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 اهلا و سهلا
في سورية 
Where is Syria and where is it ?
    This has always been a question in history, and it remains unresolved today. Historically, Syria was a geographical term which included not only the Syrian Arab Republic of today, but also Lebanon,  Jordan and Israel and when the Turks lost the First World War, the Arab Kingdom of Greater Syria was declared over these four lands by Emir Faisal of the Hashemites, leader of the Arab Revolt (who had earlier co-operated with T.E.Lawrence of the Seven Pillars of Wisdom or Lawrence of Arabia fame). But the dreams of an united Syria was dashed when the French and British split Syria between them -Syria and Lebanon to the French, and Palestine and Transjordan to the British. The French turned the enlarged Mount Lebanon Province into the Lebanese Republic, and the British compensated the Hashemite family by making Abdullah ruler of Transjordan (which eventually became the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan). The Jews of Europe later declared the State of Israel in 1948. The dismantling of Syria has never been accepted by many Syrians who still regarded the current boundaries as mere temporary.


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