
by Micheline Hickey-Ross

You and I fell in love
So soon after we first met,
and I believe then that
the feelings my heart held for you
could never be deeper or stronger
than in that first excitement
of discovering our special love.
But now the more we're together,
I come to realize that our love
encompanies so much more
than those first emotions
For each idea and feeling.
Spoken freely and intrust, increases
our understanding of each other....

Each moment we share,
smiling or in tears, brings us
antoher memory of our future.
Each challenge or dream we met,
together or individually, offers us
the opportunity to grow
and strengthen our lives.
And all these things,
together with all our potentials,
have deepend the love
we felt from the first moment.
You have helped me to grow
in ways I've never known.
And all those new spaces within me,
are so full of love for you,
that I just simply can't stop thinking
about you.

Email to: Micheline

Borders By Elly"