A member award for YOU!
A member awards for YOU!

Do you have a homepage?!?!?! Are you a member of Girl Meets World?!?!?! Then you are qualified for our *new* member award!! Here is what it looks like:

It's great, huh? I think so! (= It's yours!! If you are a member, and have a homepage, you can put this great award on your page!! Either save it, and link it to us: http://www.oocities.org/SouthBeach/Pier/7585/
Or, you can just put up our easy HTML. Just copy this, and add it to your page! Don't change a thing
<center> <a href=http://www.oocities.org/SouthBeach/Pier/7585/> <img src=http://www.oocities.org/SouthBeach/Pier/7585/imgmw.jpg> </a> </center>
Easy!! Represent GMW prouldy!!
After you put up the member's award, do the following:
1) Fill out the following EASY form
  • Name:
  • Member Name:
  • Page Title:
  • Page URL:
  • Comments:
    2) Send it to: mmjm@cybertrails.com with the subject line as MEMBER AWARD! Then your page will be posted up here!!!!! It's sorta like a banner exchange...

    Here are the peeps that already have our member award up already...

    No one )= I just put this up!! Come back soon for more!

    Since 11/28, 6:02PM MOUNTAIN TIME
