
Bastards! I don't respect the majority of doctors. Do you remember I told in "Something Happened" about my trip to the doctor. (It ended nothing). Now I watch TV and heard "Young 18 year old girl dead, because she applied for doctors too late." It's unbelievable, people die because of influenza. You now almost every influenza virus has its own complications. I know three young people who have got ill, but no one had diagnosis influenza. Two of them had "pneumonia" and one - "tracheitis". Mind you all of them are sturdy and robust men. So I repeat when I was going to send for a doctor they sad "When had no extra doctors for you personally, walk to the polyclinic under your own steams." And I'm sorry for repeating my story more than one. When they got to know I wasn't in no need of sick-list they sad "What for do you come at all? If you have cough, go to the chemist and by some pills which you prefer more." And after that There is sad on the TV "She died because belated appeal for medical care" - Bastards! I even hate them. I hate blatant lie. I guess, in my country people are survived sometimes only to make unpleasant their doctors.

Once upon a time my old acquaintance sad to me

- "You will never marry. And that is very bad to you"

- "Why?"

- "Because, when you became older no one would take care about you". Then I asked:

- "How about love and such like rotten stuff?" She sad:

- "Oh, don't be a kid!"

So now I begin to recognize the soundness of her advice.
