300 Creationist Lies
Part M

Hovind: "Inside the kings chamber there is a red granite coffin. The inside dimensions of that coffin are exactly the same dimensions as the ark of the covenant"

This was lie #137, so I am not going to call it again.

Hovind: 'Where did Pharaoh and his army drown in the Red Sea? The children of Israel went across [the Gulf of Aqaba] on dry ground, and Pharaohs army drowned.

Lie #223. The Hebrew words usually thought of as 'Red Sea' are 'Yam Suph' which literally translated (something the creationists insist we do) means, 'sea of reeds'. According to Isaac Asimov, what is now called the Gulf of Suez extended north into two areas of saltwater swamps. These were filled in at the time the Suez Canal was constructed, but in the past would, literally, have been a sea of reeds which would have supported the passage of fleeing Israelites on foot, especially at low tide, but would have rendered passage by Egyptian chariots all but impossible, especially if they arrived later, when the tide was higher.

Hovind: "People have gone scuba diving in that location, and guess what they have found? At the bottom of the Red Sea, on each side of the Gulf of Aqaba, are pillars inscribed by King Solomon (figure 6-5). Inscribed on the pillars are: This is the place where they crossed the Red Sea. At the bottom of the Red Sea, there are chariot wheels that are not connected to the chariots."

I am going to call this a lie until and unless Hovind, or anybody, publishes a peer-reviewed scientific paper on the matter - after all, this is what a real scientist would do, isn't it?

Hovind: "There is a mountain on the right side of the Gulf of Aqaba called Jabal al-Law, which means, Mountain of Laws."

Lie #224. I looked this up in an Arab-English dictionary and also checked with an Omani woman with whom I work. Hovind is lying.

Hovind: "They also discovered the cities of Sodom and Gomorra. The actual cities of Sodom and Gomorra are at the south end of the Dead Sea. You cant see the cities unless you are about five miles away. When you get right up next to them, they look just like cliffs of ash. If you dig into the ash, you will find little sulfur balls that have been burned out."

Lie #225. Wait a minute - don't get too close because they look precisely like ash - go a long distance away and then look? What kind of advice is that? That's their philosophy, though - don't get too close and examine living things for evolution at the genetic level - keep your distance and just look at them anatomically.

Where are the published papers done by creationists on this? Here is a chance for them to prove the Bible is a record of god, yet they do nothing! Why is this? You would think the fundies would be pushing like crazy with all this evidence, wouldn't you? If they really had all this evidence. Finding a pile of something that looks like ash, or even of ash, proves nothing. It could represent anything. Where is their scientific testing? Where are the published papers? Where is the radiometric dating to show that this material really is old enough to be part of Sodom and Gomorra? Where are their excavations?

What about the sulfur? Has it been tested independently, and scientifically, to show that the white part was really burned, or is the white part simply caused by drying, or sun exposure? Are these mounds, that Hovind calls cities, nothing more than spoil heaps from the mining which has gone on for years around the Dead Sea? We will never know because the science has not been not done.

This is typical of creationists - they are great at preaching and holding meaningless debates, but not a single, solitary one of them has ever published a scientific paper on anything pertinent to their claims in any respected scientific journal. In light of this, we must dismiss Hovind's claims as nothing more than fabrications and fantasy.

Hovind: "There were no deformed genes or mutations as we have today. Today, each person carries quite a heavy genetic load. That is why if you marry someone that is closer than your first cousin, there is a good chance that the babies will be deformed because both carry similar mutations. The deformities will most likely show up in the baby in the form of six fingers, hemophilia, etc. Some of these very common mutations happen from marrying too close to the blood line."

Lie #226. I hope anyone out there with any of these so-called deformities sues Hovind's ass for his insult which is also a lie. If it isn't a lie, where is his published study, proving his insane assertion?

Hovind: "When God first made the world, there was not a genetic load."

Lie #227. If god made it and saw that it was good, how could there ever be a genetic load? The only way to explain a genetic load is evolution - or a completely incompetent creator.

Hovind: "Therefore, they married sisters in the first generation, and in the second generation, they married cousins. After that, they were diversified enough to be no problem."

