dream2c.gif (3744 bytes)TOTEMS

Long before humanity learned to harness the forces of nature through hydroelectric dams, solar power and electricity our ancestors knew the power nature held. They discovered through observing and imitating nature and her creations, they could accomplish all manner of things for the good of their people. It was the simple wisdom of nature that they drew upon and learned from, something that has been passed on generation to generation and is practiced even today.

Nature is like an encompassing theater that continually renews itself through the cycle of life, death and rebirth. Each creature, like actors in a play, have their place and each contibutes to the whole. In this remarkable undertaking, all things are provided for and balance is maintained within the ecosystem.

Take for example the wolves. Being that they are carniverous, they feed mostly upon hooved mammals. In lean times they hunt smaller prey such as rabbits. In doing this they keep the deer from becoming over-populated and by hunting the weak they keep the herds healthy. Like the wolves, all animals play a critical part in maintaining the ecosystem and if one is removed it destroys the delicate balance between predator and prey, which is an important part of keeping that balance.

When the government removed the wolves from Yellowstone park they were doing so at the behest of the local ranchers and in answer to peoples universal fear of the creatures.

After the wolves were gone the park became overburdened by the needs of the deer. When one species consumes all available food sources, other species which are sustained by the same food source inevitably suffer. The coyotes are scavengers and so depend on the wolves to supplement their diets with fresh meat because they cannot take down a deer on their own so they suffered as well. This in turn allowed the rodent population to overrun the park since there were few healthy coyotes to hunt them. The defoliation of the grasses also affected those creatures that depend on them as a major food source.

You can see how nature has created her own system to ensure the continuation of the species and one action from humans can disrupt that balance. This is what our ancestors knew all along, they used that wisdom to create abundance, maintain healthy relations with each other and the world around them and provide for future generations.

Totems are simply the spirits of animals our ancestors called upon for advice and wisdom. By observing each animal, they could discover not only how each animal survived, how it related to it's environment and it's own kind but also how it coexisted with all other creatures. Our ancestors learned that each animal had it's own unique way of life and that that way fit into all others within the ecosystem like a giant puzzle. Each animal also had different strengths that enabled them to survive and weaknesses that enabled predators to hunt them for food.

Through living in harmony with their surroundings our ancestors were able to call upon the totem spirits for different needs. Whether they needed grace to accept their problems, strength in battle or simply the wisdom to lead their people with courage and compassion, they found the animals to be perfect role-models.

This is what animal medicine is all about. Improving one's connection with life, healing the mind, body and spirit and learning to live in harmony with all living things. This medicine is free for the taking, it is Gaia's gift to her children and if you approach these lessons with humility and openess, you will not only understand the universe but you will gain insight about your place in it. We all need to call upon the essence of each animal and in the silence of our inner selves listen to what they teach us.

Each person has several totems that are their personal teachers. Generally this is determined by whatever lessons that person needs to currently learn, by a particular strength that is needed at that time in their lives or simply by whichever animals they feel a certain bond with. Everyone in fact has several totems that travel with them through life. Most come when a bit of wisdom needs to be imparted and then leave when that person has learned everything they can, some stay with you all your life providing comfort and friendship and some briefly appear to impart a message. Simply put totems are teachers, friends, family, counselors and guides. They help you gain insight into yourself and those around you, they provide strength during times of struggle, comfort during times of sorrow and are there to share all your joys and accomplishments.

Discovering which totems are in your life isn't all that hard. Pay attention to your dreams, totems frequently appear in them for several consecutive nights. You may have to wrestle with what they may have been trying to tell you since dreams are vague and use a lot of metaphors. When you go outside pay attention to the wildlife around you, sometimes totems will appear to you in their native habitats. That's usually their way of showing themselves other then dreams. Buy a deck of medicine cards and do your own reading, that can help give you a place to start. Like with tarot cards your subconscious knows what's ahead, so too does your subconscious know which totems have made themselves present. If you have an attachment to a certain animal then chances are it's one of your personal totems. Read up on whatever animal it is and the others you have had contact with and you will be surprised at how much they have in common with your personality and your situation. I suggest above all to pick up some books about totems and a deck of medicine cards, they will explain the animals and their relations with you.


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