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New Quiz!!!!

Movie Quiz by Aromatic Herb, Guest Quizmistress:)

Which actor or actress portrayed both of the following roles in a film in the years shown:

1. Jack Burden (1949) and Bob Ford (1950)

2. Scarlett O'Hara (1939) and Blanche DuBois (1951)

3. Roy Earle (1941) and Fred C. Dobbs (1946)

4. Sean Thornton (1952) and John Book (1976)

5. Han Solo (1976) and John Book (1985)

6. Johnny Stark (1949) and Nick Romano (1954)

7. Tracy Lord (1940) and Tess Harding (1941)

8. Hildy Parks (1940) and Mame Dennis (1957)

9. Philip Green (1947) and Atticus Finch (1962)

10. Andy Griffin (1938) and Louis Renault (1943)

11. Waldo Lydecker (1944) and Lynn Belvedere (1948)

12. Joe Orton (1987) and Dr. Zachary Smith (1997)

13. Harry Lime (1950) and Hank Quinlan (1957)

14. Tony Wendice (1951) and Oliver Barrett II (1970)

15. Richard Hannay (1935) and Thomas Chippings (1939)

16. Barry Kane (1943) and Bob Collins (1952)

17. Dimitri Shostakovitch (1988) and Dr. John Watson (1988)

18. Harry Rote, Jr. (1967) and Yossarian (1971)

19. Bob LaSalle (1979) and Roberta Muldoon (1982)

20. "Lonesome" Rhodes (1957) and Will Stockdale (1958)

21. Richard Sumner (1957) and Frank Skeffington (1959)

22. Pookie Adams (1968) and Sally Bowles (1972)

23. Walter Neff (1944) and Tom Keefer (1953)

24. Henry Gondorff (1973) and Frank Galvin (1982)

25. Willie Gingrich (1965) and Morris Buttermaker (1976)

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Amy's Classic Stars Page
A Salute to Katharine Hepburn
Classic Films
Eric's World of Classic Movies
Films: Research and Resources

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