In Memory Of Steve


High above Big Wind Canyons lip,
Below the Mountain of Dreams;
Snows of winter warm and drip
To form pure crystal streams

It's way up there, but not too far.
We can drive part way in our car,
Where rocks lay smooth near Boulder Falls.
Shall we go where the cool wind calls?

Among silent peaks behind mysty veils,
White water rivers are born.
We'll shoulder a pack and climb the trails
Where ancient paths are worn.

Mountain breezes,pine scented and crisp,
Whispering by like will-o-the wisp,
Touching softly in unseen passing.
Natures caress,welcome and pleasing.

Spirit Mountain mysteries unlock
Amidst majestic spires of rock.
Of this splendor our mortal forms are made.
From earth we came and will again be laid.

Copyright © 1997 By Jim Stepp

This site is dedicated to the memory of Steve
A very dear friend who's time on earth was shortened by a tragic accident
With fond and loving memories Connie and Tom

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YouTube - Dust in the Wind - Kansas

<BGSOUND SRC="moody_blues_dust_in_the_wind.mp3" loop=1000>