Lady Lotus

The Lovely but Lethal

Lady Lotus

Lady Lotus' real name is unknown. She was born in Japan with psychic abilities, and she meditated every day to strengthen her powers. As she grew older, she supplemented her meditation with the sacred lotus flower and learned some magic incantations. When she turned twenty-one, she became one with Buddha (or at least she believed this).

Eventually, she moved to the United States. Following the Japanese attaack on Pearl Harbor, the U.S. began holding Japanese-Americans in detention centers to determine their loyalties. Disgusted by this, Lady Lotus took refuge in New York's Chinatown. She opened a curio shop and cast a subtle hypnotic suggestion over those who entered, making them perceive her as being Chinese. Angered at the United States, Lady Lotus decided to destroy the country from within. Using her psychic powers, she enslaved the Atlantean Nazi U-Man and made him aid her in kidnapping the Japanese-American Kid Commando Golden Girl. Lady Lotus wanted the Japanese born Golden Girl, whose real name was Gwenny-Lou Sabuki, to join her in her conquest of America. When Golden Girl refused, Lady Lotus attempted to hypnotize Gwenny-Lou into joining her. However, Golden Girl used her sunburst abilities to escape. She found the Invaders and Kid Commandos and set them on the trail of Lady Lotus and U-Man.

But by this time, Lady Lotus and U-Man had already fled to a new hideout and she contacted the Nazi vampire Baron Blood. Although he resisted her, Lady Lotus offered him a coffin full of his native soil to rest in, a new costume, and protection during the day (when he had to rest). Blood agreed to join her, and Lady Lotus then set about contacting the final two pawns in her plan--Master Man and Warrior Woman! They also refused her, but she used her psychic powers to force them to join her 'Super-Axis.' Shortly after sending her Nazi superteam to destroy the Invaders, one of the Invaders actually wandered into her shop. Lady Lotus used her hypnotice powers to enslave the Human Torch, and she made him believe that Captain America had stolen Spitfire away from him. Although this wasn't true, it enraged the entranced Torch and made him want to destroy the Invaders. So, during their battle with the Super-Axis, they were surprised by an attack from the Human Torch. Eventually, the Sub-Mariner was aable to douse the Torch in water. This shocked him back to his senses, and he joined in the fight against the Super-Axis. The Invaders were able to defeat the Super-Axis, and Lady Lotus went into hiding after her defeat.

Shortly after her disgrace, Lady Lotus was confronted by the Yellow Claw. He chastised her for her ill-conceived plan, and warned her that, though it may take him ten years of planning, he would be the one to destroy the United States (but of course that never happened, despite the Claw's best efforts). What ultimately became of Lady Lotus after this is unknown.

First Appearance: INVADERS #37 (1978)

Other Appearances: INVADERS #38-41 (1978-79)

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