Step Four: Play a Cool Game!

Step Four: Play a Cool Game!

One of my favorite pastimes (with my dear "sister," MitchFan) is to re-cast classic movies with modern-day actors and actresses.

See if you can re-cast this classic movie with today's thespians:

Gone With the Wind

In honor of the re-release of one of the all-time greatest movies, this month's re-casting game will take on the massive chore of recasting GWTW with today's actors and actresses. Fear not! Yes, the originals were perfect, but it CAN be done with 1998 thespians!

Here's the character list...choose as many or as few of these to cast as you like:

Scarlett O'Hara Rhett Butler Melanie Wilkes Ashley Wilkes
Gerald O'Hara Ellen O'Hara Suellen O'Hara Careen O'Hara
Stuart Tarleton Brent Tarleton Mammy Pork
Prissy Jonas Wilkerson Big Sam John Wilkes
India Wilkes Charles Hamilton Frank Kennedy Aunt Pittypat
Uncle Peter Dr. Meade Mrs. Meade Mrs. Merriwether
MaybelleMerriwether Mrs. Elsing Fanny Elsing Belle Watling
Bonnie Blue Butler Beau Wilkes Bonnie's nurse Yankee Deserter

Don't feel you need to cast ALL those roles....or that you can't include roles not mentioned in the list above. Send all casting ideas using the form below.

And....go see GWTW on the big screen while you have the chance!!!

Send your casting ideas for this month's movie...or suggestions for classic movies to cast!!!


Movie Casting Submission Form

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Check out the Gone With the Wind Casts!

Check out the Philadelphia Story Casts!

Check out the Casablanca Casts!

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