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BO'B Status Report: SHIP IN PORT

From: (Ciekan)
Date: 15 Jun 1998 22:55:04

Here's the newest Status Report, mates! Remember to snip the posts
when replying.


On board the Bucket O'Blood, CapnNate and his loyal crew have set
sail for New Xenaland to star in an episode of X:WP and to do a
little....okay.. maybe a lot.... of looting and plundering on the side.

The ship's brave crew has battled wascally wabbits, evil vampyr
impostors, dragons, man-....better make that woman-eating
insects...okay..okay they weren't THAT big. They have also faced the
wrath of Hera and Velasca, their sworn enemies.

Now come aboard and join the crew as they get set to begin their next
great adventure:

Commander theBarbarian, the Supreme Chief Stowaway and one of
the ship's three Communications Officers wakes at dawn in the
crowsnest, the sun just beginning to rise from the water. The officer
stretches...pries her eyes open reluctantly and sees a rope hanging
over the side of the crowsnest attached to the far end of the spar. An
evil grin slowly overtakes her face.

With a cry...half Xena-like....half Tarzan-like...she jumps from the
crowsnest holding on to the rope...swinging through the air. From
below voices begin to sing:

TB.....TB......TB of the Bucket.....WATCH OUT FOR

TB pries her face from where it's embedded in the mast and gives the
camera a ....lopsid..ed.......grin.....

Camera?? WAIT!!! Something's... not ....quite......DANG!
DOUBLE DANG!!!! Wrong one again! Just ignore that last bit!



Having survived a collision at sea with another ship and weathering a
violent storm, the ship has pulled into port to effect repairs and give
the crew some much needed shoreleave--several of the crew are sick
and/or injured.

Willow,suffering from seasickness and a cut on her shoulder reports to the
infirmary for treatment. After Pan has patched the swabbie up, she
goes in search of Xena5.

Meg and Kiwimate have been searching for Macer to warn her of the
curse associated with the items that Nauplius has retrieved from the
sunken city. Kiwimate continues the search for Macer while Meg
tries to find the person who found the tablet.

In another part of the ship, Gobinet ponders how she recognized
Telacyne and how she was able to speak in a language she did not
herself understand. Was it Glauden or the shapeshifter's presence
within her?

Meanwhile in her own cabin, Bubble, too, is troubled by the language
that Gobinet had seemed so comfortable speaking earlier. Replaying
the scene over and over in her mind, memories of her own past begin
to surface, but just as clarity begins to come...a stabbing pain shoots
through her head and she drops to the floor, unconscious.

On her way to find Bubble, Gobinet meets another new swabbie and
the two introduce themselves to one another. Gobinet is puzzled that
although the girl has the appearance of an Amazon she makes no
reference to this fact in her explanation of her background. Meg joins
Gobinet in the search for Bubble belowdecks.

The ship's passenger, Tobar, in a drunken frenzy is once more on deck
and with scythe in hand, is chasing the swabbies. His boots painfully
on the wrong feet...his progress is further hampered by the wind
blowing his tartan kilt over his head at periodic intervals. Cmdr TB
very carefully confiscates the scythe and Tobar continues the chase.

Muse wakes in her cabin and goes to see how KoolKat is faring.
Entering the infirmary she discovers that Commander Ciekan is
missing from her bunk.

Ciekan has contracted a fever as a result of her head injury and is
suffering from hallucinations. Lt. Young-At-Heart finds the BFC on
deck calling for her brother, Stin, and leads her back to the infirmary.

Macer has been spirited away to Ares' castle for a little recreation.
The God of War having patiently (did I just say "patiently"?) waited
for the storm to end, now exacts his price. He asks Macer if she will
be there when he gets back from continuing his training with Ki. She
agrees provided Ares returns her to the ship before it sets sail.

In the infirmary, KoolKat is still unconscious. In her dreams she once
again encounters her mother, Telacyne, who uses KK's dreams to
attempt to turn her to the path of evil that is her legacy. Reliving a
past that has been altered, KoolKat struggles not to become the killer
that her mother wishes her to be.

Lt. YAH has taken over the infirmary after having relieved Lt Pan,
the ship's Medical Officer. Pan is now on shore leave recovering
from exhaustion caused by the number of sick and injured. YAH has
seconded swabbies Kiwimate, Muse and fender to assist her.

