An ever changing place of opinion, works in progress, recommended reads and other places to find me

The Rail
This page was last updated on 11/11/2008


What you will find here; (Besides an excellent example of what you can do with a simple idea, a simple mind and a couple of thousand dollars of computer equipment)

What I've been up to in the last few months.

Working with some people to get an idea I had for a reality television show into production
Working with a couple of producers who have purchased an option on a screen play to try to get some backing so it can go into production.
Book reviewer in (One of the main web based sources for reviews in the field.)

Reviewer for ezine dedicated to mysteries.
Reviewer for SF READER and a few other places on occasion and as need dictates.
Correspondent for, a technology oriented webzine. I cover racing for them

Up! Beam me up, er, Stevie!

Or, for the brave and daring, you can choose to go to one of these places!

Links to other sites on the Web used to do the occasional review for these guys. It's still an interesting place to visit.

SFREVU--I provide the occasional (well, all right, I'm going to be in every issue because I knows the editor) review for this brand new e-reviewletter. Subscribe today, it's free!!!

Fandom Directory--a source book for almost everything fannish and having to do with science fiction, fantasy and horror. It's amazing what and who you will find listed here. great source for new news on technology issues and the occasional piece of auto racing.

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