
by Helen Tomer (1997)

We have vitamin A for action
And for energy, we need B
There's that vitamin for colds, It's labeled C
We soak up in the sun, and are always on the run
To get our vitamin D, to make us strong,
Don't get caught without your oily vitamin E
Or go without it's power, you'll agree.
Let's see, that's A B C D and E,
And they will nourish you and me,
But there is another one, underneath the shining Sun
You get it just for livin', it's the vitamin we're given
When the Lord made us a part of His plan
This vitamin L He gave us, stands for LOVE
And it will save us, so, though it don't come in a
Bottle, or in a big white pill: you can't see, or touch,
Or taste it, you shouldn't ever waste it: we're better
Off, when life is full of LOVE.
Let's drink it by the gallon, share it where you can,
Pour it out upon your needy clan.
You can never overdose, so keep it very close,
Use it, spread it out across the land,
Don't leave home without it , tell your friends about
It, because it makes the world go round and round
It also keeps our feet upon the ground.
Now, my dear, with all your getting, of herbs and
Vitamins, of lotions, potions, notions,
to keep from gettin double chins,
This vitamin L tops everything, give yourself a treat,
Bask in LOVE for Every single person that you meet.

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