***********CLUB NEWSLETTER********

The following newsletter was sent out 11/23!!! The next newsletter comes out Dec. 7th!!
**NOTE** this is only part 1!! After this, there is a link at the bottom, to part 2!

:::Editor's Note:::

Hi everyone. It's me, Michelle. I just had the newsletter typed out, up to the comments, and then my computer froze! Don't you hate when that happens? I DO! LoL! Also- check out Girl Gabber Zine! It's great. They have sponsors, and a cool zine. I really encourage you to join here: http://members.aol.com/SLP373/girlygabbbery.html

Do you have a comment for me (Michelle - prez/editor), column, or anything else in the newsletter, or happening in the club? Tell me... just fill this small form out, and send it to mmjm@cybertrails.com with the subject line as COMMENT:
Member Name:
Who is comment to/about (columnist, or name of column):

And you will get *10* points! It's easy! Here are what other people think...
Name: Jess Correll
Member Name: Smilez
Comment: I think this idea for comments is an awesome club. I also like the idea of writing comments. I would like to say that Stephanie did a good job with her short stories column. So, Good Job. I also want to say that everybody else also did a good job

name: carissa
member name: honey
comments: i really luv all the stories u put on the newsletter. i really luv them. their really creative!

REPLY: Hi Jess, and thanks! (this is Michelle) The idea of a column is pretty, well, original! =) I mean that in a good way, I just don't get ALL the credit for that! =) Stephanie did do a good job on her column!
Name: Lauren
Member Name: Lauren O.
Comment: My comments are... The newsletters are great! And I love how everyone participates in my column. I think the homepage has lot's to do, but I think you should change the graphics and layout like very month or something. Well that's all....
REPLY: Thanks Lauren!! I work really hard on the newsletter! And you are right on that - the page would be better if I could update it. I try and update it everyday, but not big lay-out changes. That would take a lot of work, but I am up to it. I have been trying to find some one who wants to make graphics every month (for *points* of coarse) E-mail me if you are interested...
name: zoe member name: zot
comment: I'm in several clubs, but this clubs newsletter is much better than the others, it's jam packed full of stuff!
REPLY: Thanks Zoe!! And thanks to ALL the members, who make that possible by turning in their columns!
Name: Kathleen
Member Name: Kath
Comment: I really liked the computer stuff by Ann.

Name: Jessica Dotson
Member Name: Smilez
Comment: That "land of smilies" junk just takes up room. You can't tell what most of them are. Half of them should be taken out.
REPLY: We have had 2 different opinions... some people liked it, but some people didn't. It was just a one-time little thing. You won't see more smiles! (not by Ann)

~ Member Name: not shown
Comment: For your fashion article, you don't say anything about wearing what you want. I think you should tell the members that they shouldn't always follow the crowd, because their own fashion makes them more unique. Fashion is part of peer pressure. One day it's "wear Nike's, they're cool." The next thing it's "take a drink of this beer, it's cool." Well, you're newsletter is another form of peer pressure. Hey, could I do an article in the newsletter? Something like "A Part of My Mind" or something. Bye!
REPLY: you are right about that!! And you know who you are! I hope everyone has heard that, and I will try and prevent it. Yes, I would LOVE to have that kinda column in my newsletter...
:::Poems::: by, Melissa AKA Brandy

There's a bug on the teacher,
And it's crawling on her shoe,
What will she do?
It's crawling on her shoe.

There's a bug on the teacher,
And it's crawling on her pants,
Has us in a trance,
That bug on her pants.

There's a bug on the teacher,
And it's crawling on her shirt,
I hope it won't hurt,
That bug on her shirt.

There's a bug on the teacher,
And it's crawling on her neck,
Everyone check,
It's crawling on her neck.

There's a bug on the teacher,
And it's crawling on her nose,
Why do you suppose?
It's tickling her nose?


There's a bug on the floor,
And it's crawling out the door!

:::Web Stuff::: by, Stephanie

Some places on the Web to win an award for your homepages are...
1) Tracys Homepage
2) Noa's Art
3) Liz's Homepage
4) Krystyn's
5) SColton1's Home Page
6) Alli's Busy World and Teddy Bear Page for Kids
7) The world of chocolate and puddle
8) Inter Girls Club

Have you heard some COMPLETELY OFF THE WALL GOSSIP? We wanna hear it!! Send the following to mmjm@cybertrails.com with the subject as COLUMN;gossip
Member Name:
What have you heard:
Do you think it is true:

Here's what we heard: (*note there is NO way of telling if these are true or not, so we don't know*)
I heard that on Kate's birthday on the set she whispered to Leo Guess what? Todays my birthday and He whispered Guess what? I don't really care -Diane-
this isn't really gossip and everyone probably knows it already but Leonard dicaprio smokes. -Zot-
geri, formerly from the spice girls is now doing a film premiere~ -Zot-

