

Today I finished with Chloe Marr, (of A.A.Milne), turned on TV. There was "It comes Mary" or something like that by Bloodhound Gang. - I turned volume to the limit.

Hey ppl, why did Milne kill Chloe? Why do so many guys want to kill such girls as Marrs, (Nick Cave and so on)? (Should say, I am not particularly fond of Kaily Minouge but remixes of her Breathe are great).

(Did I ever think about air-crush???)

If you glanced in Song of the day you will see. I watched on TV many really steep movies. Yesterday I watched "Our man among strangers/aliens, stranger/alien among our people." It's a pity I can't translate the name of the movie properly. It sounds just like: "Chuzhoi sredu svoih, svoi sredi chuzhih" (verbatim translation - our among not ours, not our among ours). This is only one really good Russian Western. Each time I see this movie I'm crying. (This is only one movie about which I'm crying).

And I recorded Rider on the Rain in Russian from French translation yesterday. They are loony. They translated a saxophone as a "trambon" - (damn it, my glossary hasn't translation to this musical instrument). And they mucked phrase: "I have all time in the world." They also translated "Love Love" as "Love of mine" - sounds much worse. I say I like English version and you just should have it.

But returning to the Chloe Marr. - Now I have strong wish to ring up to my old acquaintance, (as matter of fact I'm afraid of wasting time in not contacting her all this time). Do I hope to win something time from her? - By now I have no choice. I told you that there are girls who remind her, some - by appearance, some - by manners. I even saw girls who could beat her, (tell you later).

The problem is only in two things.

1. I feel at ease with her. (Guess I must say "felt", because I didn't see her from January, and before January I've seen her in September.)

2. Too many coincidences. (The latest - the book "Chloe Marr" consisted from XXX pages and this is the number of my flat. (If you are interested in my flat number just contact Gleemonger. (Who is Glee? - first two rings in first line are hers. See also Supernatural). She gave me her phone number explaining rum coincidences and I gave her my flat number explaining my previous ones)).

By chance Milne gave a hint to be kind to people in the end of the book, so I remember I want to say "thank you" to James Mikle, Detroit, Mich. The book "Two People" had a label with words "Gift from James Mikle, Detroit, Mich to Russian, (as matter of fact it was written "Soviet") people." So, hey man, thank you! I respect Milne, you respect Milne - it cool, isn't it?

PS: I wanted to talk about uniqueness of my old acquaintance, last three notes, (and many of others), were written with some connection and even intention to tell about problem of uniqueness, but today is too cold to write anything sensible. (Yesterday it snowed and temperature last week is 0 centigrade or 32 degrees Fahrenheit. By the way you can just mark somewhere that the difference between one and another is 32 degrees).

I have another reason beside un-welcomed cold. I am still under the impression of Chloe Marr. (I even like it more than Maugham's "Skeleton in cupboard," because he, (Maugham), is such a bore).

PPS What do I think about it?

1. People, love good girls until it would be too late. - Stop- Errr... I guess it sounds too unselfish and foolish, so let us forget this one.

2. I am sure that "Two people" is a very precious gift. Hey, multi-millionaires, give me just 1 000 000$, (one hundred US bucks), and you will make at minimum one man, (me), happy, (at maximum - two people - me and .... - who knows else).


Patriotic News.

Kafelnikov became "first world racket".

First channel will purify itself from advertising on May9.

Bloodhound Gang is planning to be on tour in Rissia.

MTV-Russia began to show Bloodhound Gang "Along Comes Mary".

Bryan Adams began to play good music, ("Cloud N9"), (I hope there will be a plenty of good remixes on the song).
