The St. Lawrence Optimist Club Monthly Newsletter

VOLUME 4, 3rd ISSUE -- ZONE 20, CLUB 50980 -- FEBRUARY 1999

From the President...

Almost half of our year has passed and now we are looking forward to the most important part of our mandate and that is YOUTH PROJECTS. Our youth need our help in order to progress. We will be calling on you in the future to coordinate and help out in the success of these projects.

Just to name a few that will take place in the next few months:

  • Autographing Easter eggs at Zeller’s at Carrefour Angrignon March 31st-April 3
  • Easter Egg Hunt at Carrefour Angrignon April 5th
  • School bag & Supplies project for less fortunate children
  • Buckle-up children in the back seat in conjunction with M.U.C. Police.
  • Optimist Day at the Kite Festival, June.

These projects will give great visibility to our club and demonstrate our efforts as a small club to help youth in our communities. Dates and places are tentative to negotiations.

Optimist International is looking for a FLAGSHIP PROGRAM so that we may attach ourselves to a foundation or institution like many other service clubs. I have sent in a club entry form in the name of our club to support one of two programs after discussion with some of our members:

(1) Missing Children

(2) Juvenile alcohol & drug addiction

I would like to take this opportunity to thank all the executive & members who contributed to the success of our Wine & Cheese Party, BRAVO, it was a great evening.

Respectfully Yours,

Maurice Quinn, President


Feb. 17: Monthly dinner at Zappy Restaurant, Verdun, 6:30 PM

Feb. 20: Danse Retro 50-60, Club Optimiste de Ville-Emard, 20h00, $12, 6831 D’Aragon, Montréal. Info: Carole Morin 769-7039

Feb. 23: Inter-club Dinner with C.O. des Rapides,

Casa Greque, Lasalle, 6:30pm

March 16: Board of Directors meeting, Chez Cora Restaurant, Lasalle. 7:00 AM!

March 18: Zone meeting in Lachine

March 24: Monthly dinner meeting, location to be announced

March 31 – April 3: Autographing Easter eggs at Zeller’s, Carrefour Angrignon

April 5: Easter Egg Hunt at Carrefour Angrignon

May 14-15: District Assembly, Valleyfield

(Tell us about your events! See pg. 2 for contact info)