Now aren't you wondering who Wee One Sleepy is? *smile* Well, Wee One Sleepy is actually Odette...dUh~ Anyway, she is 16 this year, currently preparing for a major exam. She loves vote exchanging from other people and she also likes to have fun. She loves inventing new cheers and is dying to post new cheers about DPirates team. She also happens to be leader of the Wee One's on DPirates team! *happy grin* Click on any of the two links below to visit the two sites I made for DPirates *huggs to all of you!*

Visit my page for DPirates
I even made some voting Pirate graphics!
My cheers for DPirates

What does my job as a Wee One require me to do, you may ask. Well, I sign guestbooks, and I love to do that =) I'll vote for people, spread on the spirit. I do almost what the fairies do, except it's a lighter responsibility for me. =) I was chosen by Skylark to lead the Pirates! It was a great honor! And I was very happy!

My Wee One Gifts and Awards

I won the Wee One Of the Week award. I was very very honoured by what Lady Firefly and DSpirit said about me. Thank you so much!

My Wee One Buttons

This one's from Button Central, Seska made it for me! She's an artist with style!

This one's from Jozie from Flint Castle! She is such a talented person!

This one's from my sister Meg! She won the dome three times in a row and her site is beautiful! She presides at Meg's Place.


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Wee One Sleepy.

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The background on this page are from Fantasyland Graphics. Graphics unless otherwise stated made by a very talented person, Jozie of Flint Castle. Visit her and sign her scroll, say Odette sent me. LOL

All the words on this page, are copyright© to Odette.