
First things first, PLEASE refresh/reload your browser everytime you come to my page or else, don't bother complaining that I haven't updated it in a long time. Okay, with that out of the way, you're very WELCOMED here =)

Lately I've been too lazy to change the layout, the fonts, the background( I know some of you are complaining bout it), the fullstops, the exclamation marks, yada yada...Some of you hate the mouse trailer thingy cos it's annoying but I like it so I'm still gonna leave it here, so there =P

No major updating though, my not-so-good-HTML in the first place is already rusty so I guess that explains why there's no er.. 'perkembangan'( what's that word in English already?)First page's changed though, some people really thought I was dead and even asked Wai Ying why her best friend was a dead person(aik..) changed this page, the "my world" page and a few bits here and there..and well, maybe just maybe soon enough some pictures will be up.

Don't worry, no pressures here to sign my guestbook or anything, just have a good time and I know how lazy YOU PEOPLE are, so I've added back and forward links so you don't have to come back to my first page to go to another section of my homepage, urh, get it? If you don't, nvm, in this age where everyone's computer-literate I think you'll figure something out =)

What else could you possibly wanna know bout me?

People whom I drive crazy sometimes, hey I don't MEAN to!!! 0=)

Feel like letting everything go and being in a world of your own? (Okay, so it's my world but it's still the same!!) *heh* =)

Some links here, some links there...

Thanks fer making me count.

LE FastCounter

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by Lpage

This is just the norm I guess, nobody would be this free to go around scrutinizing webpages and then sending them mail regarding it, heh...

Last updated: 14th November 2000

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