presented by Blue Moon Rising, theScribe

Iron Wolf rides fiercely on my wall,*
his sword drawn to smote the enemy...
he rides with the wind,
neither afraid to die,
or afraid to fight.

Into the charge he flies...
I often look at him and wonder
were these men never afraid?
What were their thoughts as
they charged...were they
never afraid?

Many times Iron Wolf has given me
courage I do not have,
to go forth, do my duty,
not worry about tomorrow,
show the day
with thundering heels!
~c.thedarkages 1999~
*a tapestry

According to Legend, the Grand Duke Gediminas
founded the city of Vilnius after dreaming
about a roaring iron wolf
on one of the Vilnius hills
while having a nap during a hunting spree.
The roar was like a hundred wolves...
The dream was interpreted by a prophet to mean
that Gediminas was to found a great city on that exact spot.
He founded Vilnius.
The prosperity of Vilnius city is symbolized
by this dream.
The prophet explained the dream to mean
the town's reputation would spread far and wide.

On Iron Wolf Tapestry:
the legendary Lithuanian 'Iron Wolf',
Tower of Gediminas, Lithuanian Double Cross.

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email them to theBlueScribe at

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Peoples of the Dark Ages

Welcome to the Dark Ages - history of

more Dark Ages history

The Encyclopaedia of the Celts

Developments in religion, rule and philosophy from 8000 BC
to the Middle Ages. An electronic text by Frank E. Smitha.

The Essenes.The Dead Sea Scrolls.Jesus and the early
Christians. Jews against Rome to A.D. 250.

Augustine's theory about the fall of Rome and original
Augustine on Pantheists,Pelagians,Donatists

Vandals(N.Africa),Ostrogoths(Italy),Attila the Hun,Clovis.
Rivalry between the bishops,Constantinople and Alexandria

In Persia,intolerance,hard times.In India,a golden age.
Hinduism grows popular,Buddhism declines,more invasions.

Japan and China,Constaninople,Persia and Islam.
India and the demise of Buddhism,Africa,England,
Western Europe. The Americas.

Anglo-Saxon Chronicle..the beginning Years 1 - 650 C.E.
Rev. James Ingram translation

Allegories of the Holy Grail

King Arthur and others...

Barbarians ...Dark Ages in Greece

History of France before 1700...The Franks and Celts..

Arthur of Britain

Arthur FAQ

Welcome, Stranger, to Camelot

Some notes on Merlin

Excellent History page on The Dark Ages and...more

King Arthur Resouce Page

Quest for Camelot

Arthuriana, Organization honoring King Arthur

Feudalism Re-structured...Roman Empire Information

Some history on the Dark Ages

MUST page on Knighthood, Great lists and Identifications

The Templers...Knights of the Temple

The Rose and the Cross, the Society of

The Rosicrucians

The Orders of Knighthood

Wyrme's Encylopedia of Knighthood

Knighthood, Chivalry, & Tournaments

Lady Fade is a Fantasy Site

Barbarian Graphics and more

History of the Barbarians
Just love what this guy has done: very informative

Newton's Knighthood: Science or Politics?

Mediaeval Sword Resource Site

Theosophists of the Dark Ages

From Chilvary to Humanism by Lone Wolf

Customs and Origins of the Wedding,Wedding Traditions

The Mabinogion -'Peredur the Son of Evrawc'
Translated by Lady Charlotte Guest

History in Gargoyles

Just What are Gargoyles?

Attila the Hun and the Huns, Attila bio

The Bayeux Tapestry

St George(English History):origin,influence and significance

All kinds of celtic jewelry,clothing, and other items

Gem Lore by GryphonsMoon Online

Medieval and Women's Studies on the World Wide Web


Early Music Resources on the Web

Walter S. Arnold, Sculptor of Gargoyles

Gargoyles in New York

Strange Benedictions - Gargoyle, etc. clip art

The Vikings, Lief Ericson, The Song of Roland

The not-so-dark Dark Ages

the Saxon Shore

King Arthur and the Matter of Britain

Vikings and such...

Joan's Royal Favorites and Links Page

Mysticism in World

The Kabbalah Homepage (very informative)

Mysticism during the Talmudic Era

A Society of Souls - about healing with the Kabbalah

another Kabbalah site that is good-the Kavannah

Hebrew Book of the Dead

Castles and history in Scotland

The Lock Ness Monster Center

The 'true' Lock Ness Monster Fan Club

Sea Serpents

Teutonic Knights

Excellent online class on The Crusades

The Order of St. John

Hanover's on The Crusades

The Egyptian Book of the Dead

copyright May 10,1999 by thedarkages~

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