==Deluxe Manga Translation==
                       "Project Asuna: Team Stroganoff"

                           =NIgashite tamaru ka!!=
                            =I Won't Let You Go!!=

                            v12c11 (normal edition)
                            VW8c3 (wideban edition)

draft version, 7/14/96

Translated 3/19/96 - 6/4/96
Compiled 7/13/96 - 7/14/96

  Michael Welsh Duggan                  [MWD]
  Thomas Mattman                 [YS]

Other contributors:
  Bob Carragher                          [BC]
  Benjamin Franz                      [BF]
  Scott Henry                                 [SH]
  Samuel Lysinger                         [SL]
  Craig H. Nishida                       [CHN]

  Katherine S. Lu                             [KSL]

Please send comments/corrections to .

p195  PW319  [MWD]
A picture of Kyouko, bust-shot, takes up the lower half of the page below 
the title.  She is wearing a tennis outfit, and holding a tennis racket in 
one hand, and a tennis ball in the other.

   PART  11                 #PART  11#

   I Won't Let You Go!!                 NIgashite tamaru ka!!
                                        let-loose gather
                                           or       or
                                        set-free  collect

     [MWD] Sorry to fail on the very first bit of translation.  It appears 
           to me that , set-free, and , gather, are being 
           used because they are antonyms.  The fact that they are antonyms 
           makes me think that the title is supposed to be humorous based 
           on that fact.  But I am having trouble with conversion to 
           English.  Anyway, unless the combination has a special meaning I 
           do not know, it appears to be something along the lines of, 
           "letting [him/her/them?] go and then gathering them up", but 
           this sounds_extremely_awkward.

     [CHN] I jot down occasional notes for Japanese words I don't find in 
           my dictionaries...  Here's the entry I wrote down some time ago 
           for ...  (I don't remember who I learned this 
           from--perhaps Paul Hirose.  The ? parts are just my 

           tamaru ka        exclamation for "unbearable" (from )
             Vte-tamaru     won't-let-V ?

           So perhaps:
             I can't/won't let you go!!
             I can't/won't set you free!!

     [YS]  Exactly correct.  It does come from .  I've always 
           wondered why it's , since it sounds like it's not a 
           negative phrase, and would therefore would be "bearable" 
           instead...   But I guess that's just how the language was spoken 

     [CHN] I assume this is Asuna talking about Mitaka...

     [YS]  Actually, I think that's the "hidden" meaning.  She's not the 
           type to use such a crude phrase.  I believe it's Mitaka who's 
           the one saying this, referring to Kyoko.  But it somehow ends up 
           as Asuna-san, who won't let go of Mitaka ^_^;

p196 PW320  [TM]

The first frame covers roughly the top half of the page and is split more 
or less in half vertically by the billowing curtains of the window in 
Godai's room. To the right, Godai's futon is draped over his window sill in 
order to air it out. Godai is on top of the futon leaning out the window. 
He's looking pensive as the sun shines down on him. To the right, is a 
large portrait of Kyoko whose hair seems to be blowing in the same breeze 
which has blown Godai's curtains to the side.

Kyoko: (flashback/narration)
   I'll be single until summer.         atashi NATSU  madewa hitoridesu.
                                          I    summer till   alone

     [TM]  [initial translation: I'll be alone until summer.]
           This is a flashback to PW314. I'm not quite sure of the 
           context. Perhaps she's saying that she'll be waiting for him to 
           write his exams?

     [YS]  She's saying she's staying single until summer, when Godai 
           (hopefully) passes the exam.

     [CHN] "single"?  Don't know the context.  But from the anime I vaguely
           recall her implying that she's giving GOdai X number of months
           before she decides.

SFX: (Godai daydreaming)
   `daze~~~'                            `bo~~~'

Kyoko is hanging laundry. Ichinose, smokes and watches her.

Ichinose:                                           _danna_
   How was your visit to your           do--datta, SOUICHIROsanno oHAKAMAri.
   husband's grave?                     how was it  husband's     grave visit

     [YS]  Nitpick, "oBOSANri" --> "oHAKAMAIri".

Kyoko picks up a shirt while keeping her back to Ichinose who looks a bit

   "How was it...?"                     doutte...
                                        how say

     [TM]  [initial translation: How should I say it...]

     [CHN] Isn't the  is a quotative marker?  So perhaps:
             "How was it...?"         [preferred]
             "How was it," you ask...

   Mitaka-san went too, didn't he?      MITAKAsanmo Ittandaro?
                                               also went right

     [TM]  [initial translation: Mitaka-san was there too wasn't he?]

     [CHN] The literal seems fine to me:
             Mitaka-san went too, didn't he?

Kyoko seems uncertain how to answer. She looks back over her shoulder at
Ichinose who's wide-eyed with curiosity.

     [YS]  It looks like Kyoko-san's a bit suspicious, too ^_^;;

p197  PW321  [YS]

Kyoko's hanging up laundry to dry.  Ichinose's sitting in Kyoko's room at 
the window, with a cigarette in her hand. 

SFX (laundry):
   `snap!'                              `pan'

   Was it you, Ichinose-san,            ICHInoSE-san desu ka,

   that told Mitaka-san where           MITAKA-san ni oHAKA no BASHO
   the grave is?                        OSHIeta no.

   So he went,                          Itta n da,
   after all.                           yappari.

     [BF]  Is this an idiomatic variation in the use of yappari?  My scan 
           of it gave something like
             I thought so.                  yappari

     [CHN] That doesn't scan well.  It's a whole sentence, so "So he went 
           after all." works better.

            has a lot of English equivalents.  "Just as I thought,"
           "sure enough", "...after all", to name a few.

Kyoko straightens out the shirt.

SFX (laundry):
  `???'                                 `pishi_'

     [YS]  `straighten out' looked incredibly lame for an SFX ^_^;;

     [BF]  Maybe 'stretch...'? The original looks onomatopoetic in origin, 
           and judging by her knuckles, the shirt is under some stress. ^_^.

     [CHN] Dunno about that.  If it's onomatopoetic, then isn't that the
           sound of cracking glass?

     [BF]  If you pull hard on some wet fabrics they make a kind of creaking 
           noise that could be rendered as 'pishi_' when different parts rub 
           on each other. I think cracking glass is 'kachan' (see panels 5 
           and 6 p43 VW8c3).

   Yes, we ran into him unexpectedly    e--, oHAKA no MAE de GUUZEN battari
   in front of the grave...             oAi shite...

     [YS]  [initial translation: Yes, we happened to coincidentally run 
            into him in front of the grave...]

     [CHN] How about "ran into unexpectedly" ?
             Yes, we ran into him unexpectedly in front of the grave...

