My Real Life Friends

Added: April 11, 1998
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Well, I want to make this page of my real life friends. You've seen the links to my online friends, but these are the real deal, the friends that I see on a mostly daily basis, the people I hang out with, the real loves of my life. As of now, this page is very primitive, because I just really want to get it up and running and I can't think of how to make it elaborate. So just deal.

"Friendship is a single soul dwelling in two bodies." - Aristotle

I guess I'm one of those sentimental types who agree with that statement. For me, a friend isn't just someone you hang out with. It's not just someone who makes you look cool to be with, or someone who you waste your time with because they can stand to be around you. It's not even just someone you have stuff in common with. It's like, I don't know... Like some people just don't work quite as well without the supplimentation of other people... You know, like as just me, I am, well, just me. But with my friends, we're like pieces that make a whole. Not emotional vampirism or co-dependency or fear of being alone or any of that. Just absolute giving.

So now that I have stammered my way through what a friend is, I will tell you now who a friend is.

BF Brigade

What's a BF? No, no, just forget everything you read in Seventeen magazine; this is not the hip term for a boyfriend. BF is a serious thing. BF is more than a "best friend" (the abbreviation's literal definition). The BF Brigade is a group of four people-- Doug, Shannon, Jessica, and Mary (hereafter referred to as BFD, BFS, BFJ, and BFM)-- who, well, it's hard to say. I guess that if you look at the above definition of friends, the BF's are four people who best fit that definition. I don't know where I'd be without the BF's. Oh wow. Corny and clichè. But you know, it's true. The whole "BF" thing started back when I first met BFJ. She was in my junior English class, and we didn't even know each other. But these two girls in our class, who were best friends, showed up wearing very similar shoes one day, so we laughed about how, if you want to be best friends, you apparently have to wear the same shoes. So BFJ (who was then just "Jessica") said, "Doug, let's go get some best friend shoes so we can be best friends." The joke went on, and soon we were calling them "BF shoes" and calling each other BF's. At the time, I was friends with Mary and Shannon, but not as close as we are now. There was no BF Brigade. My senior year, however, the four of us ended up in the same theater class, and Jessica and Mary were on my newspaper staff, so we quickly became friends with Jessica. Mary, Shannon, and I had a few classes together, so we grew really close, and before long, the four of us would often do stuff together, just the four of us. So the BF Brigade started. Now, we're really quite inseparable. Here are pictures of the BF's.

These pictures are of BFJ, BFM, and Nic, a friend of ours but not a BF. (It may sound rude to say someone's not a BF, but it's not; not everyone can be a BF, and just because someone isn't a BF doesn't mean he or she isn't an amazing friend.) This was my artistic vision; BFJ and BFM are in love with their respective manequins, and Nic is playing the part of a manequin. Hey, how do you spell manequin? :-)

(At this point, I have no pictures of BFS... But I will VERY soon!)

This is a picture that BFJ took of me meditating in front of a "meditation chapel" in the "BF Park," a park we discovered in downtown Salt Lake that we just love!

Remember, this page is in its VERY formative stage, so come back eventually!

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