:::Dealing With It::: by, Speedskater

Hi! This is my first Dealing With It, so I'll explain a bit what it is. In each issue, I'll write a small story about a situation many girls find themselves in...and you guessed it, give tips on dealing with it. Sounds great, Huh? Now I'm a mortal like you (I hope), but I'll try my best. If you have a topic you'd like to see here, just email me at bjopett@online.no with "Dealing With It" as subject.
This week:
13-year old Christina really didn't know what to do. Her best friend, Nina, just seemed to become thinner everyday. She was good at hiding it from her parents, though. Christina was the only person she'd talked to about her feelings against food. Of course she'd tried to explain her view on things, but Nina denied everything and accused her of "acting like a mother or something". If she didn't do something, it seemed like Nina would be in danger. However, she'll probably never forgive me if I tell someone, Christina thought. She found herself in a really difficult position.
Dealing with a best friend's eating disorder... First, you probably can't cure her if it's been going on for long. What to do depends on how serious the problem is, if it's new or she's been starving herself for a year. Be alert to friends constantly talking about weight and diets, even if she looks normal! In that case, there are things you can do.
-Don't EVER complain about your own body. Your friend is probably, no matter if it's true or not, seeing herself as fatter than you and will be encouraged to loose more weight.
-Talk to her about it. Try not to accuse her, but discuss it even if she gets mad at you. How tough she might seem, if you bring up the subject once in a while, she might decide to talk. It's easier for her to agree to your subject than to bring it up herself. If she's really loosing weight, you should
-Talk to her parents. Make sure they understand what you're saying. If they won't listen to a kid, make your own mother or father do it.
-Go with her to a counselor or other person you think can help. Don't send her, go with her, at least the first time.
Most important, you should try to be a good and supportive friend to her, just like you always were.
:::Horoscopes:::by, lilsoccer4

Although the nasty star-sent energy flooding the zodiac this week doesn't influence you directly, Pisces, you could still end up feeling the sting of Mars' wrath. My picked-on fishies should count on their least favorite jerk-offs working overtime this week. Don't let it get to you, Pisces: Those dumb jocks will be couch-bound, fat-ass losers in ten years, while your life will be just beginning.
Stern Saturn's position in cranky Aries colors your week darker than the norm. Your constant all-work-and-no-play attitude is driving friends crazy faster than Drew Barrymore can make another million. My advice? Chuck the work ethic for a week and have fun. (And no, I'm not saying flunk the English Lit quiz so you can party with pals the night before, but hey, Cappy--an occasional "B" wouldn't kill ya.)
Spiritual Neptune sends a new bud your way this week, Sagi. The odds are good that this newbie will rub you the wrong way at first, but if you give 'em a chance you'll find you've got a lot more in common with 'em than you think you do. Meantime, beware the sports front: Mars makes spraining an ankle--or worse--likely on the 4th or 5th.
With adventurous Mars upping your wild-child factor to Christian Slater levels, just saying no to that drool-worthy individual with the not-so-great rep could be a mistake. (Who cares what your friends think?) Playing sweet and innocent isn't a good idea for the sign o' the ram. Could it be you're too scared to make your move?
Goss rules your week, Sagi, and with so many negative vibes sent your way from the planets, this busybody crap could end up breaking you. See, Saturn's the big cheese who loves to end things, and he's hooked up with perpetually pissed-off Mars. Translated, all this astro-babble means that the 90210 BS you love to spread around could backfire in a deadly way--cease and desist till the planets chill.
Smart-guy Mercury's recent entry into comical Sagittarius makes you a fun- loving crab this week, Cancer. Use that burst of mental chutzpah to brown-nose a few of your least favorite teachers. (Yeah, yeah, I know--brown-nosing sucks, but you'll be glad you've greased the gears when your luck makes that inevitable turn for the worse.)
With head honcho Uranus taking a bit of a breather this week, you might get the feeling you're being ignored by the other members of your tribe. It's not all in your head, Aqua-bot, but that's still no reason to spaz. This is a time for you to look inward. By the way, you can count on having weird dreams for the next few days. Enjoy 'em, but learn from 'em too: If you get past the eye candy you might discover something new.
Bad news: With so much Mars-inspired mayhem the school front, count on your comrades getting into some heated arguments. Good news: Smart guy Mercury may be down, but he's not out. His subtle influence gives you the necessary 411 to calm those warring parties down.
Plan on that little green monster rearing his ugly head this week as competition makes a strong comeback, Gem. Whether it's kicking ass on the soccer field or knocking that know-it-all science nut down a notch by beating their grade on the biology exam, go-get-'em Saturn makes this a week to gun for goals.
The Full Moon in Taurus on Tuesday points toward a tug of war over what's "yours" and what's "theirs." Being jealous of Muffy's new 'Vette or Biff's Diesel wardrobe is a major waste of time, earth sign.
The Full Moon in Taurus on Tuesday marks the time for some major decisions, Virgo. Do you really wanna give up the big V? Community college, a year bumming through Europe or Harvard? Stuff to ponder. Whatever your goal, get after it. A word of warning, though, earth sign. With militant Mars is the background you might get really pissed if things take a turn for the worst. Keep a handle on that rage factor: It guarantees a no-win sitch.
Unstable Uranus teams up with sexy Venus to send you some very sensual thoughts at some very inappropriate moments this week (especially Wednesday). How to deal when you're charting an algebra problem on the chalkboard and thoughts d'amour pop up? Chicas shouldn't sweat: No one will notice that blush unless you stress. Chicos, do what I always did. Keep a textbook handy to cover the evidence.
:::As If::: by, Daneille R.

