My first grand-child.


My older grand-children all belong to Trevor and Desiree.

Jacqui is seventeen now.
BUT she was not always 17!

Once upon a time, she was a little baby.

Jacqui loved to write, draw, read, paint and play.

She wrote the following story for me, when she was 8 years old.

(This is the condensed version.)

She also illustrated each page beautifully.

She is very Artistic and talented.

The Invisible Mommy

Once upon a time....
there was a little girl and her name was Jacqui.

She was a very good little girl.

Everybody loved her.
Even the little animals loved her.

Jacqui's mommy worked in an Office.
We stayed with our Granny during the day.
We had lots of fun at Granny's house.

We played in the back-yard on the swing-set.
Swam in the swimming pool.
Had water fights with our friends.

Some days we all cycled to the Park.

Paul loved to slide down the sliding board.

Kim and myself loved swinging as high as possible.

During the Summer vacations we went to the Cottage
with Granny and Grandpa.

We enjoyed going out in the boat, fishing and swimming.

Grandpa always gave each of us a turn to drive the boat.

We went to Fantasy Island.

We went to Disneyland.

So you can see, that we had a perfectly normal, happy life.

Until ... one evening!

Our Mommy came home from work and we could see her dress, shoes
and hat--- but we could not see her body!

I cried: "What happened to you Mommy?"
My mom said: " A wicked witch cast a spell on me and made me invisible."

"But why did she do it Mom?" I cried.

"Because I gave her flowers. She looked so sad and I thought that the flowers would cheer her up. I didn't know that she hated flowers!"

"Are you going to be invisible forever Mom? I sobbed.
I was very upset and could not stop crying.
My Mom said: "Don't cry Jacqui. You are the only one who can help me."
You must search for the red bottle with the magic potion.
When I drink the potion, the witch's evil spell will be broken and I will be visible again."

You must hurry, because you only have seven days in which to find it.
All my friends and animal friends helped me to search for the potion.
We searched the mountains,castles, forests and lakes.
On the seventh day, "Snowy" the swan - finally found it hidden in the reeds.
We ran home with the potion and our mommy was saved.
And we all lived happily ever after!


Jacqui is still as sweet, kind and gentle as she has always been. She is also very beautiful!

I love you very much Jacqui!


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