Lie #228. If they were all clones of Adam - as they had to be, how could there be any variation at all?

Hovind: "I am very often asked, Where did the black race come from? You might want to ask the question, Where did the white race come from? Adam may have been black."

Lie #229. May have been? Nay, was!

Hovind: "Look at Genesis 4:15, And the LORD said unto him, Therefore whosoever slayeth Cain, vengeance shall be taken on him sevenfold. And the LORD set a mark upon Cain, lest any finding him should kill him. Some people think that he became a giant. That is a very real possibility, but we dont know for sure."

Lie #230. Cain was Adam and Eve's firstborn (if we are to trust the Bible). Abel was second. At that time there were only four people on the whole planet (according to Hovind). Who did Cain have to fear? There were no other humans to even threaten him, let alone kill him. Animals were all vegetarians (according to Hovind). What did Cain have to fear? This very story proves that the creation story so beloved by Hovind and his ilk - of one man and one woman giving rise to all - is nothing but a lie itself.

Hovind: "Fermentation was not even possible before the flood. The canopy of water protected the earth prior to the flood. They could not have made wine or alcohol even if they had wanted to make it. It simply could not be done."

Lie #231. Many fruits ferment naturally due to the sugar in them.

Lie #232. A canopy of water, real or myth, has nothing whatsoever to do with fermentation.

Hovind: "Noah, a preacher of righteousness, became drunk, and his son Ham laughed at his fathers nakedness. Noah awoke from his sleep and said, ...Cursed be Canaan; a servant of servants shall he be unto his brethren."

Lie #233. There is nowhere in the Bible that says Ham laughed at his father's nakedness. This is more of Hovind's fiction. What he actually did, if the Bible is to be believed, was notify his brothers that his father was naked, and his brothers covered up his father. For this service of respect and decency, Noah curses not Ham, but Canaan, supposedly Ham's offspring!

Hovind: "I personally hold to the Tower of Babel explanation...where God confused the languages. The races were either miraculously created or the races were a natural byproduct of small groups of people who spoke the same language going off to their own place and inbreeding for generations within that small group of the same genetic pool. If that were the case, mutations would become dominate within a small population."

Lie #234. I think this imbecile means 'dominant' not 'dominate'. These wouldn't be the mutations creationists claim do not exist because mutations are always harmful, would they? These wouldn't be the mutations that creationists say could never have given rise to evolution, would they? Hovind loves to embrace evolutionary theory where it supports his arguments. He sure hates it when it works against him though. What kind of science is that? He is only going to play if he can be assured he will win?

If Hovind is going to pretend this happened, then why does he not pretend to get off his lazy ass and do some genetic research on it and try to prove his case? Personally I am willing to bet that he would have to postulate a rate of mutation far greater than evolutionists ever ask for to explain how one family of Middle Easterners could, in only 4,400 years, give rise to the diversity of humans evident on this planet.

In addition to this, I would love it if he could explain how there managed to be large civilizations with a few years of the flood which supposedly covered over 200 million square miles, to a depth of well over a mile (according to Hovind) and wiped out all but eight humans. Where did that 200 million cubic miles of water come from?

Hovind: "...because the races also have similar languages. The racial barrier and the language barrier seem to go together."

Lie #235. What barrier? Is this the same Hovind, who is about to argue that all nations are of one blood, now talking about a racial barrier? Language and race have nothing whatsoever to do with each other. According to Webster's 1998 CD Encyclopedia, there are approximately two billion speakers of Indo-European languages. The next most populous family is Sino-Tibetan, with over one billion; others include Niger-Congo (260 million), Afro-Asiatic (230 million), and Austronesian (200 million). Now you tell me where these language families coincide with racial boundaries. It took me two minutes to look this up. Obviously Hovind, or any creationist, is incapable of the most simple research. This is why he is a moron.

Hovind: "I do know this, all nations are of one blood, and we are not superior to the blacks, or the Orientals, or any other color, just because we may be white. We are all the same, and I am very much against racism!"

Lie #236. He may claim to be against chromatic racism, but he is definitely not against religious racism, whereby he dogmatically insists he is right and part of the chosen race, and anyone who does not believe precisely what he believes will rot in hell for all eternity. This kind of racism is no better than black and white racism, and it is far more insidious.