Muse, unwittingly, touches KK's shoulder to comfort the swabbie and
is somehow drawn into the dreamscape. Therein she sees her
grandmother and vowing to make the old woman pay for what she did
to Muse's parents, attacks her with a bloody knife. At the last minute,
seeing KoolKat staring at her, Muse drops the knife and forgives her
grandmother, knowing that in killing her she would become the thing
she despises. The spell is broken by Lt. YAH, yelling for her

In a brief, lucid moment, Ciekan is able to speak with YAH and Cmdr
theBarbarian. TB reminds Ciekan that she is confined to the
infirmary until Pan clears her for duty. The BFC falls back asleep
and the fever once again takes hold and nightmares from her
childhood come back to haunt her.

TB and YAH are at a loss for what to do for the Commander.
Leaving the infirmary TB wonders who this Stin is that Ciekan keeps
mentioning in her sleep and whether that information might allow
them to help Ciekan.

Still searching for Bubble, Meg and Gobinet approach Bubble's cabin.
Gobinet goes inside. While Meg is waiting, a scream, loud enough to
penetrate the whole ship is heard. Meg dashes inside to find Gobinet
on the floor with the unconscious Bubble--not even the scream has
roused her.

Muse in the infirmary also hears the scream and tells fender to watch
BFC Ciekan. She finds Gobinet and Meg hovering over Bubble.
Becoming angry and frustrated that there is no sign of injury to
explain Bubble's condition, Gobinet fires orders at the two sailors.
Glauden whispers to her to be calm but concern for the young
swabbie overrides the wise counsel.

Muse and Gobinet, together, get Bubble to her feet and head out into
the corridor while Meg goes ahead to tell Pan. Getting to the
infirmary, Meg discovers that Pan has gone ashore, she hurries back
to tell the others. Making a quick decision, Gobinet decides to take
Bubble to her own cabin.

As they head out into the passage they encounter the source of the
scream: Tobar is continuing his rampage belowdecks, babbling
something about being one of only three males on board. Meg,
seeing that Tobar refuses to give ground....strikes him twice sending
him crashing unconscious to the deck. Meg apologizes as she goes
by, wishing there had been some other way.


[Pulling out a brown vial from her belongings, Gobinet places one
drop of the honey-coloured liquid between Bubble's lips.]

[Bubble, reliving a memory of early childhood, sees herself carried to
a river, the sounds of battle raging all round. A voice spoke to her in
a foreign tongue, comforting her. As the potion does its work, and
Bubble awakes, it all becomes clear. She looks into Gobinet's eyes
and proclaims...It was you!]

(Editor's note: I've copied Gobinet's response as a reply to this post.
Hope you guys don't mind. Thought it should be here in it's entirety.)

[Although the infirmary is still full, YAH receives a message
delivered by hand and takes immediate emergency shore leave, telling
fender to be sure to tell Cmdr TB.]

[Far away from the ship....being trained by the God of War, himself,
Lt. Kiraovich takes a short break. Sitting on a bench a wave of
dizziness overcomes her. A hot flash goes through her body, almost
like a fever coming on and a vision comes to her. In the vision a
young boy stands by a cave and she has to resist the urge to call out to
him not to leave. As suddenly as it started it ends. Ki can't shake the
feeling that someone on board the ship is in trouble. But who?]

[Meanwhile, in the infirmary a swabbie is wiping the perspiration
from Ciekan's brow. The Commander moans softly in her sleep, her
brow furrowed. She begins to speak in a language unrecognizeable.]

Stin...gde vui....why did you leave... I don't understand...ya...nye

[Ciekan becomes quiet once again, but as the swabbie turns away to
another patient, Ciekan's eyes open and she looks around feverishly.]

I'm going to find you, Stin! This time....I'm going to find you.

[Ciekan grabs her clothes off a chair by her bunk and quietly leaves
the infirmary.]

BFC Ciekan, CO


IMPORTANT NOTE: NO ONE is allowed to find BFC Ciekan.....yet.

I can't be at the ship as often in the next few days. I'll pop in every
now and then and have Ciekan stumble around somewhere.

TB: You might want to authorize search parties <G>.

I had to try to put all of the replies in a chronological order. It may
not have been what you had in mind....but I did my best...hope it's
okay. I also did some editing so that players would not be in two
places at once.

Have fun with it!

Ciekan (chanting to herself: sleep....sleep....sle....World Cup....World
Cup...World Cup <VBG>)


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