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FF: In the Hands of Theives

From: (raistlyn)
Date: 15 Jun 1998 20:21:32

Disclaimer: I don't own Xena and Gabrielle. Or anyone else from the show. That much is obvious I'm only borrowing them.

Violence: This deals with the events in Sacrafice 2. It also deals with suicide, and other undesirable things. So be warned.


The shadow's seemed to caress the back of the tavern, hiding the lone soul that was seated there. Cyrene looked nervously toward it every now and then, trying to decide whether she should approach or leave it alone. The patrons avoided the corner at all costs, even leaving the tables empty around, like it was cursed.

She could feel the ice blue eyes on her back while she moved among the tables, serving all as they came. She went behind the bar, and pured another mug of her strongest psrt to take to her daughter. Her heart ached for Xena, who had shown up unexpectedly, drenched with rain, and exhausted. The innkeeper had immediately looked for the young bard, but she never made an appearence. One look at Xena's face told her all she needed to know. The eyes, that usually burned with their own fire, were dead.

She didn't speak when she fell into her mother's arms, and Cyrene had yet to see her cry for the loss. The tall warrior's sleep had been disturbed, until Cyrene was sure that she hardly slept at all now. She had only briefly relayed the story about what happened. Only enough for Cyrene to know Gabrielle was dead, and that she sacrificed herself to save Xena.

Taking the mug to the corner table she sat it down in front of her daughter. Cyrene wanted to talk to her, but she didn't know what to say. Her intentions were stopped when she heard the door open to admit another customer.

Ice blue eyes slid thier attention to the door, briefly widened in surprise, then turned back to the mug in front of her. Cyrene turned to look at the new comer, seeing a handsome man with black hair. A mustache and goatee adorned his face, and he walked with an air of self-assurance. He made his way to the bar and sat down patiently. Looking back to her daughter, she saw her now staring at the man, with recognition, and . . . 'affection?' Cyrene thought.

"Do you know him Xena?" She asked softly.

"Yes," was all the warrior said, then sadness crept into her eyes again.

Cyrene sighed and left her to her own thoughts. She suddenly had a need to find out who this stranger was. Walking straight to the bar she stopped in front of him. "Can I help you?"

"An ale please." He said politely.

She smiled and put the mug in front of him. He paid the dinar then took a sip. "Ahh. That hits the spot. I should have known that the ale would be good in a place with such a beautiful innkeeper."

In spite of herself Cyrene blushed. "And what is your name?"

"I'm Autolycus." He said with a flourish. Cyrene instantly recognized the name. 'The King of Thieves, from Gabrielle's stories.'

'That's how Xena knows him. They're friends.'

Cyrene finally saw a chance to help Xena. "Well Autolycus, I've heard of you. Seems we have a mutual aquaintance."

"Really, and who would that be?" Autolycus asked, a little suspicious. You had to be in his line of work.

The innkeeper simply motioned toward the dark corner, and left to wait on someone else. Autolycus eyed the dark corner but could tell nothing more about it. Cautiosly he stood up and approached. The shadows gave way, causing him to almost sigh in relief. "Xena, what a pleasant surprise."

"I hope you weren't planning to steal from my mother." she said quietly. Autolycus immediatlely noticed the lack of emotion in her voice. 'Something is wrong.'

"Your mother? Of course not. I'm just passing through and needed a place to stay. Where's Gabrielle?"

The blue eyes went dull, and a sad expression took control of Xena's strong features. Autolycus instantly felt a sense of dread.

"She's dead, Auto."

Autolycus nearly dropped the mug he was holding. "D. . . dead? How? Xena, please tell me."

Xena stared at him for a moment, as if looking into his very soul, finally, sadly, she nodded, and told him the story she had yet to relate to anyone.

She finished the story barely able to keep the tears back. Autolycus could tell by looking at her that the warrior had almost given up. Her loss was too much, and this time she wouldn't be strong enough to recover. He himself was still reeling from the amazing tale he had heard. "I...I can't believe this." Autolycus stammered. He was visibly shaken, and could hardly keep his hands from shaking.

"Why don't you go ask mother for a room, Auto? You look like you need a rest. Or maybe another drink?" She smiled a humorless smile.

Autolycus was pretty sure that that's exactly what Xena had already been doing. He knew he needed another one to calm himself, but he wasn't about to let it go that far.

"Speaking of drinks Xena, I think you've had enough."

"I'll tell you when I've had enough." she said dangerously.

His own heart ached to badly to argue with the warrior now. Besides neither one of them would get the entertainment they got out of it before. Rising slowly he made his way over to Cyrene. She saw him coming and took in his pale face, and shaking hands. She silently poured him another drink. "Do you have a room?" was all he said after he finished it. She nodded and showed him the way up the stairs.


Xena watched the last of the patrons leave the inn before heading to her own room. Her mother watched her go silently. Autolycus had been a surprise. A fortunate one, but a surprise none the less. He was someone to pass on the story.

Closing the door behind her she made her way to the leathers and armor lying beside the bed. Taking off the plain dress she had been wearing, she dressed with the ease of a decade of practice. Making sure every strap was in place and the brass was spotless, she hooked her chakrum at her hip, and her sword at her back.

She looked over to the bag that held Gabrielle's scrolls and smiled faintly. They would be safe here. She knew that. Carefully taking an empty scroll, she wrote in a neat even hand, instructions for the rest of the belongings, then a short note to her mother. Thinking for a moment she took another piece and wrote one for Autolycus, containing a short message for all those that had been her allies through the years. Folding them neatly she left them on the table and walked out the door.


Argo whinnied softly when she entered the stable. She rubbed the horses's nose and got a soft nudge in response. "I'm going to miss you girl." she said quietly.

Moving away from the mare and lying in the soft hay, Xena removed the hind's blood dagger from her boot. She almost laughed at the sight of it now. Stained with Callisto's blood as well as that of the golden hind. It could take the life of a god, but it could also take a human life just as easy.

"Gabrielle, I know you can hear me. I can't go on like this. Not without you. I don't know if I've made the Fields, but if I haven't, I love you, and you will always be in my heart."

The prayer to her friend finished, Xena cut a slice down her left wrist. The blood flowed quickly leaving a warm trail down her arm and into the hay. Unable to grasp the dagger with her left hand, she then sliced just under her arm, near the armpit. Again the blood flowed freely. She laid back in the hay and closed her eyes, silently waiting for death to catch her in its grasp. A crimson pool began to form around the warrior, silently lulling her into an endless sleep.

Opening her eyes as her body began to tingle and grow cold, she saw Gabrielle walking toward her, followed closely by Celeste. the bard smiled sadly at the warrior then stretched out her hand.

Xena reached forward trying to grab the hand that was just out of reach. "Gabrielle." she whispered, straining harder to reach the hand. She fell back, weakened by the attempt and slowly slipped into darkness.

Flinging the door open Autolycus saw the warrior reach out, then fall back into the blood stained hay. Horror took over his thoughts, "No!" he yelled and ran forward into the stable.

Okay, so there it is. You have two choices, I could

a) leave it like this

b) write more, bringing them both back.

This is only one theory I have about bringing the bard back. But I want to know what you want me to do.



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