
< Hi!

<Well, it was great …

By the by, I've never heard of P.G.Wodehouse. Maybe I was not so attantive

during my literature classes. What did he write?

Look at http://www.oocities.org/SoHo/Village/3195/plums.html

It's my stuff. There are also Webring. There you can find many things about him.

May be you have seen English serial "Jeeves and Voster"?

Do you know the most difficult thing is to say about most fascinating things.

I say only two quotes:


No I guess it will be too many quotations. (I have many quots from decent well-known people and everyone of them only says - "the cleverest plotter", "he exhausts superlatives", "infinite skill and splendid kindly wisdom", "one of our greatest writers", "The greatest musician of English language",

"A master, a genius of inventivness and versatility, brilliant in use of language, more adroit than almost any novelist since Dickens",

"A brilliantly funny writer - perhaps the most consistently funny the English language has yet produced"

But the main quotation I lost. It was said: Wodehouse is the best of English writes of the last century.

And many people compare him with Shakespear. But Wodehouse sad I'm better or equal Shakespiar.

And then he took Shakespear quotation and write about the same in his own manner and sad "now, compare and say which writing you like better"

I show you only one q-n:

"- Have you thought of trying homeopathic treatment…?

- In cases like this, I always think another girl should be applied immediately"

You can look at some quotations on the http://www.oocities.org/SoHo/Village/3195/plums.html

< Talking about literature - I prefer modernism:

< A.Camus,J.Cortazar("Rayuela"), M.Frisch("Homo Faber"),P.S"uskind("Das Parf"um") etc.

< From Russian Literature..well,maybe Marina Tsvetayeva.

Tsvetayeva? - Moi kozlik, chto tebe ya sdelala? -)))

Funny. Do you know there are only two kinds of good books? You like French wing and I like English. This is the air. I'm used to be in the air of Sherlock Holmes. There are many books.

The most philosophic - "Winnie-the-Pooh" I reread this many times in Russian and in English…

By the way NEVER read P.G. Wodehouse in Russian (or Ukranian) nor Conan Doyle. (I haven't seen good translations).

But "Winnie-the-Pooh" and "Three in the boat" by Jerom K. Jerom are real ones translations.

So I like Jerom.

Defoe is a very splendid and profound.

So Jack London is good, (not all of him of course).

(Funny, too close word, many writers were well acquainted.)

Of course I like J.B. Priestly with his perfect dramatic sense.

But Mougham has good ideas but bored me stiff.

Also I like Americans. Runyon is one of the best of them. He reminds me O.Henry but O.Henry is too sissy. -))…

Look at Russian Stale on my page and you will see everything what I like and even my psy. characteristic.

By the way there are Kurtuaznye Manieristi. So you know about my poetry tastes.

< Normally I don't read much. If I feel lonely I'll hardly take a book but rather a brush

<- I like painting(and here my style is modernism as well :-)

I always remember words of Sherlock Holmes: "When you have artistic spirit in your blood…" (not exact, you know)

Hey, My granddaddy from one line and grand-grand-dad from another line were professional, i.e. paid {:-) artists. (And officers at the same time. Isn't it funny?)

< I hate everything else that is concerned with strict rules, order and common sense.

Good Sport! Just like me.

< By the way, what d'you do in the states?

Nothing -) -) -) -) Read my diary, darling. I'm 100% per cent Muscovite, (Moscal -)))).

Are you disillusioned, Er?

(One more. Of course I like Volter but… So I like from Russian phi. Berdyaev and his "Samopoznanie")

< To fear love is to fear life, and those who fear life are already three parts dead. (B.Russell)

[Right now I watched TV and saw victor of the competition "Glance of the year". My heart flinched. Was I scared? No. I have felt qualming sense. It's true. But it's the sort of sense you feel before exams. You feel butterflies in the tum but nothing could stop you to go to the exams, you see. By the way about my tum. waist. Now it's 89sm. Last winter it was 89sm. This summer it was 76sm. This is the tragedy of life, isn't it? One girl sad day before yesterday: "Come on with us to the indoor pool." I sad "Nope. You are too late or too early. My belly prohibits from such exposures". She sad: "Who cares?" I answered: "I care." ("One owes nothing to anybody. But may be just to himself" - M.se7en.)]

Good quot. and sounds beautiful but I say

I don't understand how somebody can fear love?????

If you love you don't fear anything you even don't fear to lose this love (!).

And if you feel some scruples this is not love. I wonder is any girl capable to love?

< Education is an admirable thing. But it is well to remember from time to time that nothing that is worth knowing can be taught.

Good. But often I feel a lack of practice. -)))))) -))). And imagine, suddenly one man is appearing and he want to teach you to live (don't laugh at it). He can show you that life is beautiful and has wonders!!!

(I can't say "ama-a-a-a-izing" because I remember Master Detective Droopy at once).

< Take care, Iryna.

-I'll do my best. -))

< P.S.:What does "coldheels" mean, in your case??

(in my case? About "cases like this" see above -))

I like (love ?) you. You are nearly first person who is interested in me (my nick).

Of course I invented it purposely, (to have questions from the girls and topics for prattle).

So, listen.

I had only one creature of my own. It was a dog. Of course she (he) was the best. He wasn't the winner (yes, he was a winner but only in the official competitions), but he was my second ego. So He had cold heels and cold nose. (His look reminds me Alf, but he was too good sport he was ready to die only not to abandon game).

I often sat/sit near computer. (It were games and so on and so on). And rummy thing. My heels are always getting colder and colder.

I liked (like) Bruce Lee and such like. I even like title of the movie "Magic Kick". I guess it would be "FastHeel", but sounds not so good.

I fancy it would be good Indians Nick.

I like … not. I don't like Beavis. But I feared he is a third ego of mine. It may be I should be pitied but I see no one fault in Beavis. And in the Institute there was a guy the exact copy of Butthead. We as pair have …(Damned dictionary I remember there is suitable word and it doesn't contain it)… likeness to these fellows. ("Hey, Butthead, why are dally girls only on the TV?")

This Nick is good for romantic chat and such like. He is not obscene but with some meaning. -))

Have you ever seen pic. with four heels or may be video clip Vengaboys "Up and Down"?

There were times I wanted a nick such as "impostor, villain, crook, rogue, scoundrel, rascal, bounder, bastard, scamp, Squirt, pest and calamity for all of living… But I think ColdHeels fill the bill to the tick.

