Retinyl's Concert Reviews


When: Oct. 21, 1998.

Where: The Opera House, Toronto, Ontario

Type of Music: Pop/Punk

Review: This was the second time I have seen All live and once again they did an amazing show! The sound quality wasn't as good as it could have been though, which was a bit disappointing, but other than that it was a great show!




When: Oct. 21, 1998.

Where: The Opera House, Toronto, Ontario

Type of Music: Punk with some ska

Review: Snuff was a very entertaining band to watch live. They played their own songs excellently as well as adding in a few songs such as a Spice Girl song and a techno song, both punk style. I'd recommend going to see Snuff live to anybody who has a chance to! However, it'll probably be tough, especially if you live around Toronto, since this was their first time to play here in about 10 years and they probably won't play here again!

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