Megakat Diner

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About ts003 (MKD's webmaster)

Allrighty'o, so who is the Shadow 003? And why Oh why must the internet be haunted by yet another James Bond wannabe?

FYI my handle has NOTHING at all to do with the agent 007.
At 1997, the login for the network account I had at a school back then was AB003. We were all given accounts without getting to choose own logins and passwords.
Anyway, so in '97 when I first signed up for a e-mail account I took "the Shadow"-part from a character I had made up in a story I had written, and the "003" part from my network login.
I liked the sound of it, so I figured I might just aswell stick to it. And so I have.

So, who am I?

Quite frankly I don't know, but here is some info about me - a few pieces of the puzzle.


Online names: The_Shadow_003, ts003, Shadow, Jamie D.J. Russell
Nicknames: ts003, shadey, shade, "info freak", "computer freak", "pyromaniac", "computergeek", "weirdo", "freak"
Can be reached at:
Location: Tellus[i.e. Earth]/Europe/Sweden/Malmö
Languages: Swedish, English, some Hungerian, a little German, a little French, HTML, JavaScript, some C++, some VB, a little Assembler.
Interests: Webdesign, the Internet, programming, computers, sketching/drawing/painting, chatting, reading, writing, TV, movies, comic books, arts, litterature, cartoons, travelling, Science Fiction, Fantasy, Cyberpunk, Manga/Anime. Information, Science & technology.
Eyecolor: Brown
Haircolor: Brown
Age: 19.3>X>19.6 earthyears
Height: almost just as short as Michael J. Fox...
Weight: too much
Strength: not enough
IQ: Not all that smart but atleast not braindead.
EQ: Approximately average EQ.
Computer: Compaq Presario (Intel Celeron 500 MHz, 64 MB RAM, DVD/CD ROM, etc) + scanner, printer & etc (OK, not fantastic, but it could've been worse. And I do have access to a far better computer, that other one isn't mine though)
OS: Win98 (sadly enough)
Webbrowsers: MSIE 6.0, NS 6.0, Opera 6.0, Mosaic
Fav.screensavers: Mystify, Matrix Code Emulator, Quote Screensaver []
Fav.Website-editors: Notepad / Edit Plus Text Editor [by hand is most accurate and most efficient many times], DreamWeaver [it's the WYSIWYG program that annoys me the least and is actually rather good]
Fav.Graphic-editors: Paint Shop Pro 4.0, Adobe Photoshop 6.0
Messengers & similar: ICQ, MSN messenger, Yahoo! messenger, AIM, Trillian [= ICQ/MSN/Y!M/AIM/IRC in one program.]
Games played: Not too many (avoided playing games from '97 - '03). Sometimes I play StarCraft, Tetris, Dr.Rudy and misc old games [I'm weirdly nostalgic when it comes to old games - sometimes I play for the mere nostalgia trip of it all]. Used to play Doom, Wolfenstein 3D, Tomb Raider, Duke Nukem, Prince of Persia, Captain Comic, Grand Prix, Mario, Chip's Challenge, Realms of Chaos, Jazz Jackrabbit, Xargon, Arkanoid, DXball, etc etc much more.
Most visited places online: Swat Kats forums [],
Cult of Cod [],
CRIBE chatroom [],
User Friendly comic strip [],
Random Axe Of Kindness comic strip [],
Something Positive comic strip [],
my e-mailaccounts and some more forums.
Has visited IRL: [is in Sweden], Denmark, Hungary, England, France, Germany, those countries are all of which I've spent more than a couple of hours in sofar.
Projects currently involved with:
Datorföreningen (computer club) [website],
Salong Magaly [website],
Gen's Archive [website] {project currently on ice},
Shadow's Alley [website],
Shadow's Playground [website] {project currently on ice},
MegaKat Diner [this website].
Random Zapping [fanzine/website] {project currently on ice},


? Has this page been changed again ???

  Yes this page has been changed again... The old pages about me are still at their old locations though, so you can still access them - if you know their filenames and location ;-)


Shadow's results on tests taken at

The Bastard Test

The results are in. You are certifiably:

30% bastard!
17% of which is Tard

The worldwide average is 44% bastard.

How others compare:
3% (same as you)
20% (less bastard than you)
77% (more bastard than you)
The Bitch Test

The results are in. You are certifiably:

6% bitch!
which is lower than the worldwide average 38%

How others compare:
0% (same as you)
2% (less bitchy than you)
98% (bitchier than you)
The Death Test

Death date: May 24, 2057 at the age of 73 years old.

On that date you will most likely die from:
Cancer (30%)
Suicide (18%)
Third Degree Burns (10%)
Alien Abduction (9%)
Heart Attack (7%)
Homicide (7%)
Drowning (6%)
The Gay Test

You are 36% GAY!

That's gayer than average for someone of your gender and supposed orientation. The typical straight female is only 31% gay!
Here's how you compare:

The world-wide gayness average is 36%.
11% of all test takers describe themselves as gay.
24 is the gayest age.
Women average 33% gay.
Men average 39%.
The Gender Test
[excerpt from a convo over MSN messenger which i had while doing the test, here is how i reacted on the results of that retarded test *LOL* ...the overreaction was due to that I had a lousy week.]
The_Shadow_003 says:

It all adds up... You are definitely a man!
[88% confidence]

The_Shadow_003 says:
fuck fuck fuck
The_Shadow_003 says:
WRONG!! *clicks on "Wrong answer" button*
Lampshade says:
The_Shadow_003 says:


You know, for every question, we track very carefully what each gender answers. This allows us to guess with the utmost accuracy what you are. And in the rare case where we guess incorrectly (like now), we have the opportunity to learn from nature's mistake. You.

People like you, who walk the scary line between man and woman, are *very* helpful in understanding exactly what it means to be human. Thanks, and good luck. wishes to thank all 1,516,302 females (57%) and 1,134,831 males (43%) who have taken the Gender Test thus far. This experiment is something we're quite proud of. Did you know that men are more likely to call this test retarded than women? Women are less likely to choose being lonely (over bleeding to death) than men. Men prefer white bedrooms. Women prefer blue bedrooms.

The_Shadow_003 says:
that's bullshit!
The_Shadow_003 says:
blue bedrooms are too fucking depressive!
Lampshade says:
The_Shadow_003 says:
and no way in hell do i wanna bleed to death!
The_Shadow_003 says:
and the test is retarded!!
The_Shadow_003 says:
fucking thing!!
Lampshade says:
The_Shadow_003 says:
The_Shadow_003 says:

The IQ Test
[stopped at question #174]
The Un-Telligence Test

You have a knack for greatness. For the record,you are:

75% Un-telligent!
which is significantly higher than the current average of 60%



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MKD's webmaster: The_Shadow_003 (a.k.a. ts003 a.k.a. Shadow)
page last updated: 2001 December 1 CET 00:46

MegaKat Diner - located at

DISCLAIMER & ©opyrights: All the characters in the tv-show "SWAT Kats: the radical squadron" belongs to Hanna-Barbera, if there are other peoples characters here, it will be noted at it's location. All remaining characters where created by ts003. Such characters in fan fictions, fan art or anything else, belongs to ts003™ a.k.a. the_Shadow_003™ a.k.a Shadow.
IF you whish to use any of ts003's characters & images, or anybody elses, permission must be granted from that person whos creation you whish to use.