   Ran into him unexpectedly, huh...    GUUZEN battari nee...

     [YS]  [initial translation: `Happened to coincidentally', huh...]

     [CHN] Ran into him unexpectedly, huh...

View pans back.  We see Godai poking his head above his window.

   So, he also met your parents.        jya--, goRYOUSHIN ni mo Atta n da.

   Well, yes.                           e--, maa.

Ichinose throws the conversation in Godai's direction.  Godai's surprised 
Ichinose knew he was there, and Kyoko looks surprised Godai was there.

   ...So she says.  What are            ...nan datte sa, do-- suru,
   you gonna do, Godai-kun?!            GODAI-kun!!

Borderless panel.  Godai has a goofy, but calm look on his face.

   Don't worry about me.                goSHINPAI naku.
   I'm just going to go at my           boka--, maipe--su de ikimasu kara.
   own pace.

Ichinose's a bit surprised at Godai's comment.

   Wow, you sure seem calm.             he--, YOYUU an da ne--.

   Hahaha, it's too late to             ha_ha_ha, IMA sara asettatte...
   be hasty now...

p198  PW322  [MWD]

Ichinose-san stares down at her hand, holding a cigarette.

   Surely,                              TASHIka ni,

   even if you hurry, by now            IMAsara asette     mo TEOKUre  ...ka.
   it's too late...huh?                 By now  in a hurry    too late

     [MWD] [initial translation: Even though you hurry, by now isn't it 
            too late?]
           I have some problems with the "hurry" part of the above 
           translation.  It is probably wrong.

     [SL]  suggestion: Even though you hurry, by now isn't it a bit too late?

     [BC]  My Y2 would be:
             Even if you hurry, isn't it    IMAsara asette     mo TEOKUre
             too late now?                  By now  in a hurry    too late

     [CHN] TASHIka ni,

           IMA sara                  asette-mo               TEOKUre   ...ka
           now-(that-it's-too-late)  even-if-are-in-a-hurry  be-too-late

           I'm sure...
           ...even if you are in a hurry, by now it's too late...huh?

Ichinose-san is sitting outside Ikkoku-kan, talking to Kyouko.  Godai 
shouts out the upstairs window.

   Godai-kun says he's given up.        GODAI-kun akirameta tte,
   What are you going to do,
   kanrinin-san?                        do-- suru KANRININ-san.

     [MWD] [initial translation: Godai says he's given up on you; what are 
            you going to do, kanrinin-san?]

     [BC]  I'm not sure that the "tte" is a direct quote to be used in 
           the way you are.  Maybe
             Kanrinin-san, what do you      GODAI-kun akirameta tte,
             think of Godai giving up?      do-- suru KANRININ-san.

     [CHN] GODAI-kun  akirameta tte,     do-- suru  KANRININ-san.
                      gave-up   (quote)  what do

             Godai-kun says he's given up.  What are you going to do, 

   Don't give it such a                 MYOU na TSUUYAKU sende
   strange interpretaion,               kudasai!!

     [BC]  Since when is "sende" == "shinai de?"  B-)

     [CHN] Because  =  ?  Just a guess.

A car pulls up in front of Ikkoku-kan.

   Ikkoku-kan                           IKKOKU-KAN

SFX:                                     ___
   `screech'                            `ki_'

Mitaka comes out of the car, with a smiling, determined look.

SFX:                                     ____
   `click'                              `cha_'

Mitaka [speech balloon over next two panels]:
   Otonashi-sa-a-an, I came by to       OTONASHI-sa--n, oMUKAe ni
   pick you up!                         agarimashita----_!

     [MWD] Translation please?  I know he is saying something about going 
           out to meet [her parents], but I am not sure how to tranlate the 
           pattern oX ni agaru. ]

     [BC]  Maybe
             Otonashi-san, I've arrived      OTONASHI-sa--n, oMUKAe ni
             to pick you up.                 agarimashita----_!

           Hm, that doesn't look so good.  B-)

     [CHN] There's no "parents" there, I'm pretty sure.

           "came by for you" ???  The honorific  is because he's using a 
           polite or humble form of the verb, I think.

             Otonashi-sa-a-an...  I came by for you-u-u!

Kyouko and Ichinose-san are in Kyouko's room; they hear Mitaka.

   Huh?                                 n?

Godai is in his room; he also hears Mitaka.

   Huh?                                 n?

p199 PW323  [TM]

Ichinose and Kyoko have come to the front entrance to greet Mitaka.
   Mitaka-san...                        MITAKA-san...

SFX: (Kyoko's slippers) 
   `pitter patter'                      `patapata'

   Hi there.                            do--mo, konnichiha.
Mitaka beams and Kyoko is also smiling brightly.

   Uh...                                ano...oMUKAette...
   You said you came for me...?                meet said

Mitaka:                                                 ______________
   Come now, today's your tennis        yadanaa, KYOUha tenisu.suku-ru desuyo.  
   class.                               It's bad today  tennis school 

     [TM]  [initial translation: How could you forget? Today's your tennis 

     [CHN] Or just:  "Come now, today's tennis school/class."  ??

In a flash Godai appears.

   `stepstepstep'                       `dotata'

     [TM]  [initial translation: `TAH-DAH']

     [CHN] rapid steps, I think.

The two rivals grimace at one another.

   Thanks for [what you did] the other  doomo, konoMAEha.
   time.                                thanks    before

   Sure.                                doomo.

     [TM]  [initial translation: Thank-you.]

     [CHN] This sounds odd.  And  has so many meanings it makes me 
           cross-eyed...  Maybe just "all right."  ???

Ichinose butts into the conversation. Mitaka looks kind of bashful about 
what she says, while Godai pouts.

   I heard you met Kanrinin-san's       KANRININsanno goRYOUSHINto Attandatte?
   parents.                                             parents    met  said

   Ye--s, we met by chance.             e--, GUUZEN battari.
                                        yes  chance came across
   (What does he mean, "by chance"?)    (na--niga GUUZEN battarida.)
                                         what     chance came across

     [TM]  i.e. Godai knows it wasn't really by chance at all.

Mitaka leans over towards Godai. His teeth sparkle. Godai's struggling to
keep his composure.

   For some reason, it seems I was      nandaka    KI ni Itte-moraechatta

   able to get them to like me.         mitaidene--.

     [TM]  [initial translation: 
            It looks like I've given     nandaka    KI ni HAItte-moraechatta
                                         something spirit enter  gave
            you something to think       mitaidene--.
            about, doesn't it?           seems                              ]

     [CHN] It's  = was-able-to-get-(them)-to-take-a-

             For grammatical nerds like me, it breaks down to
              = like, take a fancy to
              = get-(someone)-to-V
             , the potential form of 
             with a  -->  tossed in

           (ain't verb conjugations fun?  ^_^)

            = for some reason

           Here's my stab at it:
             For some reason, it seems I was able to get them to like me.

