
Western Chaos

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Red Faction official site

Spots:Tuesday, February 18, 2003
bleh... thing not quite qorking out as much as we thought they were.... lol we have a bit of story and then things started to wind down..... the exitement went away, again I think maybe once school is out we'll start working more on it... but right now we're really getting screwed in to our schedules, we have a play to perfomr for a while and so on and so on... so we will see ya'll latas. peace.

Spots: Wednesday, January 01, 2003
ok, I think we may have a lead on getting a *coughdecentcough* 3d modeling program, Neur, I'll talk to you soon. we're getting the storyline worked out, Blackjack is getting the first room done, it looks like things are finally working! HTML is fun weeeeee! Happy New Year everyone!

Spots: Sunday, December 15, 2002:
umm, yeah we're celebrating a year or so on the MOD, even if we haven't produced anything, it doesn't matter, because we don't have time, oh well. anyways, added a storyline page, added a couple of new characters in the character page....yay.

Spots: Wednesday, November 06, 2002:
yay! the MOD is back woo hoo!!!! yayness, and other things that mean much rejoicing. uhh, yeah we all reinstalled RF and now we're playing it again so yeah, that's that.

Ha that's right! You can't deal with the multi colored subliminal messages! Boojah! Take that in the face. So wake up and smell the fesces. That's right I bet you didn't know I knew how to spell fesces well you're wrong! Dead wrong that is. So die! Oops I mean live, live it up! (mumble, grumble)

Spots: monday, August 12, 2002:
blah, we stopped playing RF when it Fux0Red our computers and we weren't getting anything done anyways. so I think we're gonna shut down for a while in the mod aspect but I think we are still going to have a site so someone else can make the mod we're too friggin' lazy to make. uhh, I'm still gona update it some, so yeah, look at it once in a while

Puck: Friday, July 19, 2002:
meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow, Kitty.

Blue Velvet: Sunday, June 9, 2002:
Well I decided to update some. Mostly I just added a few items here, a few items there, you get the picture. I'm sure you guys can probably already tell the difference between Spots and my styles. And if you can't deal with it tough_____...am I allowed to say that? I'll get back to you on that one.

I hope you like my subliminal messages, they are rotting your brain every step you take!(these are not true by any means, by the way. I don't want to scare anyone away...)

Spots: Thursday, June 6, 2002:
We have another new member, His name is Blue Velvet. he will be joining Sigma-X as a story designer, and will take over from Sigma the head position (plus he will probably add some things to the website while I'm away at Band Camp) Thanks a bunch Blue!

Damn you people, I can't even use profanity because I know that kids will look at this site, geez, I hate society. Me too.

Wednesday, May 15, 2002:
I added some entries to the Characters page. I also added our real names on the team member page.

Tuesday, May 14, 2002:
Yes! most of the end-of-school projects are over! we can start working a whole lot more on this. My website about the L.A. Watts Riots is up and it's pretty good too. take a look at it Here. We get out of school on the 23rd of may, so not much longer!

Oh crap. This site has been messed up the rectum! I was working on another site of mine for a school project and I was looking up some HTML code on this site and then I put into the index of the other site, or so I thought, and then I found out it wasn't and I didn't check this site so now all the stuff from before has been FuX0red, to quote Neuralize. Since noone was e-mailing, and it's on the team page anyway, I won't put our e-mails here then. and we are a little behind schedule (is there a schedule?) because of a big end-of-year project at school so don't expect a whole lot for a while.

ah yes, the 5, they will destroy you all if your not careful, 4 out of the 5 are working on this MOD you know, they all love you dearly, and I mean you are all VERY tasty.....

THE SITE BELOW IS THE MOST AWESOME SITE YOUR MOM HAS EVER HEARD OF. (Ours coming a close second of course......)