peachy_92's page

How To Use Aladdin Expander

If you're one that doesn't want to create .zip files but just open then, there's a great free program I have discovered. It's called Aladdin Expander and it's available for download at This link is for the windows version of Expander Only. You do not want Stuff It. Forgive me, I use windows.

The steps of Expander use

Step 1
After installing the Expander program, you will want to open a .zip file. Step 1 is how we open the program to find the .zip file we're wanting to unzip/expand.

Step 2
This is the screen where you find the .zip file you're wanting to unzip/expand. Go through the files and folders on your computer to find the file. The contents on this screen will vary from my computer, as shown, to your computer. Once you find that file, you'll need to click on it to highlight it and then click the open file. That will unzip/expand all the files in the .zip file to a folder by the name of the .zip file in the directory you saved the .zip file to. Then you'll need to move the folder to the location in your computer you need to use the file at. For example. I saved a .zip file for a Yahoo! Skin titled Gunk in C:/downloads, it would expand into C:/donwloads/Gunk. I would then move the folder called Gunk to C:/Program Files/Yahoo!/Messenger/Skins and then I would have C:/Program Files/Yahoo!/Messenger/Skins/Gunk.

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