Hovind: "Is it true that a chromosome has been found that proves that homosexuals are born with the inability to choose their life style? I understand that all the research that has been done on this has been found to be false."

Lie #237. And it is going to stay a lie until and unless Hovind offers some sort of independent proof that this is indeed the case.

Hovind: "There has been research that indicates nearly all homosexuals come from families that have a weak father figure, and a dominate mother.I believe that research shows that there is a social link where the children are raised to be wimps or whatever."

Lie #238. Dominate mother? I am already in a bad mood today, so I am not going to start on what I think about those fundamentalists who pick on minorities in this appallingly derogatory manner. I might not be able to stop. This is a fine example of Hovind's sexism - that women cannot do the job - they have to have a 'dominate' man to control them or their children will go to hell.

What the fundies need to do is get out of people's lives. What other people do, as long as it is within sensible laws and not harming others, is entirely between them and whatever god they may worship. It has nothing whatsoever to do with Hovind or any of his asinine, moronic, clueless and brain dead dirt bag cronies. If there is a god who created this world, he created it and everything in it the way he wanted it for a purpose. For idolaters like Hovind to even pretend they know what god wants and to try and take it into their own hands to make it happen is the height of blasphemy. That is, if you believe in god.

Hovind: "If you believe stoning the homosexuals is still valid, then you ought also to stone those that commit adultery or fornication.

Hovind is writing his own Bible, just like he has made up his own religion so he can worship his own god. That's fine - people have done that throughout history. What he has no right to do is expect anyone to follow in his foolish footsteps. Besides, if he is going to take the Bible literally, why does he not support stoning sinners? Is he saying that this part of "the infallible, inspired, inerrant Word of the living God" might be wrong? Is he saying we ought to improve on the word of god?

Hovind: "One of the motives of NASA is to prove the theory of evolution by using taxpayer dollars."

Lie #239. - unless, of course, Hovind has proof.

Hovind: "They are not thinking because all they are trying to do is prove a religion. Carl Pagan (I mean Segan) and his group are attempting to look for signals of intelligent life on other planets."

Take note of Hovind's ad hominem attack on Carl Sagan, just so you can remind him of it next time he accuses the evolutionists of such behavior.

Hovind: "I think God made all the stars just for us to marvel at His great intelligence and wisdom."

In Carl Sagan's view, what a waste of space! If this absurd claim of Hovind's is true, how is it that virtually all humans throughout virtually all history have never even been able to see most of this glory? If god made the heavens for us to marvel at, how come he made 90% of it out of dark matter which we cannot see even with telescopes?

Hovind: "Nobody has ever proven the existence of another planet around any other star except the nine that we know of around our star, the sun. Therefore, there may not be any other stars in the solar system that have planets around them. There may be, but we cannot prove it."

Lie #240. There may not be any other stars in the solar system? I can guarantee Hovind that there are not. What a moron he is! The truth is that there have been planets detected around other stars, and this was known in 1995 - the year Hovind dates his seminar. Many more are known now than were then.

Hovind: "What happens if you keep heating the gas? You would get plasma. What if you keep heating it? We do not know because we are unable to get gas that hot."

Lie #241. Has Hovind never heard of nuclear explosions - never heard of the interior of stars?

Hovind: "The principles behind electrogravidic propulsion are very different from the principle behind jet propulsion...Every atom would be drawn electrically."

Lie #242. Atoms are electrically neutral (the electrons cancel out the protons) so how are they going to be drawn? And why doesn't a self-proclaimed physics teacher know this?

Hovind: "I do not think that Satan fell from heaven until about one-hundred years after the creation. He could not have fallen before the creation because he was spoken about in the book of Ezekiel as being good while in the garden. Look at Ezekiel 28:13-15"

Lie #243. It is not clear what Ezekiel is talking about (as usual), but it sure looks more like it is about humans than it does about a fallen angel. Besides, Hovind's claim contradicts Revelation 12, which shows the dragon being cast out of heaven after the ark was in the temple - so this cannot have been so soon after the creation. On the other hand, it also talks about this same dragon taking over 30% of the stars in heaven and casting them onto the Earth, a clear impossibility. I guess we cannot trust the Bible. Ezekiel probably had too much sun - or peyote. The fact that Bible writers thought the stars were small enough to be cast onto the Earth is absolute testimony to the non-divine nature of the Bible.

