Conservation Proclamation:


This is not a topic that needs much deliberation: conserving something is an easy concept to grasp, and so the discussion is not about the act of conservation, but rather, why people do not live conservatively since it is a logical and prudent lifestyle. The answer is simple on its surface, similar to why people live sedentary instead of athletic lifestyles, or why people live as drug dealers rather than Pharmacists. This is at its core, about abuse, which takes form in many types of self abuse as well as in many outward manifestations; vandalism, physical violence, criminal behaviors, just to name a few. This is indeed a trek into Psychology: Abusing self or abusing the world outside self, all destructive behavior has psychological roots. The specific point made here is people abusing their environment, purposefully wasting things as an outward act of rebellion that differs little psychologically from abusing self or others.

Many humans see the world as something they get to exploit abusively until they die, as if it’s their right or freedom. But abusing precious non-replaceable natural resources is still a form of abuse, a psychological illness that needs to be recognized, exposed and then treated. To abuse self by cutting the skin is an easily recognizable illness, and yet that pales in comparison to causing the eternal extinction of many biological species just to live sedentary or convenient lifestyles! But the reason why it is not recognized is because most everyone is living daily lifestyles of self-infliction, only with Earth now paying the price for it. Can humanity continue intelligently: defining something as “normal” in direct proportion to the percentage quantity of humans doing it?

What has now been categorized/labeled as “anxiety disorder” (or fear) is summarily, just another opportunity for opportunists (or Capitalists) to charge its victims for a treatment that they too, are participant in perpetuating: they must deny involvement, and indeed must maintain that ruse even if they do become conscientious: that’s the consequence resulting from economic compromise! Lifestyle changes would be necessary because the stress from living hypocritically would cause, well, anxiety! The culture of the industrialized world, especially Earth’s largest amusement park, the USA, has become stress-filled because we humans live very unnaturally, perpetually outside natural environment, surrounded by metropolitan expanses and pollution. Experiences with nature are limited to mowing the lawn and birdfeeders! Metaphorically, its like Astronauts who wear atmospheric suits and yet, still must return to Earth in order to survive because prolonged space stay harms humans; first psychologically then physiologically, until we duplicate Earth-like environments in outer space. This is why humans create natural living simulations in unnatural environments, because intrinsically they know how they should live: in concert with nature instead of at war with nature, but these window-dressings to the natural world is camouflage to reality, just as are the Science statistics confirming humanity’s destructive force to the eco-environment. Humans are still prisoners to this inner spatial biosphere wherein we are all cellmates, with billions who are cold greedy abusers/takers who want to rape and plunder, even if it causes global extinctions (yes, even of humanity). Capitalism is just that; to capitalize on, establishing fierce competition in the society; humans roam about like hungry lions seeking whom they may devour, with fear as the primal response to being prey! Then, the omnivores who purchased mental-credential’s from its mills, will label this fear an illness, adding to the very source of the problem which is simply a culture full of people sizing each other up for the (economic) kill: no wonder people fear social encounters! People learn from their subconscious mind (via the media machine and real life experiences) that the life within this Capitalist régime is a dangerous place.       Human beings are not precious creations of a loving God thus possessing an eternal Soul of incalculable worth; instead, they are an expendable chunk of bio-matter and a means to some materialistic or carnal end: “what can I exploit from you today”? In other words, most all relationships are forged in deceit because people are typically in denial about their true self. They do not wake each morning saying to the mirror: “good morning you heartless narcissist possessing zero love for anyone or thing, I hope today will involve destruction and lives broken; that you walk away victoriously with all the spoils or at least with more than the rest”! People do not see themselves in the light of truth, but instead create and maintain a façade, masking self from self, and from others depending upon individual acting skills! Within that fiction drama, charity is only guilt-repellant, not self-sacrifice; physical appearance is narcissism, not self-discipline; and kindness is only primer to personal gain objectives!