   Not at all, not at all.              soreha soreha.
                                        that's that's

     [CHN] You don't like the gloss?

p200  PW324  [YS]

Godai and Mitaka are in a stareoff ^_^.  Ichinose ushers Kyoko to her room.

   `stare'                              `ji~~~~...'

   C'mon, go get prepared.              SHITAKU shite kina yo.

   He's come all the way here to        sekkaku no oMUKAe nan dakara.
   pick you up.

   Huh...                               haa...

Close up of Godai, from Mitaka's point of view.

   Aren't you being a bit               YOmi ga AMAi n ja nai desu ka.

   Mitaka-san?                          MITAKA-san.

Godai and Mitaka continue their stareoff.

   What about the feelings of           kanjin no KANRININ-san no
   Kanrinin-san herself...              KOMOchi ha...

   Ahahahahahahahaha                    ahahahahahahahaha
   hahahahahahahahaha.                  hahahahahahahahaha.

     [YS]  I counted 'em, that should be the right number ^_^;

Both take a little step back from their previous positions.

   Have you saved up,                   KAkeOchi no RYOHI toka,

   for elopement expenses?              tamatteru wake?

     [YS]  [initial translation: Have you saved up, for eloping expenses?]
           Sentence order inverted.

     [CHN] Or maybe "elopement expenses" ?  "Elopement costs" ?

           He wouldn't have to worry about such a thing, if he were 
           marrying Yagami...  ^_^;;

   ...... ......                        ...... ......

A sweat drop appears on Godai's face.

   Why do I have to sneak around        nande koso koso KAkeOchi senya
   and elope?                           naran no desu.

     [YS]  [initial translation: Why do I have to sneakily elope?]
           Does the "sneakily" take care of the "kosokoso" well?

     [CHN] Sounds a bit odd, though.  How about:
             Why do I have to sneak around and elope?

           ?  Oh god.  Why can't he speak standard Japanese...?

   There's no way Otonashi-san's        OTONASHI-san no goRYOUSHIN ga
   parents would allow it.              YURUshite kureru wake ga nai.

Godai gets riled up.

   At that point, the parents'          OYA no KIMOchi nante kono SAI...

     [YS]  Any better way to make an incomplete phrase?

     [CHN] Can't think of any better.

Mitaka:                                                  _______
   Just as I thought, it's the          yappari KAkeOchi pata--n da.
   eloping pattern.

     [CHN] Tweak suggestion.  Stick in an "it's"?  For the ?
             Just as I thought, it's the eloping pattern.
           Elopement pattern?  Pattern for eloping?

p201  PW325  [MWD]

A vision of Kyouko dressed in rags and tatters, wandering through the cold, 
windy streets of some city with a bicycle.  Below, we see a grimly 
passionate Mitaka, and an angry Godai.

SFX: (wind)                              ________
   `whooooo'                            `byoooooo'

   `cough cough cough'                  `goho goho gefu_'

   The fiere opposition of everyone     SHUUI    no MOU    HANTAI.
   around.                              environs    fierce opposite

     [MWD] [initial translation: In greatly opposite environs.]
           Not sure about the MOU here...

     [YS]  The  is absolutely correct.  But I think this is "The 
           fierce opposition of everyone around."  (as in Kyoko's parents, 

   Ending up in a town at the           tadoritsuita   KITA  no HAte
   northern limits.                     end up in      north    the limits

                                        no MACHI.

     [MWD] [initial translation: Struggling on toward the northern limits 
            of the town.]

     [YS]   has a "strugle on" meaning, but it also has a "end 
           up in" sort of meaning.  Maybe:

              Ending up in a town at the northern limits.

           He's probably envisioning either Aomori or Hokkaidou.  Sorta like 
           having to live in Alaska (sorry if anyone is from Alaska) ^_^;

   Roaring waves of impoverished        DOTOU          no BINKON  SEIKATSU
   living.                              raging billows    poverty life

     [MWD] [initial translation: Angry waves of impoverished living.]
           DONAMI is my own construction, since neither of my dictionaries
           contains this combination.  So my meaning and reading are 
           probably both wrong for it.

     [YS]  It's .  The dictionary gives "raging billows" and "roaring 
           waves" as the definition, but it's not supposed to be taken 
           literally (although the literal meaning also really fits in this 
           particular case ^_^).  It's used often as just an adjective that 
           describes hardship or something raging.

   Poor Otonashi-san...                 kawaisou na OTONASHI-san...

   `teary-eyed'                         `jiwawawa...'

     [MWD] [initial translation: `???'       `jiyuyuyu']

     [YS]  It's .  Tears are forming in his eyes ^_^;

Godai:                                                     _______
   What is this dark image?!            nan  da sono KURAi ime--ji ha_!!
                                        what    that dark  image

     [MWD] Maybe picture instead of image?

     [YS]  Or "imagery", even.

Kyouko shows up, dressed for an informal outing.  Mitaka smiles nervously 
as Godai looks over in momentary startlement.

   What are you two talking             nan  no HANASHI desu no?
   about?                               what    talk

   Ha, ha, ha, nothing really...        ha_ ha_ ha_, iya~~.

Mitaka gestures Kyouko to proceed.

   Go ahead over to the car...          douzo oSAKI ni KURUMA he...
                                                       car    to

   Okay...                              haa...

Kyouko looks strangely at the two over her shoulder as she leaves.  Mitaka 
watches, obviously waiting to get a private dig at Godai.

p202 PW326  [TM]

Sure enough, Mitaka tosses off a parting shot over his shoulder as he 
leaves Godai behind. 

   If it's Otonashi-san's feelings      OTONASHIsan no KIMOchi  nara,
   you're concerned about,                          's feelings if-it-is  

   then, before you become              kimi ga ICHININMAEni narumadeni,
   independent,                         you (S) come-of-age  by-the-time

   I'll sort them out, you'll see.      tokihogushite miseru      sa.
                                        unravel-(and) you'll-see

     [TM]  [initial translation: As for Otonashi-san's feelings, they'll 
            have changed, by the time you're an adult.]

     [CHN] It's that last part that throws me.  I've only found one listing 
           for ...  This is my very wild stab:
             OTONASHI-san no KIMOchi   nara,
                          's feelings  if-it-is

             If it's Otonashi-san's feelings you're concerned about...

             kimi ga   ICHININ MAE ni naru             made ni,
             you  (S)  come-of-age/become-independent  by-the-time/before

             ...then, before you become independent...

             tokihogushite  miseru        sa.
             unravel-(and)  show/let-see

             ...I'll unravel them and show you.

