I DETEST racism!!!! It sours the soul and hurts our society. >:(

I consider myself a VERY open-minded, liberal, out-going, friendly, self-confident and fun Hispanic womyn. I'm a good friend, great partner & wonderful mother. I treat everyone I know or see in the same way I'd like to be treated (with respect--until otherwise shown)...regardless of race, cultural background, origin of birth, handicap, sexual orientation, gender, sex, etc. and I expect the same in return (though this does not always happen).

I'm not racist AT ALL and DO NOT like people who are. I believe racism is OBVIOUS ignorance & just basic stupidity (fear of the unknown). So I don't let it around me or my family, if at all possible.


As for discrimination: It again is VERY similar to Racism except it happens on the basis of OTHER additional issues...such as sex, gender, sexual orientation, age, weight (size), handicap, etc. I DON'T discriminate and either report, or avoid, those who do. I am VERY opposed to Discrimination because it only hurts those who are discriminated against and helps those who aren't (plus it fosters HORRIBLY negative feelings and long-term negative societal effects).

I myself have been discriminated against due to my weight (being over-weight), my sex (being a womyn), my race (being Hispanic) and my sexual orientation (being a lesbian). Though my race (so far), has been one of the smaller problems, though most people can't say that. Being a femyle and "full-figured" has been where I've experienced the most discrimination in my life. Though now, since I've been 100% myself (an OUT lesbian), discrimination and sometimes even persecution, threats &/or vandalism have been issues also. I've learned to live with and deal with negativity & ignorance because I persevere and nothing will hold me down or stop me, unless I let it (& that's not going to happen). In all honesty though, it isn't always easy and it can build resentments. >:( But it also motivates & enables change for the future.

There's nothing positive about Racism or Discrimination (that's why I TOTALLY support "Affirmative Action" & other such laws). Though, but from these negative experiences, I've learned A LOT about myself. My personal strength and confidence has increased immensely and I've accomplished more than most can say - even during trying times. It's been difficult but dedication and perseverance has given me internal strength, courage, self-esteem, hope and optimism that most heterosexual, white, thin-bodied males or females don't have. :) So things happen for a reason & end in a positive way.

Both of these issues negatively impact our society. And how we ALL live together in this world and during this lifetime is important to our future generations. It's important for ALL society to get past these "trivial" (yet massive) issues and get on with living, loving and helping each other to make a better world for ourselves and our children - the next generation. :)

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