Humans have a sub-conscious mind, a separate processor/storage unit recording most everything entering the 3 input senses, subliminally, even if we are not consciously aware of it at the time of recording. Variations or blends from these data storages will resurface, often fragmented and/or at different levels of consciousness, in the forms of dreams, premonitions or intuition. All psychological illness exempt of physiological causes, stem from this duality: this symbiotic-conscious aspect of the human psyche.

Human’s master mental denial via the ability to fictionalize: Drama Addiction. Simply explained, humans take reality and fiction, mix them in the crucible of the mind and alloy a “new reality” from that amalgam. But in time this discontinuity coagulates into mental conflict that then manifests in outward behaviors that range from mild to radical (depending on its stage), with fear as our most primal response to stimuli that we do not understand. We live in a time/society that participates in culturally acceptable denial; witnessed in the fact that most are programmed with more concern for protecting another’s delusion, than about dragging them bloodily back into reality. Whenever someone gets close to a truth that is suppressed by denial and cloaked in fiction, emotions kick in (depression, vengeance, anger, etc.); rather than damaging emotions/egos we perpetuate the ruse by saying what they want to hear, or omitting what they don’t. Condescension is looked upon as negative, and the entire culture is built upon foundations of deceit/denial, who then (mindlessly) wonder why there’s so much fear, mental anguish and all the psychological woes as well as its subsequent physiological diseases manifesting from this web of stress!

Humans are box builders, and for two reasons. It is easier to think from the confines of limited data, that is, to know little and yet still possess an impression of cognitive ability: educated people with great vocabularies who will change the subject when that subject is beyond their knowledge threshold. The second is the unconscious psyche affecting the ego and needing to keep ones self shielded from the light of truth, wherein the drama of fictionalizing the world is then sustainable, especially in a cultural box where all participants are on the same page of script. But mass delusions do not equal reality, and the reason why so many Philosophers and their cronies aspire to differing aspects of reality stem from this mind play concerning the cognition of reality and the nature of corporeality itself. Wise orators can confound a thinker about issues that are cognitive in nature, and indeed the realm of deceit is rooted in the ability to trick others with word pictures and verbose postulations.

Advertisers of early industrialization recognized (at corporate bottom-lines) how the art of selling things worked in the human psychic, and soon took on new meaning in a culture of inherent greed, economic posturing and capitalistic materialism. The greatest form of human compromise is to attenuate the concept of compromise, and in so doing, create a new reality filled with the same roles as the old, only with new definitions added to old terminology, and new theologies to replace their old. Even that which is old is reduced in value just from its oldness, and now the new becomes the only! The great compromise of humanity is to become a sellout. The results will be inevitable: time, in one way or another, just like it is in the reality of biological death; no matter how successful a deluded person sedates the self about death, they indeed die in the real world. Pretending that over-consumerism is not harmful to the future inhabitants of Earth is a denial that will manifest in time! 

Planet raping and global destruction is just one manifestation of abuse, but on a massive scale. Humans lacking individuality become copycats; any Cultural Anthropologist or sociological experiment provide supporting empirical evidence that such humans are cultural drones; not objective individuals able to recognize and assimilate reality independent of interpretation. The very existence of bigotry and all the wars ever fought, add proof upon proof to support this fact. It is illogical to war, to be dominating, or to be immature (selfish & greedy)! Consequently, only stupid people fall into culturally specific peer-copied behavior, thus perpetuating all hatred, all acts of retaliation and all forms of bigotry; blinded (as justification) to its damaging effects upon their own people: humanity. A murderer kills one, a mass murderer kills one billion, but the cold indifference is identical in both persons. No matter if it is the lust to clear-cut expanses of forestry/jungle being likened to inner-city gangs vandalizing everything in sight, or, slowly polluting the biosphere likened to a substance abuser slowly polluting themselves, we are still looking at a mental disorder of some magnitude, no matter how one defines, labels, categorizes, explains or even justifies it. This is the proof that it could be corrected volitionally!

