Pre-University Seminar 1998

"Going global, staying local" such was the theme for the 1998 Pre-University Seminar. It was organised by Hwa Chong Junior College and held at the National University of Singapore (NUS). It lasted 6 days, from 1 June (Monday) to 6 June (Saturday) 1999 and was attended by 200 over participants from the 14 junior colleges and the central institutes.

The students attended a series of lectures (by both outside speakers and the students themselves) and activities that revolved around the theme; there was also the secondary aim of nuturing and developing the "future leaders of Singapore".

I attended this seminar as both a presentor and a participant.

Catholic Junior College (CJC) sent a team of 10 JC2-students for the presentation. Here is a page that records my experiences with this incredible team of students.

For the seminar itself, the whole body of students was split into 32 different groups. The 32 groups were halved and split into the two residential halls, namely, Kent Ridge and Sheares. My group was Seletar Group 18.

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