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At every crossroads.
When you are crossed up. 
When you come to a crossing and indecision gnaws. 
When you know Satan has you in his crosshairs,
a bullseye on your heart. 
When the puzzle isn't a mere crossword. 
At every person's cross word.
As you cross a desert,
cross a stream,
cross a mountain,
cross a ditch,
cross a path,
cross a lane and the traffic is heavy,
cross the deepest of oceans....
When all you see is an abyss you somehow must cross.
When your journey is cross-country or your kids are cross-county. 
If your boss asks you to do something crossways,
something that crosses your very spirit.
When a stranger is cross with you. 
When errands make you crisscross town. 
And Back again. 
When your burden weighs as a railroad's crosstie,
and you know it is a cross you must bear.
When life's threads look like an unfinished crosstitch.
If to reach your lifeboat you must swim a crosscurrent,
and a crosswind spill you again. 
If your crosstrainer shoes don't shed the pounds. 
Or running crosscourt.
Should you know you're doing right and someone crosses you. 
When the kid in you wants to cross your heart and hope to die. 
When your head is spinning and your view is cross-eyed. 
Whether it is a pothole or a valley and you know you must cross over.
If at the gorge you can find no crossbridge.
If you have built your house upon the sand,
the storm rises and the crossbeam snaps. 
If you aspire and a rival seeks to cross our your dream. 
When life's pace has become too fast and at every crosswalk you must run.

Remember the Way,

the Truth


the Cross He bore for you.

Have a verrrry blessed and happy day!!!!!


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