Top Ten Signs the Guy Mugging You has Never Mugged Before

10) In addition to wearing a ski mask, he's got ski poles and skis.

9) Announces "This is a nugging"

8) Asks you to hold his gun while he puts on Chapstick

7) You're a policeman in full uniform standing right in front of the station house, surrounded by fellow officers carrying assault rifles.

6) Wears paper hat that says "Trainee"

5) Warns "Don't make me use this realistic-looking squirt gun!"

4) He keeps murmuring "So this is it! Now McGruff and I are mortal foes"

3) Makes getaway in limo with license plate number TRUMP-1

2) When he's done, he says," That was fun! Now you mug me!"

1) During police lineup, he waves to you and shouts, "Remember me?!"

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