Title Image

This Webring / Group is in no-way affiliated with any other organization/group/persons that carry or have any other type of definition for the word BITCH. This Webring has been created for a particular type of person.
That particular type of person is described below.

We are not against our opposite sex..!!

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The meaning of the word bitch to us is
" Being In Total Control of Herself "


To stand tall and proud with a voice that is not afraid to speak out.
To stand beside your man and not behind.
To be one's self at all times.
To be prepared to defend our young and their minds.
To fight against those who are unjust to others.

Plain and simple ladies,
Remember to BITCH 1st and ask questions later.*smile*

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Lets B*I*T*C*H

If you are already part of the B*I*T*C*H WebRing, and need to edit your site's attributes (URL, your e-mail address, site description, or password)
Enter your site ID and password below:
(if your changing your email please advise megabitch@dozyone.ml.org)

Site ID: Password:

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Here are the steps that need to be followed to join

1st and foremost

It is most important that you understand these conditions



  • Fill out the form below to register your site and write down the Site ID number you are assigned and remember your password.
  • The page that follows your registration will be have a copy of the fragment on it ready for you to copy and paste into your page, no editing required.
  • Your page will be placed in the B*I*T*C*H 'Database', where it will remain until you are added to the ring.
  • Please add this to your page as soon as possible, as these are checked quite regularly.
  • This does not insert you in the ring, but places you in the queue. Additions may take up to 2 weeks before being added to the ring itself. The process takes time and patience. Please DO NOT write to the ring mistress requesting to be added. A certain process needs to take place before being added to the ring.
  • Not abiding to the above requirement could result in being removed from the queue all together.
  • Have the Ring Fragment and images visible and ready on your main page. Reason being that any person visiting your site should be able to easily distinguish the location of your ring. This fulfills the initial purpose of having such ring on your page. Any person should be able to identify the ring location to continue the journey by means of the ring as intended.
  • When responding to email about your ring site, ALWAYS include your site ID # in the subject header. This will facilitate the distinction of your site and enable any matter to be handled promptly and efficiently.
  • If you are having difficulties adding the HTML FRAGMENT to your site please email the Ring Mistress in order for help to be provided.
  • Above all be cooperative, supportive, understanding, and PATIENT. Sometimes additions may take longer due to unexpected situations that are totally out of reach to the ring mistress. Please be conscientious and do not email this person to add you when situations beyond human control arise.
  • Please note that this WebRing is for Ladies ONLY in the sense you are a women, not in the middle of changing gender. I have to place this in as I do not wish to mislead anyone.! This guideline has been emphasized and must be understood.
  • After reviewing your page for final details. You will then receive an e-mail informing you you've been added.
  • There must be some kind of "female" content, bio or input on pages.
  • Definiently NO pornographic material.
  • Must be "Child Safe" in all areas.
  • Must have "NO" sexual harassment to either gender.
  • Must know in your heart you are a Bitch.
  • Stand tall and forthright amongst those women who are unsure and show them how to be a " Bitch ".

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No nudity, sexual content, reference, explicit or distasteful pictures or language will be tolerated at all, and will result in your removal from the queue without any notice or explanation.

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One other important issue:

YOU WILL be automatically removed from the queue after 15 days of inactivity
Meaning you will have to resubmit your site to the queue.
So it is a good idea to put the ring up as soon as you submit your site so you don't forget. *smile*

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When trying to apply for the ring, if you get an error the first time you try because you time out or there is an error informing you the server is down PLEASE DO NOT EMAIL either of the Ring Mistress's the information.
If you, yourself can not make the queue, chances are the server is down, meaning NO ONE can do anything but be patient. A friendly recommendation, wait, and try again later.
The only real reason why an email should be sent in regards to being added are for any B*I*T*C*H's who's browsers are not form enabled. This is acceptable.

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Example Only....This is how your New WebRing should appear on your page

The below example will be emailed to you and it will also be the next page you see after submitting your information.

Previous B*I*T*C*H I'm Proud to be a Member of
The B*I*T*C*H Webring
This Site is Owned by

Would You Like To Join..?
Next B*I*T*C*H

¸¸ø¤¤ø,¸¸» Being In Total Control of Herself «¸,ø¤¤ø,¸

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We do have another fragment available if you prefer something a little smaller click here to get information on what needs to be edited...don't worry it's easy *s*

Control of
Join B*I*T*C*H

I'm Proud to be a Member of
The B*I*T*C*H Webring

This Site Is Owned by

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Site URL:

Site Title:



Please do not forget it!

Enter up to 20 keywords to describe your site

Enter a short description of your site

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If you have any major problems, e-mail Ring Mistress ©MegaBitch at:

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One other important stipulation
Enjoy your B*I*T*C*H WebRing
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