The reason humanity will continue to inflict suffering upon one another should now be simple to understand, though it will not be simple to resolve. As long as one person wants to dominate another, via brute force, economic power or fictionalizing, humans will stay the embarrassingly ignorant near-animal’s they have so cleverly linked themselves to. We are hubris to think that life on Earth has any meaning whatsoever; as if the existence of ancient life that we now recognize and admire, somehow adds validity to that existence, as if the universe will ever gloat at this acknowledgement! If there is God and creator of all things, than we are guilty of gross negligence for abusing this planetary home God gave us. If we are merely a biological accident, a random convergence of single-cell organisms, advancing primates who will cease to exist for all of eternity at the stop of our heart muscle, then our extinction is a very positive thing on the Geological scale of evolutionary history. The Earth can then recover from our abuse! “I think, therefore I am” is meaningless babble that will die for eternity along with all accomplishments indicative of this temporal human experiment; one that will end up buried deep underfoot of a soon lifeless planet with no sentient feet upon it; the bones of my people admired only my microbes and parasites! Humans now see clearly how other more powerful life forms of Earth’s geo-history went extinct, yet in our desperately stupid arrogant pride; think we are exempt of this same inevitable fate. We can change that fate, or at least take the gun out of our own hands. If a massive stellar object hits and destroys all sentient life on this planet, we cannot help that, but to cause our own extinction just because of immaturity? Help!

I can temporarily interrupt the nature of any animal: for instance, if I give a wild carnivore plenty of raw meat daily, that carnivore will stop hunting: Why? Because it only hunts to eat, it is not a murderer per se! If I stop feeding it, the hunt soon resumes. Why? Because that is its nature, and weather this is assumed to be the design of a Creator, or just the results of natural selection, the results are the same! Anytime the stress of survival is threatened, or alleviated, the result is the same no matter which species, and humans are a product of this biosphere and thus limited to its natural laws and limitations. The law of least resistance applies to all things herein; rivers, animals, you name it! For humans specifically, this same law applies, but exponentially because we are sentient: reduce effort and increase pleasure, and you can sell ice cubes to Eskimos and sand to Arabs! But this is the ruse, the lie! This is why people seek freedom in its utopian sense, though such a mentality is a contradiction to nature and a delusion that will end sooner or later. Rights are defined as something that cannot be lost, and freedom is the ability to go anywhere and do anything so long as it does no harm. Neither of these realities exists.

Retirement is a delusion manufactured from this mental methodology in primarily capitalist systems because people are sold wants as needs, wherein they participate in the culturally established lifestyle of work that ultimately leads to ecological compromise. Retirement becomes a period in the span of life/time wherein an individual is free from this contradiction, to live sedated in sedentary luxury exempt of work. In other words, they spend their lives doing what they intrinsically do not want to do, but rather, doing what the culture provided as a choice for them to select from, and after devoting the bulk of their corporeality to this system, they can abandon that employment machine and resort to resort living: Unfortunately resort living is expensive! It is analogous to the farmer who gains all sustenance from the land, such as food from the ground and from livestock, and shelter from the construction of shelters made of wood or stone products, now wanting to cease all physical activities and just cruise in the rocking chair and watch the food grow itself! He must then con someone else to provide this effort!

Studying early product catalogs handed out by Capitalists promoting all the wares of easier living, paint this picture upon the canvas of this illusory conscious, but food still comes from tilling, planting and harvesting. This simplification of living is creating obese, lazy selfish and excessively immature humans who have become so sedated by their upbringings cultural messages, that they have succumb to indifference and delegating to future progeny, payment for this deficit! Fear should be the response to such a grand scale of human indifference, explaining all human problems and why they deny responsibility for them!

Copyrighted material, excerpts from publications of/by Author Paul Andrew Anderson.
Authorized use by permission only: ask and you may receive.
(All Biblical references from the Revised King James Version Bible)
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