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From: (gideon)
Date: 13 Jun 1998 20:22:11

(labyrinth) writes:
> (Leigh-Leigh) writes:
> > I agree with those of you who have been complaining that this netforum has become boooring. I think this is partly due to the fact that we are facing a long hot summer with nothing but X:WP reruns. There are no new episodes to talk about. We've discussed our theories of how Gabby will return hundreds of times, and now all we can do is wait and see how TPTB are going to handle it.
> > Another reason it has become tedious is because it has just become a forum for people to air their fiction. That's fine for them, but this is supposed to be a Xena netforum. I personally prefer conversation. If you're not in the inner circle of these "rings" then you feel like an outsider on this forum - at least that's how I've felt lately. I started conversing with people here about a month ago, and was really enjoying it up until the past few days.
> > Well enough of my griping, and I hope I haven't gotten a bunch of people mad at me!
> > I am in a deep state of depression. For one thing, it's hotter than Hades down here in Texas, and walking outside is almost unbearable. (ROC: you are so lucky you're not in Houston right now!) For another thing, I do not know one single person who shares my interest in Xena. My husband says it's a "stupid show" and a waste of time, yet he will sit for hours in front of a football game watching overgrown kids chasing after a little pigskin ball.
> > I know it sounds silly, but since I started watching Xena, it has sort of changed my life. It has helped me see that I can take control of my own situation, and don't have to let my situation take control of me. (Does that make sense?) This show has made me feel less alone in some of the ideas and emotions that I experience, and don't even understand.
> > In this society which degrades and condones mistreatment of women, XWP is more than just an hour of entertainment. It makes a statement. It shows a strong woman kicking butt and not taking any crap off anybody. That makes people mad. (They don't mind if a man does it, though.)
> > I hope TPTB never fall into the trap of creating anything like the famous Gab-drag again. There are enough men out there beating on and abusing women; we don't need to see female friends do that to each other. That episode still bothers me. (I'm just glad that Gab is forgiving, because I don't think I could forgive something like that. That was attempted murder.)
> > Well, I've rambled long enough. Thank you kindly for sticking with me and reading this. It might not make much sense. I'm not thinking straight right now anyway. (I've got to get back on my Prozac!)
> >
> > L.L.
> >
> Good evening, Leigh-Leigh!
> First of all, let me sympathize with you about the heat! I am coming to you tonite from south Louisiana, and it's like a steam bath over here every day. No wonder autumn is my favorite season! :)))
> Sooooo, let's stay in and talk, shall we? I thought your post was interesting and thought-provoking. Especially the part about how XWP has inspired you to "take charge" of your life. I wonder how many others have done the same? That would be a great subject for discussion, if you ever wanted to open one up on the forum-- I love to read other people's personal testimonies! As for me? Well, I have been emboldened to actually post a few poems, which I didn't know if I'd have the gumption to do. I have also been thinking about taking fencing lessons. I'd love to learn how to handle a sword, and I heard it's a grrreeeat lower-body workout! (I could use it! *S*)
> That leads me to a question I would love to ask either Lucy, Renee, or Hudson (or all three): I wonder if rehearsing all those aggressive fight scenes has broken down the natural hesitancy any woman has towards hitting another person? And would it make them more effective in an actual threatening situation? I think their answers would be fascinating.
> Just shooting the breeze a little, here, getting some ideas flowing. Let me know what yours are...
> labyrinth

Hey labyrinth,
Wish I could empathize with you regarding the heat, but here in Southern California the temp is great. That's why I moved from Maryland, the humidity sucked. Your interest in learning to fence caught my interest. It does more than work out the lower body, and yes it does work. Long before X:WP came along I decided to study under one of Hollywood's well-known fencing masters. In the beginning it was more a desire to live out my swashbuckling fantasy. Much to my surprise, fencing had a positive influence on me mentally. It gave me more self confidence. Every practice session you work with someone new and of a different skill level. Another benefit, you meet the coolest people from all walks of life. Try it. I warn you though, you won't stop at fencing lessons, next you'll be into kick boxing, etc. The show X:WP has made it more acceptable for women to take up physical activities that were once considered men's sports, i.e. boxing, kick boxing.
P.S. Agreed, the netforum is in a slump. In all fairness, how many times can you rehash the third season.


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