           Even if that's right (and I doubt it), it could be worded 
           better...  ^_^;;

     [YS]   is literally "to unravel", but in this case it 
           refers to her feelings, to sort of loosen them up, so that 
           she opens up to Mitaka.

           ...And the <... miseru> isn't supposed to be literally "show 
           you".  It's more like the "..., you'll see." ending in English.  
           For example, "The Bulls will win the NBA championship, you'll 
           see"  ^_^.

           I think it looks fine, except maybe for the "unravel" that sounds 
           a bit odd (it sounds more like Mitaka's trying to find Kyoko's 
           secret ^_^), as well as the  part.

     [CHN] Well, her feelings is what I meant by "unravel them".  So it's 
           not "unravel her feelings" as in "get to the root of her 
           feelings"?  It's like "puzzle them out" or "sort out her feelings"?

             If it's Otonashi-san's feelings you're concerned about...
             ...then, before you become independent...
             ...I'll sort them out, you'll see.

   `Bye!'                               `jya'

     [TM]  [initial translation: `teary-eyed'     `jiwa']

     [MWD] Hmmm...  He doesn't look teary-eyed in that panel...  Onomatopoeia 
           is so difficult to translate...

     [CHN] You sure that isn't a  = bye!

     [YS]  It is.

Mitaka strides triumphantly towards the car, his right hand up in the 
Takahashi pose (thumb, index and pinky extended). Ichinose is in the 
passenger seat of the car, banging on the horn, while Kyoko waits quietly
beside it.

   Hurry, hurry, Mitaka-san!!           MITAKAsa--n, HAYAkuHAYAku--!!

SFX: (Ichinose)
   `plump!'                             `doka'

     [TM]  [initial translation: `whump' (for the door closing)]

     [CHN] Or a slapstick 'whump'?  I dunno.  It's just that the door is open.

     [YS]  This  is the "sound" of her making a place for herself 
           comfortably in Mitaka's car.  Often used with people (especially 
           big ones) that make themselves comfortable, to the discomfort of 
           others ^_^;

     [CHN] Oh, so it's a "plump!"  Like someone falling on a pillow.

SFX:                                     _____
   `BEEP, BEEP'                         `Pappa---'

SFX: (Mitaka)
   `slip!'                              `zuruu_'

     [TM]  [initial translation: `stride']

     [CHN] 'SLIDE!' or 'SLIP!'
           As in, he almost goes into a pratfall, I think.

     [YS]  Yup.  I guess he beging to stride towards the car, until he 
           sees Ichinose where she shouldn't be.  The "Takahashi Pose" is a 
           result of that, as well ^_^.

Mitaka grins nervously at Ichinose who's spoiling his plans for a quiet
ride alone with Kyoko. She grins right back at him.

   What?  Are you coming too,           are--_, ICHInoSEsanmo irassharun
                                        what              also  come 
   Ichinose-san?                        desuka--? 

   Why, such a glum face!               nandai, sono yanaKAO!
                                        why     such bad face

     [TM]  [initial translation: Why are you looking so glum!?]

     [CHN] Or: Why, such an unpleasant face!
               Ohh, such an unpleasant look!

Godai looks out the front door at the scene on the street. Souichirou looks
back at Godai, as does his mistress. Mitaka continues to be embarrassed by 

   (Shiiiit...that self-confident       (kusso~~ MITAKAnoYAROU JISHINarigeni...)
                                         shit           bastard self-confident
    bastard Mitaka...)

     [CHN] What is  ??  Can't find it anywhere.  Or if it's 
           something to do with , I can't break it down further.

     [YS]  It's  == "to have" +  == "feel/air/sign".
            would be close to "with a confident look/feel".  
           I think Thomas' original translation fits perfectly fine.

     [CHN] So, you take the  form of a verb, lop off the  and 
           tack on a <-ge ni>?  V-ge ni = with-the-feel-of-V'ing ?  

   (He's gonna be going overboard in    (tenisuko--tode KUCHITOkimakuru
    wooing her at the tennis court,      tennis court at mouth explain

    isn't he?)                           KIdana~~.)
                                         feeling isn't it.

     [TM]  [initial translation: (So he thinks he can explain it all to her 
            at the tennis court does he?)

     [CHN]  ===>  = totally-
           My guess would be:
             (It feels like (I get the impression that) he's really wooing 
              her at the tennis court, huh.)

             ...that he's going overboard in wooing her at the tennis court, 

     [YS]  The  refers to Mitaka's intentions.  As in:
            (He's gonna be going overboard in wooing her at the tennis 
             court, isn't he?)

SFX: (Souichirou)                        __  __  __
   `pant pant pant'                     `he_ he_ he_'

SFX: (Mitaka)
   `chuckle chuckle'                    `ha_ ha_ ha'

Close up on an angry Godai, with flames swirling around his head in the 

   (I'm not gonna let him do that.)     (so~~ha saseruka.)
                                         that   let do

     [TM]  [initial translation: (Are you going to let him do that?)]

     [YS]  The  is more of a rhetorical, as in "I'm not gonna 
           let him do that!"

   (I'll march over to the tennis       (oremo tenisuko--toni NOriKonde...)
    court, too, and...)                  I also tennis court  march-into

     [TM]  [initial translation: (I'll ride to the tennis court as well...)]

     [CHN]  = get-into-(a-car), go-on-board; arrive-at, enter, 
           and the Vte implies an "and..."  
           So maybe:
             (I'll arrive at the tennis court, too, and...)
             (I'll hop a ride to the tennis court, too, and...)

     [YS]  But in this case, it has nothing to do with him possibly going 
           in a car.  The "march into" is the closest implication.
           Nitpick, but  should be .

     [CHN] (I'll march over to the tennis court, too, and...)

Kyoko has come back to Godai lurking at the door. She looks at him 
sympathetically. He's wide-eyed with surprise.

   Godai-san.                           GODAIsan.

   Hunh?                                ha?

SFX: (Kyoko goes back to him)
   `step step step'                     `to to to'

     [TM]  [initial translation: `shuffle shuffle']

     [CHN] brisk steps?

p203  PW327  [YS]

Closeup of Kyoko looking up at Godai.

Kyoko:                                          _[kyabare--]_
   Please go straight to the            massugu  oSHIGOTO      ni Itte
   cabaret.                             kudasai ne.

     [YS]  Or "Please go straight to work"?

     [CHN] I'd say go with the furigana.  Isn't that the way we're supposed 
           to "read" the kanji?  So I always assumed that was what the 
           character was actually saying...

