In one line


Every book in library was read at least one time.

The most unordinary men are watch-makers.

In every hospital there is at least one beautiful girl in staff.

Every man has headache from time to time.

Nearly everyone knows Internet is addiction.

There are exceptions who tepid to Internet.

In every area of human activities there are those who tepid ones.

Every lifetime has it lucky and happy days.

Quantity of lucky and happy days in every lifetime is insignificantly little in comparison with other days.

Normally euphoria can last in the scale of hours, depression can lasts years.

Among the most of animals include men the most females have chances to give a new generation in no connection with their exterior on interior characteristics. At the same time only a few male persons have chance to give a new generation. This is the one of genetic ideas in the nature.

The most men react on the weather changes, i.e. have headache from time to time. The most men are apt to refer their headaches to the problems in their private life.

From physiological point of view girls are more consistent and logical beings, but few of us can recognize their consistent pattern.


Every idea consists from a lot of platitude, and that is why any other is able to understand it.

The most ideas are the different expressions of basis "truths".

Every one knows "truths" by definition.

Every one wants to find a suitable expression for common "truths"

There is no guarantee that suitable expressions exist for every case

Feelings are dominants. Man without any feelings can be considered dead.

In usual way our feelings are dying away during our lifetime towards old age.

A will is the measure of feeling also is the feeling.



The main principle of being is the Titanic principle, (Order of increasing entropy), i.e. every thing in the world is going to find its end.

The Divine principle is the principle of evolution, (decreasing entropy). No one can explain Divine principle because it contradicts the main principle of being.

The main divine quality is unpredictability. In every area there is threshold.

Event which probability of appearance approaches to nil but exists, one calls "a miracle".

Every event which probability of appearance approaches to nil but exists, can take place but it appearance is not determinate, what is expressions of divine unpredictability.

The kindness of providence is in antagonism to dissipation forces.

Divinity concludes in impossibility to explain and in supposing something good in it by definition.

There is the most common error to use human relations in understanding divinity principles.

There is the most common error to use any kind of reasoning in trying to understand some/every thing. I.e. the principle of Sherlock Holmes: don't make any conclusions without sufficient data. (Made any conclusions only in the most urgent cases).

Every thing, (including girls), is a black box. You can handle it you can make deal with it you can make fun of it. Don't try to dismantle it you find nothing in it, what you could call essence.

No one definition for "truths" is good (more complete).


You cannot argue with things, which you determine by definition. For example if you accept, that by word "pornography" we will call something bad by definition there is no use to discuss influence of it, that is bad by definition that is all. Otherwise you will profanate definition.

Every thing in the universe has a tendency to be "profanated".

Invention of the name of devil is the devil invention because there is no evident necessity in that invention.

Including in usage surplus variables makes the pattern more difficult and serves to increasing of entropy, i.e. taking increasing of entropy for devil principle we include unnecessary variable and increase entropy by this action. I.e. if you want to wrestle with devil, pay no attention to him.

Music kills reasoning because it makes deal directly with feelings.

(Ok I turn on my radio, (goa trance, you know,) so my inspiration *irony* is out).


My General Principle (mistake):

If you will not do ones (bad) things you will do another (good) things (easily).


If you don't want do bad things you are welcomed in doing good ones.

(For example I don't drink, don't smoke, don't use dirty words. I even don't want to drink, to smoke, to use dirty words. But what the use?)

I don't understand people. One day I spoke with one guy on my former job. He just returned from whores and was drinking bear. I asked him: why did he convey such life, does he like drink smoke and whores? And he answered: "This is what everyone lives for". More than this, do you remember I told you about girl with beer, (that story about girl and soldier)? She told me the same.


The idea of writing is concluding in the next:

1. There is origin point.

2. There is destination point.

3. There is evident platitude, which connects those points.

4. You can write "shortest way" from one point to other.

5. The main quality of this way must be his unexpectedness. Reader must feel cheated. If reader can foretell all your words you are at fault. Reader wants to say himself: "Yes I was conceited fool and the thing is simple enough and this is cool to know it."

Example: "And why do you buzz unless you are a bee?" /Winnie-the-Pooh. A.Milne/ (not exact).

I consider this remark as one of the profoundest thoughts I ever read.

6. Good writer weaves a great net with such origin/destination connections.


And now take my practical joke in the chat:

There was a teacher in the chat, a very good girl with nick "Sun". I became to ask her questions about her teaching and began to tell one story concerned with studying of geography, which contained romantic clue and what not. But then I made a pause: "Mmmm," And asked her: "Tell me how is the instrument for measuring distances on map called?" She answered in the nick of time: "Curvimeter." And I made a repartee at once: "Sit down, Excellent!" - We had a good fun.

It's great pleasure to me to know that clever thoughts are in the world and they can exist even without my partaking, so I'm washing my hands, but I like to think that I was one of interpreters this ideas to ordinary jokes. It was the time when we were meeting with my old acquaintance and she sad:

- "Tell me something." I answered:

-"I can't do it in order. It must be an inspiration."

But next moment I had this inspiration and was prattling all through our walking.

