Welcome to the Secret World of MALICE MIZER
Kami passed away recently... Please go visit: Tribute to Kami.

Apparently, Gackt has officially left MALICE MIZER (1/19). Since I am now busy working on a Gackt HP, regret, I don't know if I'll ever have time to update this page ever again. So please don't mind it if this HP is in a dilapidated state. I am sorry, but I liked this band with Gackt best.

The Secret World of MALICE MIZER is an unofficial MALICE MIZER homepage. It was created because the owner thought there weren't enough good MM pages out there at the time this page was born. Also, it aimed to provide the fans and the owner with all the necessary info you needed to know about this wonderfully strange visual band. Information may be subject to change in the future, and in case you don't see any changes here after half-a-year, then the owner has probably lost interest, (so be warned). I must stress that I liked MALICE MIZER best during their "au revoir" period, and their best year for me so far has got to be their "merveilles" period in 1998. So please don't mind it if this page gets stuck in a time warp while MALICE MIZER continue to progress in the future. As always, please go visit MALICE MIZER's Official Homepage by Midi:Nette (opened on 10/10) or MALICE MIZER'S Official Homepage by Nippon Columbia. If MALICE MIZER are doing anything, they're bound to give you the latest info.

This page has been around since July 1998. If you find any problems with it, please don't hesitate to inform me, the page owner. This page is purely an entertainment page with all my opinions found here not intended to insult or harm anyone. All pics found here were scanned by me (unless otherwise stated) and are the copyright of their respective owners. Also, all info found here was written by me. Pics may not be taken and info may not be copied or re-edited without permission. HP design & layout may not be copied. Period.

secret world bubble Please note: This page is in ENGLISH ONLY and is mainly directed towards overseas MM fans.
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© kronut 1998
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You can write to me at: kronut@hotmail.com