....to the sun & back....

Hey everyone! Welcome to my wonderful page of rantings *S* I know its not the best page in the world, but hey, at least I'm trying. Thanks for stopping by though and don't forget to sign the book on your way out! :o)

But either way, most of you know me as Megan, Starr6652, Alexis, SV, Mistress 9, §|{î†zø×~×\/êñü§™ or any other name I may have come up with. *L* (I can never make up my mind on a name.) I'm 20 years old, have blonde hair, blue eyes *sometimes green* I just recently moved to Jacksonville, NC but I did live in Maryville, Tennessee. I was born and raised most of my life in Long Beach, New York before moving here. And let me tell you, its one big change!

I absolutly love anything that has to do techo music and clubs. I guess you can say that I am a 100% true "raver" to the core. I love most music types, but my favorite is of course Techno or Trance followed by Alternative or R&B. I guess I would have to say that some my favorite groups/bands, or whatever you want to call it would have to be DJ Slink *house DJ*, Darude, Moby, DJ Icey, BabyAnne, Dieselboy, DJ Micro, and many of the other DJs that we get in our clubs. Like most teenagers, I do the normal stuff like hanging out, going to parties, and of course shopping whenever the chance happens to come around. *which happens to be a lot* I absolutly love to dance, especially at my choice of night time life which would be at Fiction, Lord Lindseys, or the Boiler Room. I'd have to say that those places are my second home :o)


Even though I no longer go to Heritage High School, I still feel like bragging on the HHS Flag Corps, congrats on a GREAT year! *S* And good luck on the following season. GO HHS!!

But thats enough about me though. If you want to know more just e-mail me.

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FICTION- Knoxville TN

"Touch Parties" live at Fiction

Take a look at my pics *S*

Infinity Chat

My Titanic Page- Truth Beyond Reality: The Titanic Love Story

Infinity Chatters Homepages

Heritage High School
*not fully updated or completed yet, its a brand new page*

Are They Really the Champs??

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Sailor Scouts of Infinity

The Skitzo Family





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