Top Ten Most Annoying Things in the World
Note: I will probably change this every once in awhile as I find things more or less annoying, for example the next time I have to wear a dress I would probably feel that Nylons should be #1 rather than #8.

10) Toast crumbs in the butter.

9) E-mail chain letters.

8) Nylons. Enough said.

7) Teachers who give you a "B" for oral participation but never call on you because they know you will give a flawless answer.

6) Not getting your own way.

5)When you're talking on the phone and someone picks up a different extension and a) starts talking to your friend, b) tells you to get off the phone, or c) tries to listen in, hoping that you won't notice.

4) People who constantly remind you that they are way cooler that you are.

3) People reading over your shoulder when you're writing a very personal e-mail/letter.

2) Parents who interfere with your social life.

1) Jamie Graham. (If the name means nothing to you, just imagine that person who annoys you more than anyone else in the world. Everyone has their own Jamie Graham. )

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