Hovind: "God made the whole thing in six literal twenty-four hour days, including time, including the angels, and everything that is. What day he made the angles is not known"

Lie #244. If it is not known, how can Hovind claim it was in those six days? How does he know it was not before the creation of the universe? The angles? Hmm!

Hovind: "All that we know is Adam was one-hundred and thirty when Seth was born. That is the first date given in Scripture."

Lie #245. This is not a date, it is an age. If Hovind is going to call this a date, then I am going to count the words, "In the beginning..." as a date and say that is the first date given in the Bible.

Hovind tells one of his pedantic and tedious stories here, but since he offers no evidence he did not make it up, I am going to hold him to it as his own words: "You and I live in a three dimensional world. We actually see only two dimensions. We can see the width and the height, but we perceive depth based upon experience."

Lie #246. We perceive depth based on having two eyes.

Hovind: "You cannot put a three dimensional object into two dimensions in a way that it can be fully comprehended. It simply cannot be done."

Lie #247. I guess architects are out of business then - no more perspective drawings.

Hovind: "Now, with that thought in mind, maybe God has more than three dimensions. That would appear to be the case according to an unusual verse in the book of Ephesians 3:18, May be able to comprehend with all saints what is the breadth, and length, and depth, and height."

When you look down into a swimming pool, you perceive it as depth. When you are on the bottom of the pool, cleaning it and painting it before the season starts, you perceive it as height. It's the same quality - different perception. For Hovind to be ranting on about perception and not see this is pathetic. Depth and height can be a continuation of the same thing - unless you are Kent Hovind desperate to make a point, of course, in trying to prove his bizarre theory that he is right and the rest of the world ought to bow down to his endless wisdom.

Hovind: "We are locked into time. You cannot go faster into the future, and you cannot go back to the past. You are stuck in the present."

Lie #248. If you were on the edge of a black hole, right on the event horizon, falling inwards, you would see the entire history of the universe flash before your eyes. If you were traveling at a significant percentage of the speed of light on a trip out into space and back, you would actually age slower than people on Earth. What might be six months for you could be fifty years on Earth. This is a proven fact.

Hovind: "God is not stuck in the present. God is not stuck in space or time or matter."

Kinda takes away the mystery, doesn't it? God knows exactly how everything will turn out - who will be saved, who will rot. Kind of a waste of time being an evangelist, isn't it?

Hovind: "Genesis 1:1 has the best illustration of the Trinity . In the beginning... That is time. Time has three parts to it, past, present, and future"

Lie #249. Only in our perception. Not in reality.

Hovind: "Space has three dimensions, depth, width, and height"

Not if string theory is right - parts of it have only two or less dimensions. For all we know, parts of it may have more. Space itself may have as many as 26 dimensions!

Hovind: "Matter has three dimensions, solid, liquid, and gas."

Lie #250. Not correct. What about plasma? What about energy - a form of 'non-frozen' matter. Hovind just got through mentioning plasma and now he forgets it? What about the Bose-Einstein condensate? Hovind claims to have been a physics teacher for 14 years and he has never heard of that state of matter? Hovind's attempt to prove the trinity falls flat. The only trinity in his life is himself, his beliefs, and who he can fool into sharing them.

Hovind: "Everything that was ever said, thought, or done is still traveling out through space."

Lie #251. Only radiation is traveling out through space - thoughts do not qualify. Sound cannot travel through space since there is no air to perpetuate it.

Hovind: "The blood of Jesus Christ cleanses us from all sin."

What a sick thought - bathing in the blood of your savior? The Catholics practicing cannibalism? This concept is one of the sickest aspects of the Christian religion, and is a lethal blow to the purported divine origin of the Bible.

Continued in part N

Thanks to Buddika for this great work.

See Kent Hovind's reply to the lies
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