December 10, 2000

Due to recent changes in my life

(job, classes, breathing)

I have decided to discontinue my website until I have more time for it. When that'll be I have no idea but in the mean time thank you for supporting me in my endeavors.

I'm reconfiguring my site so that everything is simpler and not so messy and I'm going to have some of my original works up there so come back soon, ya hear? I may even start up my journal again, I think it has a cathartic effect. For now I'll just be leaving brief messages about my life on this page. By the way if you need to reach me my new email address is


Now that it has been established that I am the worst "updater" ever, I am pretty sure I'm going to be discontinuing this site. I mean the only people who come here ("hi guys") are peeps who already know everything that is going on in my what's the point? So unless something truly monumental occurs in my life, I think I'm just going to stop trying.


I was looking through my old journals today, just thumbing through (FYI its almost 4 a.m. right now and I'm feeling a bit maudlin)and it really struck me how quickly life passes you by. Like the things that seemed so funny or tragic when I was 13 or 15 or 19 seem...well not so important now. What really made me sad though were references to old friends whom I once thought I'd be friends with forever and now don't talk to. With most of them, its not that we got into huge fights or arguments (although there were underlying reasons I suppose for the widening distances for some of them) we just kind of drifted apart. LOL, look at me I'm going to go into a rendition of "Memory" any second now. In fact:

See the dew on the sunflower
And a rose that is fading
Roses whither away
Like the sunflower
I yearn to turn my face to the dawn
I am waiting for the day . . . 

Not a sound from the pavement
Has the moon lost her memory?
She is smiling alone
In the lamplight
The withered leaves collect at my feet
And the wind begins to moan 

All alone in the moonlight
I can smile at the old days
I was beautiful then
I remember the time I knew what happiness was
Let the memory live again 

Every streetlamp
Seems to beat a fatalistic warning
Someone mutters
And the streetlamp gutters
And soon it will be morning 

I must wait for the sunrise
I must think of a new life
And I musn't give in
When the dawn comes
Tonight will be a memory too
And a new day will begin 

Burnt out ends of smoky days
The stale cold smell of morning
The streetlamp dies, another night is over
Another day is dawning 

Touch me
It's so easy to leave me
All alone with the memory
Of my days in the sun
If you touch me
You'll understand what happiness is 

A new day has begun


A weekend is never enough time to spend with your loved ones (in this case my college buddies), but as they say - "A picture is worth a thousand words."

The lovely Parisa who picked me up from the airport and who graciously allowed me to crash at her pad.

Parisa in front of her XMas tree.

On the way to a pool hall we discovered that Par's car was out of coolant...OOPS!

The LOVELY Parisa and the lovely flowers her boytoy Ben gave her.

PDA Alert! Because of these two, Jin got diabetes.

Freezing in front of H20; Kris, Rachel, and Parisa.

Funny guy Bo

Jamal and a friend

The wannabe porn star.

In front of the Italian/Greek restaurant with the gang in Richmond.

Rachelabella (one of the billion pics I have of this hottie).

Mojo's amazing bowling ball impression.

Good golly Miss Molly, where does the time go? It seems like just yesterday I was vowing to start the site up again (by April ha ha) and do a lot of other stuff. So whats new with me? I got straight A's this last semester and I am going on a trip to see my best buddies Par Par and Dee up in NoVa and Richmond next weekend so of course I'm totally psyched. Oh and in great news, Dee got into med school! Here's a pic of my new kitty Milabella and my dad's new Wiredhaired Fox Terrier Doldori:


LOL I am finally updating after four months. Nothing is going on right now except I've gained and lost about 100 pounds in the last four months. I know its totally unhealthy but I can't help myself. I suppose I'm what's known as a yo yo dieter. *Sigh.* My problem is that I'll lose 20-25 pounds after a month of strict dieting and than go insane for a month (or sometimes as little as 3 weeks) and gain all the weight back. The problem is that when I'm thinner I think that nothing is worth denying myself all that wonderful food (after all nobody cares what I look like - my friends will still love me whether I'm fat or thin) but when I gain the weight I feel like a disgusting pig. I either need to find a better diet or a good shrink. Either way, LOL I need to do something - especially since I've gained back all the weight I lost on my last diet. Back to Atkins for me =(

The weirdest thing happened though. I'm pretty sure I spotted my old (ex) friend Ryan in the library. Okay its not that weird, but I know that his parents moved out of their old house about a year or two ago so if it was him I have no idea what he was doing on this side of town or even in this state. I was/should have said hi but I wasn't sure if it was him and wasn't sure if I wanted to say hi even if it was. The funny thing is that if it is/was him than he's losing his pretty blonde hair *HA*. Okay I know that was totally petty but I can't help but feel like its Karmic justice for his treatment of that girl he was dating when I last spoke to him.

On the plus side my friend Bren recently got a promotion in his job and my dog Do-Lee had an operation on her gums and teeth which for some reason has made her as frisky as a puppy. Plus our vet told my sister that he thinks that good old Do-Lee will definitely be around for the next five years barring any tragic accidents (shes 12 and our last vet had told us that she had only a year to live - two years ago).

I'm really sad that Sex and The City has ended but have heard rumors that there might be a movie in the works so we may be seeing our fave girls again sometime in the future. I am happy that Carrie finally got with Big (whose name it turns out is John) though I still maintain that Aidan was in many ways the perfect guy. As for the Russian...though I love Mikhail Baryshnikov (as everybody knows "The Turning Point" is on the top twenty of my fave movies of all time) Aleksandr Petrovsky was just too old for Carrie. Seeing them together kind of gave me a creepy feeling.

I have made a vow to start working on my website by April of 2004. Why? I really feel like I need a creative outlet and I remember how much I used to love working on my site, so look for my site to be fully "up" by summer.