Godai looks back at Kyoko as if she were a psychic.

SFX (heartbeat):                         ____
   `thump'                              `doki...'

   Wh...                                he...

Godai has his hand behind his neck, and is sweating.  Kyoko continues to
read Godai's mind.

Kyoko:                                            _______ ______
   Don't be sneaking over to the        koso koso tennisu ko--to nozoki ni
   tennis court to peek.                              ____
                                        KItari shicha dame desu yo.

     [YS]  [initial translation: Don't be sneakily coming to the tennis 
            court to peek.]

     [CHN] Perhaps:
             Don't be sneaking over to the tennis court to peek.

   O... of course not,                  i_, iya da naa, KANRININ-san.

Mitaka, Kyoko, and Ichinose take off in Mitaka's car as Godai watches.

SFX:                                     ________
   `vrrrooooom'                         `vo------'

   (She saw straight through me.)       (KANZEN ni MINUitoru na~~~.)

     [YS]  [initial translation: (She saw completely through me.)]

     [CHN] Just a tweak suggestion:
             (She saw clean right through me.)
             (She saw straight through me.)

Godai puts his hand to his chin, and starts thinking.

   (...But still, it bugs me to         (...ni shite mo KI ni naru.)
    think about...)

   (What that Mitaka'll start to do.)   (MITAKA no yatsu, nani wo
                                         yari dasu ka.)

     [YS]  [initial translation: (What Mitaka'll start to do.)]

     [CHN] Very small tweak:
            (What that Mitaka'll start to do.)
           That is, something for the ?

Just then, Godai notices a hand with palm facing up in front of him...

...The hand is that of Yotsuya, who's appeared from nowhere, as always.
Godai is taken aback.

   Wh...                                na...

   I am available.                      WATASHI ha HIMA desu kara.

     [YS]  I guess literally "I am bored" or "I am free", but this sounded 
           more like Yotsuya-san...]

     [CHN] Other suggestions I'll toss up (trying to work on the "free time"
             I am unoccupied.
             I am idle.
             I am unengaged.

p204  PW328  [MWD]

Godai glares meaningfully at Yotsuya as Yotsuya fingers the 1000 yen bill 
Godai has given him.

   Please keep a close                  shikkari MIHAtte te kudasai       yo.
   watch.                               firmly   watch      give (please)

     [MWD] [initial translation: Please keep a tight watch.]

     [CHN] "close watch"?  Same thing, I guess.

   Yes, I am available.                 e~~,  HIMA       desu  kara.
                                        yes   free time  is    because

     [MWD] [initial translation: Yes, because it is my free time.]

     [CHN] I guess this should match whatever is used for the previous page.

     [MWD] That's fine.  I totally forgot about this being used in the last

We see the outside of a set of apartments.

Kyouko's Mother:
   Then, how does next                  sore de ne,    RAISHUU   no
                                        that being so  next week

   Sunday sound?                        NICHIYOUBI  dou  kashira.
                                        Sunday      how  (rhet-ques)

     [MWD] [initial translation: That being so, how does next Sunday sound?]

     [CHN] Or perhaps just "Then..." for the .  BTW, I think 
           this  is the particle , so  is like "with 
           that" or something...

     [MWD] Yes, I believe you are correct here.  "Then" fits in just as 

     [CHN] I don't know how to do the  unless it's like Valley talk...
             Then, like, how does next Sunday sound?

     [MWD] You don't.  Like it or not, some mannerisms don't translate 
           well between Japanese and English.  In these cases we have to 
           decide whether to translate or transliterate.  Of the two, I 
           would go with translation.  We don't want the characters to 
           accrue inaccurate connotations because of direct transliteration.  
           (Kyouko's mother as a valley girl?  Ugh!  :-) )

     [YS]  The  should be taken as a whole.  I don't know what 
           the grammatical structure behind it is, but it's the same as 
           , without it being Valley Girl Talk ^_^.

           So I think "Then, how..." or even "So, how..." would be fine.

   What do you mean, 'What'?            nani  tte...

     [MWD] [initial translation: What did you say?]
           Or maybe, "`What?'" if she is repeating what he said...

     [YS]  I would've translated it as "What do you mean, 'What'?" myself.

Kyouko's mother is on the phone.  It looks as if she has just stopped 
cleaning the house.

Kyouko's Mother:
   We have to greet Mitaka-san's        MITAKA-san  no  goRYOUSHIN  ni
   parents.                                              parents

                                        goaisatsu  shinakucha.

     [MWD] [initial translation: Meeting with Mitaka-san's parents.]
           suru -> shinai -> shinakute ha -> shinakucha, but what does it 
           mean here?

     [CHN] V-nakucha = V-nakute wa (ikenai) = must-V
           go-aisatsu shinakute wa ikenai = must-greet
             We have to pay greetings to Mitaka-san's parents.
             We have to pay a visit to Mitaka-san's parents.

     [MWD] Ah, thanks.  The lack of the "ikenai" threw me.  Things like 
           this really remind me how far I have to go before I will ever 
           achieve some ounce of proficiency in Japanese.

     [YS]  I think either sounds fine, although I think just "greet" would 
           sound better than "pay greetings".

Kyouko's Mother:
   ...to [say we] leave our daughter    MUSUME   wo  yoroshiku    tte...
   in their hands.                      daughter     take-care-of

     [MWD] [initial translation: ????]
           I can't figure out how yoroshii takes an object this way, and 
           I am sure whether the space should be before the tte, or if it 
           is more closely associated with the yoroshiku.

     [CHN] I've wondered that, too!  Is it just a variation of
            ?  That is, the ADJte form?

           Ah,  makes me cross-eyed anyway...  ^_^  Punt!

           Oh wait.  Maybe it *is* the quotative .  As in:
             ...to tell them our daughter is in their hands.
             ...to (say we) leave our daughter in their hands.
           Or whatever " my daughter" means here.

     [SH]  My Japanese teacher says that "yoroshiku" really means to "take 
           care of" or some similar variation.  So does Mangajin.  Therefore 
           this would mean something like
             Take good care of my daughter...

     [MWD] That makes sense, but why is she saying this to her husband?  Or 
           is she talking to her husband in this panel?  This would seem to 
           make more sense if she were talking to Mitaka.  Unfortunately, 
           unless Takahashi really screwed up the transitions, this is not 
           the case.

     [YS]  Scott's interpretation of  was correct, but not the 
           whole line.  Kyoko's mother's line here is incomplete.  It 
           should've continued as "...yoroshiku tte iwanakucha", or 
           something similar.

