Thanks for taking the time to participate in 1997 Maison Ikkoku Favorites Poll! To interpret the results of the poll accurately, it is important to find out about more about the fans who are voting in it. Besides, I'm interested to know the kind of people love Maison Ikkoku besides myself.

Please enter your email address:

Question #1: What is your sex?

(A) Male
(B) Female

Question #2: What is your age group?

(A) 10 years old (or younger)
(B) 11-16 years old
(C) 17-21 years old
(D) 22-30 years old
(E) 30-40 years old
(F) 40 years old (or older)

Question #3: Do you speak Japanese?

(A) I'm a native speaker.
(B) I can speak fluenently and understand Japanese very well.
(C) I can under more than 50% of it (still have that dictionary handy).
(D) I can understand familar Japanese concepts, but am still learning.
(E) I can understand a few words.
(F) Japanese, what's that?

Question #4: How long have you been an anime fan?

Question #5: How much of the Maison Ikkoku anime have you been exposed to?

Question #6: How much of the Maison Ikkou manga have you been exposed to?

Question #7: How many Maison Ikkoku CDs do you own? (CD Box counts as 8)

Question #8: Is Maison Ikkoku your favorite series (of all time)? :-)

Let's vote on the Anime series!

©Rumiko Takahashi, Shogakukan, Kitty, Fuji TV, Viz Communications