This week's AS IF was brought to my attention just the other day. OK, here it is, folks:
why are nail polish bottles always deeper than the brush?! I mean, then, you can absolutely never get to the bottom and you look like an idiot trying.
Well, i think ranks a 10 on the AS IF scale, don't you?
Well, you know I would love to hear from you all! and in the past i haven't been getting many emails from you guys, but i am going to ask our dear founder if we can all get *10* extra points just for sending me your comments, questions, and suggestions! How does that sound? So remember, if you guys (I mean girls) can think of anything that really annoys you, just send it to me with the subject being AS IF. send your comments , questions, and suggestions to: doughgirl2000@webtv.net Thanks everyone for their participation! :)
:::Jokes::: by Danielle R

A Blonde was down on her luck. In order to raise some money, she decided to kidnap a kid and hold him for ransom. She went to the playground, grabbed a kid, took him behind a tree, and told him, "I've kidnapped you." She then wrote a note saying, "I've kidnapped your kid. Tomorrow morning, put $10,000 in a paper bag and put it under the pecan tree next to the slide on the north side of the playground. Signed, ABlonde." The Blonde then pinned the note to the kid's shirt and sent him home to show it to his parents. The next morning the blonde checked, and sure enough, a paper bag was sitting beneath the pecan tree. The Blonde opened the bag and found the $10,000 with a note that said, "How could you do this to a fellow Blonde?"
For weeks a little boy kept telling his teacher about the baby brother or sister that was expected at his house. Then one day the mother allowed the boy to feel the movements of the unborn child. The boy was obviously impressed, but made no comment. Furthermore, he stopped telling his teacher. The teacher finally sat the boy on her lap and said, "Tommy, whatever has become of that baby brother or sister you were expecting at home?" Tommy burst into tears and confessed, "I think Mommie ate it!"
:::MAGAZINE REVIEWS::: by, Tiffany

This week's site review:
I get JUMP magazine and they give some really great URL's to some really great sites. The one I picked was SEVENTEEN, which is based on the magazine. I liked this one the most because it features:
- A place to go to get the scoop on 'whatz up'
- The basic months and more. (SOME NEW IDEAS)
- A place where girls like us go, and share their 'traumas' with everyone. (Go here to find out what the trauma of the week was)
- Go here to take a peek at the latest news, gossip, and reviews.
- Go here to X-PRESS the way you feel about the latest fashions in make-up, clothes, and other. (fashion Q&A)
- Here there's always stuff to win, and 4fun quizzes to take.
- Get tips from the experienced on how to deal with those 'life-threatening' problems.
- There's a different question here I don't know how often, but if you come up with a good answer, they'll add it to the teen page.
- The scoop on college and careers.
- Is soon to come, but it sounds pretty cool.
THERE'S TONS of other stuff, I just gave you the basics, but GO THERE and find out FOR YOURSELF!!! (I promise you it'll be a blast!)
to visit this TOTALLY 'IN' site, go to http://www.seventeen.com
:::Stephanie's Column::: by, Stephanie

**EDITOR'S NOTE** this is the Stephanie that has written the short stories, she is going to do a column called Stephanie's Column, and have lots more then short stories in it. But there will be short stories too...
Here are 10 great tips for being a great Bud Pal:
1) Always say something nice when you talk to them like: you look great today and so on.
2) Never brag about anything.
3) If someone says something bad about your friend when they are not around , walk away.
4) Let your friends have other friends , if they get attached, then it means that she was never really your friend, or is probably not interested in being your friend anymore.
5) Invite your friend to come after school.
6) If their sad or lonely , comfort them.
7) Always hang out with your buddy.
8) Do not push them around.
9) Don't let them push you around.
10) Never give away any of their secrets.
To be a good friend follow these great steps and you'll be a great best bud ! Until next newsletter, this is STEPHANIE saying 'until next newsletter' =)
:::Fashion::: by, Melissa (Brandy)

IN: Flares, Brand names, Baggy.
OUT: Stretchy pants (Unless with a long baggy sweater).

IN: Simple ponytail, Braid, Down, Down w/ headband, Down parted.
OUT: Pigtails! Braided pigtails!

That's part 1! Now read part 2, by clicking here!!!

newsletter readin' people here since September 28th
