Crying Time

~The Tear Drop~

Falls the teardrop, Glistening and cold
A story of sadness, the story is old.

He loved her from the very start.
He had no idea; her's was a cheating heart.
He confided in her all of his intimate fears.
She pulled him into her and held him near.
He thought that he had met,
someone "special" at last.
He had no idea, his world would crash.

The tears fall: like crystalized drops,
his heart is breaking.
Her love for him suddenly stopped
What was it?
What was it please?
Please tell me.
He loved her so deeply.
How could this be?
The tears are falling, his heart has crashed.
He found out today . Her love won't last.
Her heart is cold a stone heart in her chest.
To see if he would love her.
To her was a game, a test.

His tear drops fall like pouring rain.
His heart is broken, he feels the pain.
He gave his love to a "cheating heart".
This is the day his tear drops start...
He begs and he pleads.
His broken heart weeps.
He thought he had found,
a love that he could keep.
Silver, silver tears. flow down his cheeks.
Crystal tear drops fall at her feet.

Yet she's cold.
Her heart is ice.
Did someone do "her" wrong?
Did she pay the price?

Her cheating heart, broke a man in two.
If you love a cheating heart;
this will happen to you.
The tears of loneliness are extremly cold.
the story of a "cheating heart" is very old.
The legend of a "cheating heart" is too often told. verse by:


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