           So it is correct that the line, as we see it, is "Take good care 
           of my/our daughter", but that's what mom says they need to tell 
           the Mitakas, which is exactly what Michael points out.

           As for a translation, it's really hard to come up with one unless 
           we add what's implied, but missing in the Japanese...

Kyouko's mother looks incensed as she continues talking to Kyouko's father.

Kyouko's Father: [from the phone]
   Don't phone me at the office         tsumaran  YOU       de  KAISHA  ni
   with such trivial business!          boring    business      office

                                        DENWA suru na_!
                                        don't phone

Kyouko's Mother:
   What, trivial business?              nani  yo,  tsumaranai  YOU
                                        what       boring      business


Kyouko's father is sitting in his office.  He does not look very pleased 
at the moment and is shouting into the phone.

Kyouko's Father:
   I don't remember giving              ore   ha  KEKKON    wo KYOKA shita
   anyone permission to                  I        marriage     gave permission
   marry her!
                                        OBOe      ha  nai_!
                                        remember      not

Kyouko's Mother: [from the phone]
    You're still that way...            anta  ha  mada   sonna...
                                        you       still  that kind of

Kyouko's mother now looks definitely angry.

Kyouko's Mother:
   Listen!                              ii!?

     [MWD] [initial translation: All right!?]

     [CHN] Is that okay?!

     [YS]  I think this is more like the equivalent in English to "Listen!"

   Mitaka-san refused another omiai     MITAKA-san,  KYOUKO no tame  ni
   for Kyoko's sake!                                 Kyouko 's sake

                                        oMIAi  KOTOwatten  no  yo_!

     [MWD] [initial translation: Just refuse to come to Mitaka-san's omiai 
            with Kyouko!]
           This last bit probably is not what she meant, but it made more 
           sense to me than a couple of other options I came up with.  
           Also, my dictionary has KOTOWAru instead of KOTOwaru.

     [CHN] Mine says .

           Umm, I'm not sure what the comma means, either.  But I'm guessing 
           it's an "and"?  Ugh.  Here's my stab...
             To turn down an omiai that's for Kyouko and Mitaka-san's sake!

           Or maybe the order is...?
             To turn down an omiai with Mitaka-san that's for Kyouko's sake!

     [TM]  I think this is:
             Mitaka-san refused another omiai for Kyoko's sake you know!

     [YS]  This would be correct.  To answer Craig's question, I think 
           the comma was just used instead of the missing "wa/ha".  
           Sometimes in speech, it's omitted, in place of a short pause.

     [MWD] Ahh...  That sounds much better.  I wouldn't include the "you 
           know", though.

p205 PW329  [TM]

Kyoko's father looks disgusted.

Kyoko's father:
   That's his business.                 sonnano aitsuno KATTEdaro.
                                        such    guy     as he pleases

     [TM]  [initial translation: See, he's the kind of a jerk that does 
            as he pleases.]

     [YS]  Following from the previous page, I think "That's his business", 
           or something similar would be better.  He's referring to Mitaka 
           supposedly rejecting other offers for Kyoko.

Kyoko's mother has flames shooting from her head in the background; she's
pretty heated up herself.

Kyoko's mother:
   No matter what you say,              antaga douIouto,
                                        you    how say

   I intend to bring this arrangement   atashiwa kono HANASHI      matomete
                                          I      this arrangement  settle 

   to a happy conclusion.               miseruwayo.

     [TM]  [initial translation: No matter what you say, I intend to bring 
            this story to a happy conclusion.]
           i.e. she wants to arrange the marriage.

     [YS]  The  really isn't a "story".  An "omiai" is referred 
           to as an "omiai banashi".  Maybe "arrangement" instead of 

     [CHN]  means something like "come to an 
           agreement", I think?  Something like that?  Or "come to an 
           arrangement"?  And if this is the same  as before...
             I'll reach an agreement on this, (you'll see).

Kyoko's father holds the phone away from his ear as his wife's irate words
blast out of it.

     [YS]  I love how the guy coming in drops the folder ^_^.

Kyoko's mother:
   Do you understand!!!!                iiwane___!!
Kyoko's overhand comes swinging out of frame 5.
SFX: (racquet hitting ball)              __________
   `THWACK'                             `pako-----n'

Mitaka watches Kyoko hit the ball. Another couple of tennis players stand 
to the side.

   (heh, heh, heh...)                   (fu_ fu_ fu...)

     [TM]  [initial translation: (hmm hmm hmm...)      (fuffuffu...)]

     [CHN] I think this  is:
             Heh! heh! heh...

Close up of Mitaka inset into the previous frame.

   (Indeed,                             (JISSAI

   you've made me wait a long           zuiBUN MAtasare mashitayo OTONASHIsan.) 
   time, Otonashi-san.)                 so long wait made         

     [TM]  [initial translation: I have made you wait a long time 

     [YS]  This is the opposite.  "Indeed, you've made me wait a long 
           time, Otonashi-san."

p206  PW330  [YS]

Mitaka looks on with a determined face.

   (But now,)                           (shikashi mou,)

   (The walls are beginning to be       (SOTOBORI ha Umaritsutsu aru...)
    breached.)                            [*not literal -- see below*]

     [YS]  [initial translation: (???)]
           This may be footnote time.  It's literally "The outer moat is 
           beginning to be buried..."  It comes from old feudal times, 
           where the first step in conquering a castle is to bury the outer 
           moat.  There's an interesing historical story about this, but 
           since it's not MI-related, I won't mention it.

           As for a translation, I'm at a loss.  Unless we go with 
           something simple like "Things are finally coming to an end"...]

     [CHN] Well, I think such a literal meaning may not be clear, true.  
           But maybe you can use a similar "feudal" term, like:
             The walls will begin to be breached.
             The ramparts will begin to be scaled.
             The moat will begin to be spanned/forded.   (well, maybe 
                not this one...  ^_^;;)
           and not even have to use a footnote.

     [MWD] However we translate it, I think that there _should_ be a 
           footnote stating the literal meaning and why it means what it does.

Kyoko is seen hitting a ball in the foreground.  Mitaka, in the background, 
is blazing with determination, literally.  Other tennis club members look 
over at Mitaka with curiosity.

SFX:                                     _________
   `THWACK'                             `pako----n'

   `blaze'                              `gogogo...'

   (You're definitely not               (ZETTAI ni NIgasanai...)
    getting away...)

   (Definitely not...)                  (ZETTAI ni...)

Someone calls out for Mitaka, and interrups his thoughts.

Club Member:                                           _______
   Hey hey, coach!                      chotto chotto, ko--chi!

Mitaka strikes a pose to feign calmness.

   `hand to hair'                       `sa_'

Club Member:
   A new member.                        SHIN Iri-san desu tte.

