get anyone cocked in a total of 45 minutes. No matter how high they're tolerance. He's also really good at taking stuff apart to break it.... but in a really funny way. Keep in touch Steve!


If I forgot you, I’m sorry, e*mail me, yell at, me whatever, just let me know, and I’ll get you on when I update. *Sara*