Hi there.......*S*. Well, this page was made for me by a very special friend.......(for some reason, he likes me.......LoL). Thank you, Fonsie......love you muches too!!

OK, here's a brief history.....(I promise to keep it as brief as possible, honest). If you know me, you'll know that's kinda impossible though)......*grin*. My name is Kim, (aka.....x_X_Sky_X_x), and I'm ummmmm, 30 something years old....*that's close enough*. I have two beautiful daughters ages, 14 and 11. I came into VP chat not quite two years ago, actually, and in some ways it became a lifesaver. I know you can't really love inanimate objects, but I do enjoy the computer immensely, and it has allowed me to meet some great people. You see, I have a history of breast cancer, and when first becoming part of VP, I was finishing up my second recurrence. Fortunately, I met some pretty fantastic people through VP, who helped keep me strong, and made me feel needed and wanted. By focusing on all the many things I learned, I've kept busy and for the most part stayed out of trouble. My family and friends online mean more to me than I could ever put in to words, but you all know who you are........or at least you should know by now darnit.

Recently, we discovered my cancer had recurred again, so I had to have surgery, and am doing the chemotherapy and radiation crap again. It totally sucks, but the doctors seem to think I'm still curable.........(in the physical sense anyway.....LoL). I haven't been online as much recently due to feeling pretty rotten, but I love you all dearly, and you are never far from my thoughts daily. I hope to finish up with the worst of this by the end of May, 1999. Until then I'm focusing on my girls, and keeping as busy as I can whenever I manage to stay awake! For those of you who know my past sleeping habits, this sounds pretty amazing huh?.....*S*.

I do want to say THANK YOU, for all of the thoughts, and prayers, and messages, and phone calls. I've been fortunate enough to say that VP can be such a wonderful experience when you meet the people I have met! Life is such a precious commodity, and by being able to expand my horizons through the net, I hope I'm a better person. I will try to keep everyone concerned posted on how I'm doing. Never forget that I love you all very much!!!

Count your blessings, not your worries

Express your feelings honestly

Learn to laugh and laugh to learn

Endure what is necessary

Be open and flexible

Remain in charge

Accept and face your mortality

Treasure each new day and each experience

Exercise body, mind and spirit.


*Hugs & Kisses*

Love, Kim

Kim Wilce October 4,1962 - June 26, 1999


Kim passed on Saturday, June 26th at 3:45am, est.   She suffered from this terrible illness and fought hard to stay alive. We know she is in God's hands now and at total peace.  From all your friends and family, We Thank God for granting us the privilege of knowing you and sharing Your Life With Us.  You Will be Missed Dearly.  And to your beloved children, Heather and Ashley, God Bless You Both and Keep you, Always.  We Love You Eternally, - YOUR VP FAMILY -.

Please email Kim's family at: x_x_sky_x_x_@hotmail.com

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