   Eh...                                e...

A woman approaches Mitaka.  Her face is not shown, but only her backside.  
Other club members look on.

p207  PW331  [MWD]

Half-page shot of Asuna-san, dressed in a very modest tennis outfit,
holding a tennis racket, and looking very shy and demure.

Asuna [softly]:
   I am inexperienced, but...           fututuka       MONO    desu  ga,
                                        inexperienced  person

Asuna [softly]:
   Please take me.                      yoroshiku  oNEGAi itashimasu.
                                                   please (formal)

     [MWD] I know how "yoroshiku onegai shimasu" is used, and I have a 
           fairly good idea what it means, but I am at a loss as to how to 
           translate this ritual phrase into English.

     [BF]  To me the closest literal translation would seem to be:
             please regard me favorably.

           but that is a bit stilted in English (if clear in meaning). More 
           natural would be:

           Asuna [softly]:
             please accept me.           yoroshiku       oNEGAi itashimasu.
                                         do this favor   please (formal)

           Thinking about it, there is an ambiguity of the sentence 
           regarding whether she is talking about the tennis club or the 
           arranged marriage - something apparently not lost on Mitaka-san. 
           Ever get the impression that Asuna-san is passive-aggressive? ^_^

     [CHN] Arg...   again...
           Maybe just cheat and do it as "Pleased to meet you." ??
           Ah, punt!

     [YS]  I agree that the literal shouldn't be considered.

           I like Benjamin's suggestion of "Please regard me favorably" as
           something close to the original, but I doubt it's something a 
           person here would say when joining a club.

           I was going to suggest "Please take it easy on me", which, in 
           meaning would be somewhat close.  But that's not something a 
           person like Asuna-san would say.  It's more like a tongue-in-
           cheek sort of comment, IMHO.

           If nobody can come up with anything better, I agree that Craig's 
           simple introduction may just fit the best.

     [BC]  Well, I'll put my oar into the river.  B-)
             Please treat me nicely.
             Please be gentle with me.

     [YS]  Your oar seems to be similar to the one already put in by 
           Benjamin Franz.  ^_^

     [BC]  Ooops!  That's what I get for not reading all the comments 
           too carefully.  Sorry Benjamin!!  (Although of course I didn't 
           mean them *that* way....  ^_^;;;)

     [BC]  Okay okay, my one serious suggestion:
             Please take me.
           No, really -- it has a kind-of double meaning in this 
           situation, and I'm not even going to *hint* about the third 
           meaning I'm sure certain people are thinking about right 
           now....  B-)

     [YS]  I have *no* idea about some third meaning, but what are the 
           two double meanings?  "take me" as his student in tennis, and 
           "take me" as his bride?

     [BC]  Exactly.  I think with the other part I deleted (where she 
           says, "I'm inexperienced"), I think we actually translate a 
           double meaning Takahashi was trying to put forth in the 

   `blush'                              `po_'

     [MWD] [initial translation: `???']

     [CHN] Her blush.
           Or the sound from the "furnace" of her blush kicking in?

     [YS]  ^_^
           You have such a great way of phrasing things, Craig ^_-

Mitaka-san, smile frozen on his face, looks like he has just seen a ghost.

Mitaka-san looks in horror at Asuna-san, drops his racket, and leaps as far 
away from her as he can, in a defensive pose.

p208 PW332  [TM]

A deafening silence roars across the frame. Mitaka cowers before the 
apparition of Asuna. Ichinose and the other students are bug-eyed at 
Mitaka's reaction.

   `SILENCE'                            `sh----n'

Feigning innocence, Ichinose reveals her contribution to the membership 
drive. While Asuna fidgets, Mitaka blushes and perspiration starts running
down his cheeks.

   It seems like a great surprise.      erai ODOROkiyou janai.
                                        great surprise  not

     [TM]  [initial translation: Isn't it a great surprise?]

     [CHN] Of course, I don't know the storyline here, but does Ichinose 
           know who Asuna is at this point?  I had some idea she didn't.

           My guess is that it isn't a question, so my stab is:

             erai   ODOROki    you        ja nai.
             great  surprise   look-like

             It appears to be a great surprise.

     [YS]  Or, simply, "It seems like a great surprise".

   How...                               do_...

   `fidget fidget'                      `moji moji'

Asuna bows her head as Mitaka tries to make small talk.

   How have you been do-o-oing,          dounasattan desukaa~~, ASUNAsan.
   Asuna-san?                            how become

Kyoko looks back in surprise.

   Hunh?                                ara_.
   That person...                       ano ONNA...

     [TM]  [initial translation: That girl...]

     [YS]  I know that from the perspective from the old hag, TMW, 
           Asuna-san is very young, but I don't think "That girl" fits...  

     [CHN] Oooo, you tell 'em, Archbishop!  You da man!  Pound that pulpit!  
           Up with Ibuki-chan!  Down with Otonashi-obasan!  ^_^

     [YS]  How about going with the furigana, "That person..."  ???

     [CHN] Since the furigana is the "reading" of the kanji, I agree.

Asuna also notices Kyoko. In the background, two other students are 
whispering to each other. 

   (It's definitely the girl with the   (TASHIka  INUwo tsureta...)
    dogs...)                            certainly dog   walk with

p209  PW333  [YS]

Asuna and Kyoko bow to each other.  Mitaka is still in shock.

SFX (Asuna):
   `bow'                                `peko'

SFX (Kyoko):
   `bow'                                `peko'

Mitaka is sweating, and ominous swirls form in the background.

   The arrangement was supposed         HADAN ni natta hazu na no ni
   to be cancelled

   ...supposed to be cancelled          hazu na no ni

   ...supposed to be cancelled          hazu na no ni

   ...supposed to be cancelled          hazu na no ni

   ...supposed to be cancelled          hazu na no ni

   ...supposed to be cancelled          hazu na no ni

   ...celled ...celled ...celled        no ni no ni no ni

     [YS]  Any better suggestion for doing this? ^_^;

     [CHN] Umm.  Stand in an echo chamber, Yutaka!  ^_^
           It looks good.

     [BC]  Well, considering that the "to be cancelled" part is implied,
           how about putting that in brackets?  Something like,
             ...supposed [to be cancelled]  hazu na no ni

     [CHN] "Implied"?  Umm, isn't it coming from the  =
           "become broken off" = "become cancelled"?
           I think it's fine without brackets, actually.

     [BC]  Yes, but "cancelled" is not explicitly a part of "hazu na no ni,"
           which is why I suggested putting it in brackets....

