All About Flowers

Dearest th visitor,
Being an ardent fan of flowers, I know how much flowers matter to a person. This page is all about the meanings of flowers.
I got it all off e-mails and will continue to try to re-confirm their meanings. If you have any more to add to the list, or if there are any corrections to be made, please feel free to

Flowers & Their Traditional Meaning
Flower Meaning Flower Meaning
Aster Talisman of love Larkspur An open heart
Begonia A fanciful nature Pansy Thoughtful recollection
Carnation, red Admiration Primrose Young love
Carnation, white Pure and ardent love Rose, pink Perfect happiness
Chrysanthemum, red I love you Rose, white Charm and innocence
Chrysanthemum, white Truth Rose, red Love and desire
Daffodil Regard Rose, white and red Unity
Daisy Innocence, gentleness Rosebud Beauty and youth
Forget-me-not True love Tuberose Dangerous pleasure
Globe amaranth Unfading love Tulip You are the perfect lover
Hibiscus Delicate beauty Verbena May you get your wish
Jasmine, white Amiability Violet Modesty and simplicity
Jasmine, yellow Modesty

This is the end of my list. Do also visit the Roses Page to find out about what a certain number of roses mean.