Karen's UnOfficial Backstreet Boys Fan Listing

Here's the place to find a list of some of the Backstreet Boys fans around the world! You can write to some of them. 營f you're a BsB fan and you're not on this list, but would like to be, go here and fill out the form. I'll try to add you as soon as possible.

I have lost all data of everyones entries and the form has been updated! So, if you're listed under your year of birth, then you'll have to fill out the form again! Thank you!
There are currently 144 listings
Because this website is no longer being updated, only the Fans by Year will be updated.

* Canada * USA * Asia * Europe * Africa * Australia *

* 1964 * 1977 * 1978 * 1979 * 1980 * 1982 * 1983 * 1984 * 1985 * 1986 * 1987 *

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