     [CHN] OK, now I see what you're aiming for, but still, there's nothing
           "implied" about it.  The meaning is there.  (To put it in brackets
           is to say that it wasn't said at all--but was *going* to be said.  
           At least, that's how I view brackets in a translation.)

     [BC]  Ah, this is where our divergence lies.  I view brackets as 
           something that wasn't said in the Japanese, but allows the 
           translation to make more sense if it's in there.  This is 
           slightly different from something which was expected to have 
           been said, although that is included in my definition 
           implicitly.  Another example might be,

             o-yobi ni narimashita ka?
             Did [you] call [me]?

           I suppose you could make a case that someone *might* say,

             otaku ha, watakushi ni o-yobi ni narimashita ka?

           or some such humble equivalent, although I think this would 
           sound a little strange.

     [CHN] As for bracketing because the ending part of the English line 
           doesn't map precisely to the ending part of the Japanese line...  
           Well, I think you could go seriously cross-eyed if you tried 
           breaking down the English in the same word order as the Japanese.  
           Even once in a while.  As you know, the languages just don't work 
           the same way.

     [BC]  I understand, but I've always treated these translations as a 
           learning opportunity for beginners like me.  It's bad enough 
           that there isn't even always a vague 1-to-1 mapping of the 
           languages, but at least in this case, there's a chance to make 
           it clear that there's no word in "hazu na no ni" that translates 
           to "cancel."  (Of course, with the "H" translation method, one 
           needn't worry about this kind of confusion.  B-)

     [CHN] In my opinion, the best way to do this is to translate the whole
           sentence into English, then echo the ending part of the English
           line.  Which, of course, is what Sasagawa-sempai did.  If there 
           were something to be gained by pointing out that the echo is 
           "should have been, but..." etc, then maybe we should do 
           bracketing, but I don't think there's any significance there. 
           I see it as just the whole line bonging around in his head.

     [BC]  Okay, I'll go on record as saying I think the whole thing 
           *wouldn't* be bonging around in his head.  If nothing else, you 
           could give it a literal translation, "has to/must have been...."  
           It makes sense, doesn't need brackets, and would be the kind of 
           sentence fragment that would resound in his head as his world 
           crumbles around him temporarily.  B-)

Mitaka takes Asuna to the side for a word.  The other tennis club members 
look on and speculate.

SFX (club members):
   `whisper whisper'                    `hiso hiso'
   `mumble mumble'                      `koso koso'

     [YS]  `koso koso' is actually more like `sneakily sneakily'...

     [CHN] 'secretly secretly' ??

   Um,                                  ano,

   Asuna-san.                           ASUNA-san.

   One moment...                        chotto...

     [YS]  [initial translation: Could I have a moment...]
           Is there a way to shorten this while keeping the meaning?

     [CHN] Maybe:
             One moment...
             Could I...

   Yes.                                 hai.

Mitaka looks down at Asuna.

   That time, I thought you'd           ano TOKI TASHIka wakatte kudasatta no
   understood...                        de ha...

   Yes.                                 hai.

Asuna looks down, brings her hand to her face, and blushes.

SFX (Asuna):
   `blush'                              `po_'

   You told me that,                    KIRAi de ha nai... to,

   You didn't hate me...                Itte kudasai mashita.
     [YS]  Sentence inverted.

As Asuna continues, Mitaka shivers, making the "Takahashi pose" with his
hands.  Other tennis club members look on.

   That time, if you had told           ano TOKI "KIRAi da" to Iwarete itara,
   me "I hate you",

   I would have died.                   WATAKUSHI ha SHInde imashita.

     [YS]  Does someone that's seen the anime know if Asuna refers to herself 
           as "watashi" or "watakushi"?  I guessed on the latter.

     [KSL] Since no else addressed this....  She does refer to herself as
           "watakushi" in the anime.  

SFX (Mitaka):
   `SSHHIIVVEERR'                       `zowawa~~~'

SFX (other club members):
   `hey, I can't hear'                  `chotto, kikoenai wa yo'

   `whisper whisper whisper'            `hiso hiso hiso'

p210  PW334  [MWD]

Ichinose-san pounds her fist into her hand.

   Ah,                                  a_,

   I remember.                          OMOiDAshita.

   Now that I recognize her...          MIOBOe        aru     to OMOttara,
                                        rememberance  exists  think (cond)

     [MWD] [no initial translation]

     [CNH] Stabbing away...
             MIOBOe aru                to OMOttara,
             remember/(can)-recognize  when-think-that

             Now that I recognize her...

   ...she's the girl in the omiai      MIAi  SHASHIN da.
   picture.                                   photo

     [MWD] [no initial translation]

     [CHN] MIAi SHASHIN   da.
           omiai-picture  is

           ...she's the girl in the omiai picture.

     [MWD] Oops, thanks.  I threw this one off pretty quickly and didn't 
           realize that I hadn't finished translating it.  :-<

Ichinose-san speaks to Kyouko, as the other members of the tennis club
watch the unfolding drama.

Ichinose-san:                                   _______
   Hey, it's coach's omiai              hora_,  ko--chi  no  MIAi no
   partner.                                     coach
                                        AITE     da  yo.
                                        partner  is
   eh?                                  e...

   `stir'                               `doyo_'

Kyouko looks over at Asuna and Mitaka.  Mitaka is facing Asuna and has his 
back to Kyouko.  He is sweating profusely.  Asuna notices Kyouko over 
Mitaka's shoulder.

   ......                               ......
   ......                               ......

   ......                               ......
   ......                               ......

Asuna-san, panel right, looking left.  (Panel borders are dotted.)

   `smile'                              `niko'

Kyouko, panel left, looking right.  (Panel borders are dotted.)

   ......                               ......
   ......                               ......

   `smile'                              `niko'

Near the fence, several of the tennis club members are whispering to each 
other.  In the middle we see one of the members talking to Yotsuya-san, who 
is behind the fence, looking as if he were watching a movie or a drama, 
eating something. 

     [CHN] senbei?

   `whisper whisper'                    `hiso hiso'

   And how will this turn out...?       dou  naru    n  deshou  nee.
                                        how  become      

     [MWD] [initial translation: And what will become of this?]

     [CHN] Maybe:
             How will this turn out...?

     [MWD] I like your translation much better than mine.  However, it 
           is my opinion that if you put an "and" in front, it contains 
           more of the "n deshou"-ness.

   `crunch crunch crunch'               `pari pari pari' 

Club Member:
   Looks interesting, huh.              omoshirosou        nee.
                                        looks interesting

     [MWD] [initial translation: It looks to be interesting.]

     [CHN] My offering...
             Looks interesting, huh.


    Source: geocities.com/SunsetStrip/1914

               ( geocities.com/SunsetStrip)