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Why I love it

From: (trfan)
Date: 16 Jun 1998 12:29:20

Why do I love "The Quill is Mightier"? Let me count the ways. Oops, wrong text. :) This was my second favorite Xena episode of the season (after "Bitter Suite"), and fourth favorite overall, and I have many reasons for loving it.

1. It's the first good Joxer episode of the season (besides "Stranger" on Hercules). Sure "King of Assassins" was good (IMO), but Joxer was kicked around a lot. Here we see him really showing how much he cares for Gabrielle, giving up his most prized possession to give her a gift. Now that's a sign of how great he can truly be. Never mind that he was written in by "awoke with a jerk", he's not a jerk to me.

2. Ares was terrific in the episode. Actually up until "Stranger" I saw him as a jerk. These two episodes really caused me to fall for his looks and occasional sense of humor. My favorite parts with him are his "bonding" scene with Gabrielle and then shooting lightning in the one guy's butt.

3. THE KISS. Honest, I absolutely love surprise moments, and the kiss between Joxer and Minya, brought on by Aphrodite has got to be the biggest surprise. I never saw it coming, and enjoyed it (well, it had me laughing). Of course they don't have the remotest chance, but I love anything unexpected.

4. The beer hat. Joxer finally invents something, and it's hilarious to look at on his helmet. I also love that he tells Gabrielle that not everything she writes turns out bad. Aphrodite belching wasn't bad either.

5. Minya. Great stuff from her, especially when she gets hormonal thinking about Ares at the end. I also love early on when she says "Who's the stud, the dork, and the bottled blonde?" She was great in "A Day in the Life" too. Also, has anyone heard about Hercules doing a parody of "A Day in the Life" next season, complete with a bath scene? I'm drooling just thinking about it.

And the bad stuff:

1. The fish fight. Yuck yuck yuck, the last thing I'd want to be hit with is a fish. Joxer's play-by-play was the only good part of that scene.

2. Tholonius and his men. They barely had anything to do in the episode. By the time they came back after supposedly seeing Ares's signal, I barely cared about them. Plus they had the fish fight.

3. Aphrodite. Man, is she whiny, and she doesn't look good all dirty. Doesn't she at least know to use a washcloth to get rid of the dirt? At least she's great in "Strangers", but I normally can't stand Aphrodite.

Overall, terrific episode, and one I can't get enough of. At least I'll be able to see it next week.


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